How to Find Reference Errors in Excel – 3 Methods


What is Reference (#REF!) Error in Excel?

The reference (#REF!) error is usually displayed when a cell referred to in the Excel formula is not valid.

The dataset showcases sales data. The total sales was calculated using a formula. Here, the summation formula used C5 and D5 as reference.

What is #REF! Error in Excel?

If column C is deleted,  #REF! errors will be displayed.


Method 1 – Using the ‘Go To Special’ Option to Find Reference (#REF!) Errors


  • Select the entire worksheet that contains reference (#REF!) errors.

Use ‘Go To Special’ Option to Find Reference (#REF!) Errors

  • Press Ctrl + G to open the ‘Go To’ dialog box.
  • Click Special.

Use ‘Go To Special’ Option to Find Reference (#REF!) Errors

  • In the ‘Go To Special’ dialog box, select Formulas.
  • Check Errors.
  • Click OK.

Use ‘Go To Special’ Option to Find Reference (#REF!) Errors

  • All cells containing #REF! errors will be displayed.

Use ‘Go To Special’ Option to Find Reference (#REF!) Errors


  •  You can also open the Go To Special dialog box by following the path: Home > Editing group > Find & Select > Go To Special.

Read More: How to Remove Error in Excel

Method 2 – Using the Excel Find Option to Search Reference (#REF!) Errors


  • Select the entire worksheet.
  • Press Ctrl + F to open the Find and Replace dialog box.
  • Enter #REF! in Find what and click Find All.

Excel Find Option to Search Reference (#REF!) Errors

  • You will see a list indicating cells with #REF! errors.
  • Click Close.

Method 3 – Using Excel VBA to Find Reference (#REF!) Errors


  • Go to the worksheet where you want to locate the reference error, right-click the sheet name, and press View Code to display the VBA window.

Excel VBA to Find Reference (#REF!) Errors

  • Enter the code in the Module.
  • Run the code by pressing F5.
Sub Get_REF()

Dim a As Range
For Each a In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
    If a.HasFormula = True And InStr(1, a.Formula, "#REF!", 1) > 1 Then MsgBox a.Address
Next a

End Sub

Excel VBA to Find Reference (#REF!) Errors

  • A message box will display the cell reference that has the #REF! errors.
  • Click OK until you get the last cell reference.

VLOOKUP Reference (#REF!) Errors in Excel

You can get reference errors applying the VLOOKUP function in Excel.

For example, the formula below returns #REF! because the column index number is entered as 4. The lookup table has 3 columns only.

VLOOKUP Reference (#REF!) Errors

Enter 2, instead of 4, to fix the error.

Other Possible Reasons for Excel Reference (#REF!) Errors

  • Macro Issues: When the cell above the function is in row 1, #REF errors may be displayed. Edit the macro.
  • Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Issues: When an OLE link returns  #REF errors, run the program that the link is referencing.
  • Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) Issues: While using DDE reference the right topic. If an error occurs, in Excel Trust Center Settings, review the external content settings.

Prevent Reference (#REF!) Errors in Excel

  • Modify your formula so that the deletion of columns/ row/ sheets won’t affect it. Use a range of formulas to calculate the summation ‘=SUM(C5:D5)’ instead of a simple summation formula (=C5+D5).
  • You may need to copy formulas to other locations. Avoid using relative references. Instead, use absolute references in formulas.


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Hosne Ara
Hosne Ara

Hosne Ara is a materials and metallurgical engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. To her, programming is like a time-saving superhero for dealing with data, files, and the internet. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. With a B. Sc. in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, she's shifted gears and now works as a content developer. In this role, she... Read Full Bio

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