Excel VBA to Vlookup Values for Multiple Matches: 2 Methods

Method 1 – Excel VBA Code to Vlookup Values for Multiple Matches

1.1. Return Multiple Values for Matches in One cell with Separators in Between with VBA

We attached a demonstrative video here for your better understanding.


  • Go to the Developer tab and click Visual Basic to open the editor window.
  • Press ALT+F11 from your keyboard to open Visual Basic.
  • Click Insert and select the Module option to open a new module.
  • Insert the following code in the code editor and press F5 to run the entire code.

VBA code to Return Multiple Values for Matches in One cell with Separators

Sub SearchItemsByRep()
    Dim search_rep As String
    Dim search_range As Range
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim result As String
    'Prompt user to enter search rep name
    search_rep = InputBox("Enter Representative Name to search for:")
    If search_rep = "" Then Exit Sub 'Exit sub if user cancels or enters nothing
    Range("B17").Value = search_rep
    'Specify search range
    Set search_range = Range("B4:C14") 'replace with your own range
    'Loop through each cell in range and concatenate results
    For Each cell In search_range.Cells
        If cell.Value = search_rep Then
            result = result & cell.Offset(0, 1).Value & ", "
        End If
    Next cell
    'Remove trailing comma and space
    result = Left(result, Len(result) - 2)
    'Output results to cell C17
    Range("C17").Value = result
End Sub

Code Breakdown

Sub SearchItemsByRep()
  •  This line starts the subroutine named “SearchItemsByRep“.
Dim search_rep As String

            Dim search_range As Range
            Dim cell As Range
            Dim result As String
  • These lines declare four variables: search_rep as a string to hold the representative name being searched for, search_range as a range object to hold the range of cells to search, cell as a range object to represent the current cell in the search range and result as a string to hold the concatenated search result.
search_rep = InputBox("Enter Representative Name to search for:")
  • This line prompts the user to enter the search rep name to search for using the InputBox function and assigns the entered value to the search_rep variable.
If search_rep = "" Then Exit Sub 
  • This line checks whether the user entered a representative name or canceled the input box. If you enter an empty value or cancel the input box, the subroutine is exited using the Exit Sub statement.
Set search_range = Range("B4:C14")
  • In this part of the code, you specify the search range, which is B4:C14. You can replace it with your range.
For Each cell In search_range.Cells
        If cell.Value = search_rep Then
            result = result & cell.Offset(0, 1).Value & ", "
        End If
    Next cell
  • Use a For Each loop to iterate through each cell in the search_range variable. If the current cell value matches the search_rep variable, the item value in the current cell is concatenated.
result = Left(result, Len(result) - 2) 

This removes trailing commas and spaces.

Range("C17").Value = result

This shows the output results to cell C17.

final output image of VBA code to Return Multiple Values for Matches in One cell with Separators

1.2. Return Multiple Values for Matches in Separate Cells Vertically with VBA

This is a demonstrative video of the whole approach for your better understanding:



  • Insert a new module by clicking Insert and then Module.
  • A new module named Module 2 will be created.
  • Insert the following code in that new module and press F5 from your keyboard to run the entire code.

VBA code to Return Multiple Values for Matches in Separate Cells Vertically with VBA

Sub SearchItemsByRep()
    Dim search_rep As String
    Dim search_range As Range
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim result As String
    Dim output_cell As Range
    'Prompt user to enter search rep name
    search_rep = InputBox("Enter Resentative Name to search for:")
    If search_rep = "" Then Exit Sub 'Exit sub if user cancels or enters nothing
    'Specify search range
    Set search_range = Range("B4:C14") 'replace with your own range
    'Initialize output cell to show output
    Set output_cell = Range("G5")
    'Loop through each cell in range and concatenate results
    For Each cell In search_range.Cells
        If cell.Value = search_rep Then
            output_cell.Value = cell.Offset(0, 1).Value
            Set output_cell = output_cell.Offset(1, 0)
        End If
    Next cell
End Sub

Code Breakdown

Sub SearchItemsByRep()
  • This line starts the subroutine named “SearchItemsByRep“.
Dim search_rep As String
Dim search_range As Range
Dim cell As Range
 Dim result As String
 Dim output_cell As Range

These lines declare five variables: search_rep, search_range, cell, result, output_cell  

search_rep = InputBox("Enter Representative Name to search for:")
  • This line prompts the user to enter the search rep name to search for using the InputBox function and assigns the entered value to the search_rep variable.
If search_rep = "" Then Exit Sub

Exit sub if the user cancels or enters nothing

Set search_range = Range("B4:C14")

Specify the search range.

Set output_cell = Range("G5")

Initialize the cell to show output.

For Each cell In search_range.Cells
                   If cell.Value = search_rep Then
                        output_cell.Value = cell.Offset(0, 1).Value
            Set output_cell = output_cell.Offset(1, 0)
        End If
    Next cell

Use a For Each loop to iterate through each cell in the search_range variable. If the current cell value matches the search_rep variable, the item value in the current cell is concatenated.

final output image of VBA code to Return Multiple Values for Matches in Separate Cells Vertically with VBA

1.3. Return Multiple Values for Matches in Separate Cells Horizontally with VBA

This is a demonstrative video of the whole approach for your better understanding:



  • Insert another new module by clicking Insert and then Module.
  • A new module named Module 3 will be created.
  • Insert the following code in that new module and press F5 to run the entire code.

VBA code to Return Multiple Values for Matches in Separate Cells horizontally with VBA

Sub SearchItemsByRep()
    Dim search_rep As String
    Dim search_range As Range
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim result As String
    Dim output_cell As Range
    'Prompt user to enter search rep name
    search_rep = InputBox("Enter representative name to search for:")
    If search_rep = "" Then Exit Sub 'Exit sub if user cancels or enters nothing
    'Specify search range
    Set search_range = Range("B4:C14") 'replace with your own range
    'Initialize output cell to show output
    Set output_cell = Range("C17")
    'Loop through each cell in range and concatenate results
    For Each cell In search_range.Cells
        If cell.Value = search_rep Then
            output_cell.Value = cell.Offset(0, 1).Value
            Set output_cell = output_cell.Offset(0, 1)
        End If
    Next cell    
End Sub

final output image of VBA code to Return Multiple Values for Matches in Separate Cells horizontally with VBA

Method 2 – Excel VBA to Create a User-Defined Function to Vlookup for Multiple Matches

2.1. User-Defined Function to Vlookup for Multiple Values From Dataset

This is a demonstrative video of this approach for your better understanding:

Create a VBA function (similar to the VLOOKUP function) that checks each cell in a column and adds the lookup value if found. We attached the VBA code below.

VBA code image to vlookup multiple values from the dataset using user defined function

Insert the following code in a new module and press F5 to run the entire code.

Public Function Vlookup_Multimatch(ByVal Lookup_Value As String, ByVal Cell_Range As Range, ByVal Column_Index As Integer) As Variant
'Declare a variable to hold the current cell in the loop
Dim cell As Range
'Declare a string variable to hold the matching values
Dim Result_String As String
'Define the error handling routine
On Error GoTo Error
'Loop through each cell in the specified range
   For Each cell In Cell_Range
        'Check if the current cell matches the lookup value
        If cell.Value = Lookup_Value Then     
            'Check if the value in the specified column is not empty
            If cell.Offset(0, Column_Index - 1).Value <> "" Then   
                'Check if the value is not already in the result string
                If Not Result_String Like "*" & cell.Offset(0, Column_Index - 1).Value & "*" Then           
                    'Add the value to the result string
                    Result_String = Result_String & ", " & cell.Offset(0, Column_Index - 1).Value          
                End If    
            End If
        End If 
    Next cell
    'Trim leading spaces and return the result string
     Vlookup_Multimatch = LTrim(Right(Result_String, Len(Result_String) - 1))
 'Exit the function
  Exit Function
'Define the error handling routine
 'Return an empty string if an error occurs
    Vlookup_Multimatch = ""
End Function

Code Breakdown

Public Function Vlookup_Multimatch(ByVal Lookup_Value As String, ByVal Cell_Range As Range, ByVal Column_Index As Integer) As Variant

This function takes a lookup value, a range of cells, and a column index and returns a concatenated string of all matching values in the specified column.

Dim cell As Range 

Declare a variable to hold the current cell in the loop.

Dim Result_String As String 

Declare a string variable to hold the matching values.

On Error GoTo Error 

Define the error handling routine.

We used a nested For Each loop here. The function uses a loop to iterate through each cell in the specified range. If the cell’s value matches the lookup value, it checks if the corresponding cell in the selected column is not empty. If it is not empty and the cell’s value is not already included in the result string, it adds its value to the result string.

The function returns the result string as a variant data type. If there are no matches, the function returns an empty string.


Remember that this function can only handle exact matches between the lookup and cell values in the specified range. If you need to perform a partial or fuzzy game, you must modify the function or use a different method.

This function takes 3 arguments like the VLOOKUP function: Lookup value, LookupRange, and ColumnNumber.

Here is the final output image.

final image of VBA code image to vlookup multiple values from the dataset using user defined function

2.2. Creating VBA User-Defined Function to Get Multiple Lookup Values in a Single Cell (Without Repetition)


In cell C14, we have inserted the Item “Pencil” instead of “Sharpener” so you can understand the scenario clearly.

Here is a demonstrative video of this approach for your better understanding:

We attached the VBA code below. Follow this to get the result.

VBA code image to vlookup multiple values without repetition

Insert the following code in a new module and press F5 from your keyboard to run the entire code.

Public Function Vlookup_Multimatch_NoRept(Lookup_Value As String, Lookup_Range As Range, Column_Number As Integer)
'Declare variable i as a long data type
Dim i As Long
'Declare variable result as a string data type
Dim result As String
'Loop through each cell in column 1 of Lookup_Range
For i = 1 To Lookup_Range.Columns(1).Cells.Count
'If the current cell in column 1 of Lookup_Range matches Lookup_Value
  If Lookup_Range.Cells(i, 1) = Lookup_Value Then
   'Loop through each cell in column 1 of Lookup_Range before the current cell
    For j = 1 To i - 1
    'If a previous cell in column 1 of Lookup_Range matches Lookup_Value
    If Lookup_Range.Cells(j, 1) = Lookup_Value Then
      'If the value in column Column_Number for the previous cell matches the value in column Column_Number for the current cell
      If Lookup_Range.Cells(j, Column_Number) = Lookup_Range.Cells(i, Column_Number) Then
       GoTo Error 'Go to the Error label and skip the next line of code
      End If
    End If
    Next j
 'Add the value in column Column_Number for the current cell to the result string with a comma separator
    result = result & " " & Lookup_Range.Cells(i, Column_Number) & ","
  End If
Next i
'Return the result string with the last comma removed
Vlookup_Multimatch_NoRept = Left(result, Len(result) - 1)
End Function

Code Breakdown

Public Function Vlookup_Multimatch_NoRept(Lookup_Value As String, Lookup_Range As Range, Column_Number As Integer)

This function takes three arguments: Lookup_Value, Lookup_Range, and Column_Number. Lookup_Value is the value you want to search for, Lookup_Range, Lookup_Range is the range of cells you want to search, Lookup_Value, and Column_Number is the column number within Lookup_Range to return a value.

Dim i As Long 

Declare variable i as a long data type.

Dim result As String 

Declare variable result as a string data type.

For i = 1 To Lookup_Range.Columns(1).Cells.Count 

Loop through each cell in column 1 of Lookup_Range.

If Lookup_Range.Cells(i, 1) = Lookup_Value Then 

If the current cell in column 1 of Lookup_Range matches Lookup_Value

For j = 1 To i - 1 

Loop through each cell in column 1 of Lookup_Range before the current cell.

If Lookup_Range.Cells(j, 1) = Lookup_Value Then 

If a previous cell in column 1 of Lookup_Range matches Lookup_Value.

If Lookup_Range.Cells(j, Column_Number) = Lookup_Range.Cells(i, Column_Number) Then

If the value in column Column_Number for the previous cell matches the value in column Column_Number for the current cell.

GoTo Error 

It goes to the Error label and skips the following line of code.

Next j

Moves to the next cell in column 1 of Lookup_Range.

result = result & " " & Lookup_Range.Cells(i, Column_Number) & "," 

Adds the value in column Column_Number for the current cell to the result string with a comma separator


This is defined Error label.

Next i

Moves to the next cell in column 1 of Lookup_Range

Vlookup_Multimatch_NoRept = Left(result, Len(result) - 1) 

Returns the result string with the last comma removed.

This is the final output image of the whole approach. final image of VBA code to vlookup multiple values without repetition using user defined function

How to Vlookup for Multiple Matches with Formula in Excel

Find matched values from the dataset without VBA by applying the Excel built-in VLOOKUP function. The VLOOKUP function is one of the most commonly used functions in Microsoft Excel.

Vlookup for Multiple Matches with Formula in Excel

Use only be using the FILTER function. Find the Items associated with the representative name Thompson.

Enter the Rep Name in cell F5 for whom you want to find the Items. Enter the following formula in cell G5 and press the ENTER key.


Formula Breakdown

  • $C$5:$C$14 (Item) is the lookup_array. Look for the items. You can use your one as well.
  • $B$5:$B$14 (Rep Name) is the matching_array. To determine the associated Items, you want to match the selected value(Thompson) with this Matching_array. You can use your one accordingly.
  • $F$5(Rep Name) is the matching_value. Match the value with matching_array.

We have the Items Binder and Stapler, correlated to our selected Rep Name Thompson. You can also easily find matched values without using VBA code.

How to Use VLOOKUP Function with Multiple Criteria in Excel

Use the VLOOKUP function to find values with multiple criteria in a table to extract their corresponding information. Demonstrate the steps to Vlookup values with various criteria using the VLOOKUP function.

 VLOOKUP with Multiple Criteria in Excel

Use the IF function here to define the lookup array for the VLOOKUP function. Follow these steps to complete the process.

Enter Rep Name and Item in cells F5 and G5. Find the Units based on these two criteria. Enter the following formula in cell H5 and press ENTER.

=VLOOKUP(F5, IF(C5:C14=G5, B5:D14, “”), 3, FALSE)

Unit “83” is based on the criteria Rep Name “Thompson” and Item “Stapler”. You can combine the IF function with the VLOOKUP function to find matched values based on multiple criteria.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. The Developer Tab Is Not Visible. What to Do?

If you can’t find the Developer tab in your Excel, follow the above note part of “How to Launch VBA Editor in Excel”.

2. Can I Use a Macro for VLOOKUP?

Make your work faster by using macros. Macros are great to increase your productivity or gain more time at work. Any process can be automated using the VBA coding language.

Here is an example of using a macro to perform a specific task.

final output image of VBA code to Return Multiple Values for Matches in One cell with Separators

Use macros in your work and enjoy using VBA macros. They will simplify your work and speed up the process.

3. What is a Substitute for VLOOKUP in Excel?

Use Excel INDEX and MATCH functions to Vlookup matched values as a substitute for VLOOKUP. You can read the article mentioned in ExcelDemy.

4. Can We Have Multiple Conditions in VLOOKUP?

Use the VLOOKUP function when applying multiple conditions to your dataset. The attached article will help you better and clearer understand how to use VLOOKUP in multiple conditions.

Key Takeaways from the Article

  • We showed how to launch the VBA editor in Excel
  • Chosen real-life dataset for better understanding.
  • Focused on how to Vlookup multiple matched values with VBA code in Excel.
  • Explained how to create a user-defined function for Vlookup values.
  • Explained different approaches with VBA code.
  • Provide solutions to readers’ frequently asked questions.
  • Overall focused on using VBA code to Vlookup values from a dataset.

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Further Readings

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Nujat Tasnim
Nujat Tasnim

Nujat Tasnim, BSc in Computer Science and Engineering from American International University-Bangladesh, has a year-long tenure with ExcelDemy. Initially a Content Developer at SOFTEKO, she transitioned to the Software Team as Junior Software Quality Assurance Engineer. Currently serving as a Junior SQA Engineer at SOFTEKO, she excels in SDLC, STLC, and requirement analysis and possesses profound insights into OOP-related software development processes. Nujat is also proficient in design software like Photoshop and Illustrator, contributing diverse skills to her... Read Full Bio

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