Excel VBA Vlookup

How to Use Excel VBA VLookup Within Loop

Have you ever spent hours manually matching data across multiple sheets or tables in Excel? The tedious and time-consuming task can leave you feeling ...

Excel VBA: Working with If, IsError, and VLookup Together

One of the most common tasks in Excel is performing lookups to retrieve data from a table or database. However, lookup operations can sometimes ...

Excel VBA to Vlookup in Another Workbook Without Opening

Using the VLOOKUP function in Excel is an excellent way to extract specific data from a dataset. Interestingly, the dataset can be from another ...

Excel VBA Vlookup with Multiple Criteria (3 Examples)

The VLookup function is typically used to find a value in the table's leftmost column and will return a value from the specified column in the same ...

How to Use Excel VBA VLookup with Named Range (5 Examples)

Microsoft Excel is one of the most widely used spreadsheet software in the world. Excel allows us to write codes and create macros to automate our ...

Excel VBA to Vlookup Values for Multiple Matches (2 Ways)

Microsoft Excel allows us to estimate different types of data and carry out monetary, mathematical, and statistical computations. When it comes to ...

Use Excel VBA VLOOKUP to Find Values in Another Worksheet

Circumstances may arise when you need to use certain VBA codes that execute the operation from different worksheets, like you may need to use VBA ...

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