Excel VBA: For Loop Skip to Next Iteration

In Excel VBA we often have to use the For Loop. This loop is particularly very helpful for long iterations. We can also use this loop to skip to the next iteration. This article will show some methods to how you can use the For Loop and skip to the next iteration with Excel VBA.

For Loop Overview

For Loop is used for carrying out a specified number of iterations within a given condition.

It starts with a For statement and ends with Next statement. Let’s see an example of For Loop.

Sub For_Loop()
For i = 1 To 20 Step 2
Debug.Print i
Next i
End Sub

This is a very simple For Loop. The code prints the value of i as 1,3,5,7 etc. The output is given below.

1.Showing For Loop Output.


Excel VBA: For Loop Skip to Next Iterations: 2 Ways

Generally, Loops in Excel VBA are continuous instructions. But, for practical purposes, we may have to skip the loop and go to the next iteration. In this article, we will show you how you can skip to the next iterations in the for loop with the Step and GoTo statements in Excel VBA.

1. Skip to Next Iteration in For-Next Loop with Step Statement

To skip to the next iteration, we can use the For-Next loop with the Step statement.

The Step statement skips the iteration number in a specified number.

We have taken this dataset of different St. IDs and their marks in different subjects.

In this procedure, we will show you how we can highlight alternate rows using the simple For Loop with the Step statement.

2- Dataset to skip to next iteration with For loop in Excel VBA.

First, you have to select a specific date range. We have selected B5:E16.

Insert this Code in a new Module and Click on the Run button.

3.VBA Code for skipping to next with For Next loop.

Sub Skip_to_next_with_step()
For i = 2 To Selection.Rows.Count Step 2
Selection.Rows(i).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
Next i
End Sub

VBA Code Breakdown

For i = 2 To Selection.Rows.Count Step 2
  • This line initiates a For loop. Selection.Rows.Count gives the number of Rows in the selected range. The Step 2 section sets the value of i as 2,4,6…..etc.
Selection.Rows(i).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
Next i
  • This section of the code sets the interior color of the rows(i) and moves to the next value of i. So, with this code, you can highlight alternate rows in a selected range.

Running the code, your data table will look like this where all the alternative rows will be highlighted.

4.Showing alternate colored rows.

2. Skip Through GoTo Statement

The GoTo statement allows the program to jump to a specific line of the code indicated by a specific label. This statement can be used to exit the loop and also for error handling.

We are using the same dataset as previously shown. This time, we will use the GoTo statement to skip iteration. Let’s assume the pass mark is 40. In this procedure, we will highlight the mark cells on the basis of the pass mark.

5- Dataset to be used for GoTo statement method.

Select the data range consisting of only marks. For our dataset, we have selected C5:E16 range of cells.

Open a new module in your workbook and Insert the following code.

Then, Click on the Run button.

6- VBA Code for skip to next with GoTo statement.

Sub skip_Through_GoTo()
    For Each cell In Selection
        If cell.Value >= 40 Then
            cell.Interior.Color = RGB(191, 249, 193)
        GoTo Failed_Criteria
        End If
     If cell.Value < 40 Then
            cell.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 168, 168)
     End If
        Next cell         
End Sub

VBA Code Breakdown

For Each cell In Selection
        If cell.Value >= 40 Then
            cell.Interior.Color = RGB(191, 249, 193)

This portion of the code checks every cell value in the selected range whether the value is equal to or greater than 40. If the cell value is equal to or more than 40, the interior color will be highlighted as RGB(191,249,193).

        GoTo Failed_Criteria
        End If

In case the previous condition doesn’t meet, then this GoTo statement will take to the Failed_Criteria label which is stated in the later part of the code.

 If cell.Value < 40 Then
            cell.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 168, 168)
     End If
        Next cell

In this Failed_Criteria section, we have inserted another condition. If the cell value is less than 40, the interior color will be highlighted according to RGB(255, 168, 168).

In the end, your data table will look like the below image where the cells with pass marks will be highlighted in green and the cells with fail marks will be highlighted in red.

7- Showing different interior colors for different criteria.

How to Continue a Do-While Loop in Excel VBA

In VBA Do Loop allows a certain portion of code to run continuously until the given condition is valid. There are two types of Do Loops: Do While and Do Until. Let’s see how we can use these loops.

The Do While Loop continues to run until a certain condition is true. The Program will stop when the condition is false.

We have taken this dataset of St. IDs and their marks for different subjects.

8- Dataset to be used for the Do While loop.

Now, with the Do-While Loop, we are going to find out the cells with failed and passed Criteria.

So, Insert this VBA code in a new Module and click the Run button.

9- VBA Code for a Do While loop.

Sub skip_Through_GoTo_Do_while()
Dim rw, cl As Integer
rw = 5
Do While rw < 17
cl = 3
    Do While cl < 6
        If Cells(rw, cl).Value >= 40 Then
            Cells(rw, cl).Interior.Color = RGB(191, 249, 193)
            GoTo Failed_Criteria
        End If
 If Cells(rw, cl).Value < 40 Then
            Cells(rw, cl).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 168, 168)
     End If
     cl = cl + 1
rw = rw + 1
End Sub

VBA Code Breakdown

Sub skip_Through_GoTo_Do_while()
Dim rw, cl As Integer
rw = 5
Do While rw < 17
cl = 3
    Do While cl < 6

The code takes rw and cl as integers. Also, it sets the value of rw as 5 and initiates a Do While loop. Then, it takes the value of cl as 3 and initiates another Do-While Loop.

If Cells(rw, cl).Value >= 40 Then
        Cells(rw, cl).Interior.Color = RGB(191, 249, 193)

This section contains an If loop with the condition of passed criteria. Upon fulfilling the condition, the interior color of the cell will be changed.

            GoTo Failed_Criteria
   End If
If the previous condition does not satisfy, then the code will skip the loop and will move on to the Failed_Criteria label.
 If Cells(rw, cl).Value < 40 Then
            Cells(rw, cl).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 168, 168)
     End If
     cl = cl + 1
rw = rw + 1

This portion will begin a new IF loop where it will check whether the cell value is less than 40. If so, the cell color will be changed.

10- Result with different colors for different criteria.

Read More: How to Continue Excel VBA For Loop

How to Continue a Do-Until Loop in Excel VBA

The Do Until Loop is quite similar to the Do While Loop only the condition is opposite. With Do Until Loop, the code will continue to run as long as the condition is false and it will stop when the condition becomes true. We are going to use the same dataset and almost the same code for this method.

For this procedure, we will use the same dataset as shown before.

11- Dataset to be used for a Do Until loop.Copy the below code in a new module.

After that Run the Module.

12- VBA Code to be used for a Do While loop

Sub skip_Through_GoTo_Do_until()
Dim rw, cl As Integer
rw = 5
Do Until rw = 17
cl = 3
    Do Until cl = 6
        If Cells(rw, cl).Value >= 40 Then
            Cells(rw, cl).Interior.Color = RGB(191, 249, 193)
            GoTo Failed_Criteria
        End If
     If Cells(rw, cl).Value < 40 Then
            Cells(rw, cl).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 168, 168)
     End If
     cl = cl + 1
rw = rw + 1
End Sub

VBA Code Breakdown

Sub skip_Through_GoTo_Do_until()
Dim rw, cl As Integer
rw = 5
Do Until rw = 17
cl = 3
    Do Until cl = 6

The code takes rw and cl as integers. Also, it sets the value of rw as 5 and initiates a Do Until loop. Then, it takes the value of cl as 3 and initiates another Do-Until Loop.

 If Cells(rw, cl).Value >= 40 Then
        Cells(rw, cl).Interior.Color = RGB(191, 249, 193)

This section contains an If loop with the condition of passed criteria. Upon fulfilling the condition, the interior color of the cell will be changed.

            GoTo Failed_Criteria
       End If

If the previous condition does not satisfy, then the code will skip the loop and will move on to the Failed_Criteria label.

   If Cells(rw, cl).Value < 40 Then
            Cells(rw, cl).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 168, 168)
     End If
     cl = cl + 1
rw = rw + 1

This portion will begin a new IF loop where it will check whether the cell value is less than 40. If so, the cell color will be changed.

Now, Copy the following code in a new module and Click on the Run button. And, we can see all the cells are highlighted accordingly.

13- Indicating different criteria with different colors.

How to Use Excel VBA Loops to Iterate Through Arrays and Ranges

There are different loops for Excel VBA. In these loops, we have to set data and we can do it in two ways. One is using Range and the other one is using Arrays.

1. VBA Loop to Iterate Through Ranges

In this procedure, we will add Remark on the basis of Total marks. So, we added a new column named Remarks.

14- Dataset to iterate through Ranges.

First, we have to select the data range. For this code, we selected F5:F16 range of cells.

Now, Copy the following code in a new Module and then Click on the Run button.

15- VBA Code to iterate through Ranges.

Sub Loop_Rng()
For i = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count
If Range("F" & i + 4).Value > 200 Then
   Range("G" & i + 4).Value = "Good"
   Range("G" & i + 4).Interior.Color = RGB(20, 200, 120)
ElseIf Range("F" & i + 4).Value >= 150 _
And Range("F" & i + 4).Value < 200 Then
   Range("G" & i + 4).Value = "Average"
   Range("G" & i + 4).Interior.Color = RGB(20, 150, 150)
  Range("G" & i + 4).Value = "Poor"
  Range("G" & i + 4).Interior.Color = RGB(170, 100, 100)
  End If
Next i
End Sub

VBA Code Breakdown

Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count

First, we have taken i as Integer. And this code runs from the i value 1 to the number of selected rows.

If Range("F" & i + 4).Value > 200 Then
   Range("G" & i + 4).Value = "Good"
   Range("G" & i + 4).Interior.Color = RGB(20, 170, 120)

This section initiates an IF Loop where it checks whether the cell value in Total Column is equal to or greater than 200. If the condition is satisfied, then the adjacent cell in the next column takes “Good” as input, and also the interior color is changed.

ElseIf Range("F" & i + 4).Value >= 150 _
And Range("F" & i + 4).Value < 200 Then
   Range("G" & i + 4).Value = "Average"
   Range("G" & i + 4).Interior.Color = RGB(20, 160, 170)

This section has another condition. If the previous condition is not satisfied then the code will check this condition whether the Total mark is between 150 and 200. If so, the cell in the next column will take the input “Average” and the interior color will also be changed.

  Range("G" & i + 4).Value = "Poor"
  Range("G" & i + 4).Interior.Color = RGB(170, 100, 100)
  End If
Next i

If the previous two conditions don’t satisfy, then the adjacent cell of the next column will take “Poor” as input and the interior color will also be changed.

After running the code, we get the Remarks Column filled with proper Remarks.

16- Showing different groups with different colors.

2. VBA Loop to Iterate Through Arrays

We have the same dataset as the previous procedures. The dataset has the Total marks of each student. Now, with the help of the VBA Array, we will add Remarks based on different criteria.

17- Dataset to iterate through Arrays

This is the code we will use for the procedure.

Copy this code in a new module and Click on the Run button.

18- VBA Code to iterate through Arrays.

Sub array_summation()
    Dim marksArray(1 To 12) As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 To 12
    marksArray(i) = Range("F" & i + 4).Value
    Next i
    For i = 1 To 12
    If marksArray(i) >= 200 Then
    Range("G" & i + 4).Value = "Good"
    Range("G" & i + 4).Interior.Color = RGB(20, 200, 120)
    ElseIf marksArray(i) >= 150 And _
            marksArray(i) < 200 Then
       Range("G" & i + 4).Value = "Average"
       Range("G" & i + 4).Interior.Color = RGB(20, 150, 150)
    Range("G" & i + 4).Value = "Poor"
    Range("G" & i + 4).Interior.Color = RGB(170, 100, 100)
    End If
    Next i
End Sub

VBA Code Breakdown

Dim marksArray(1 To 12) As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 To 12
    marksArray(i) = Range("F" & i + 4).Value
    Next i

First, we have taken marksArray(1 to 12) as an Array. Then we used a For Loop for assigning data range in that Array. The input Range contains Total marks.

 For i = 1 To 12
    If marksArray(i) >= 200 Then
    Range("G" & i + 4).Value = "Good"
    Range("G" & i + 4).Interior.Color = RGB(20, 200, 120)

Again we have initiated For Loop. Then within the If statement we included the first condition. If the value is equal to or greater than 200, the next cell in the adjacent column will take “Good” as input.

ElseIf marksArray(i) >= 150 And _
            marksArray(i) < 200 Then
       Range("G" & i + 4).Value = "Average"
       Range("G" & i + 4).Interior.Color = RGB(20, 150, 150)

If the previous condition doesn’t satisfy the program will execute this portion. If the Total mark is greater than or equal to 150 and also less than 200, the next cell in the adjacent Column will take “Average” as input.

    Range("G" & i + 4).Value = "Poor"
    Range("G" & i + 4).Interior.Color = RGB(170, 100, 100)
    End If
    Next i

If the previous two conditions aren’t satisfied then the next cell in the adjacent Column will take “Poor” as input.

In the end, you will get the Remarks in the following image.

19- Showing different groups with different colors.

Read More: Excel VBA For Loop with Array

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do you skip to the next iteration of a For Loop in VBA?

You can skip to the next iteration of a For Loop in VBA by Step and GoTo statement. Step statement is generally used where we need to iterate for uniform intervals. On the other hand, the GoTo statement is used when we need to skip the loop and move on to the next instruction.

2. How do you skip to the next while loop?

To skip Next While Loop, you need to use the Continue While statement. Also, you can use the GoTo statement to skip to the next while loop.

3. How do you do for next loop in VBA?

The For Next statement is the most frequently used loop in VBA. The For Next Loop is very easy to execute. It starts with a For statement with a specific condition and ends with a Next statement.

4. How do you jump to the end of a loop in Excel VBA?

To jump to the end of the For loop, you can use the Exit For statement. For any other loop, you can use the GoTo statement.

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So, we have shown some useful ways to skip to the next iteration in For loop with Excel VBA. Also, we have shown how you can skip to the next iteration with the Do While and Do Until loops. We hope you find the content of this article useful. If there are further queries, feel free to mention them in the comment section.

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Sourav Kundu
Sourav Kundu

Sourav Kundu, BSc, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, is a dedicated technical content creator of the ExcelDemy project. He has a keen interest in Excel and he leverages his problem-solving skills to provide solutions on user interface with Excel. In his position as an Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy, Sourav Kundu not only adeptly addresses challenging issues but also demonstrates enthusiasm and expertise in navigating complex situations. Apart from creating... Read Full Bio

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