How to Calculate Average Turnaround Time in Excel (4 Methods)

Turnaround time is a very common concept in various aspects such as Education, Work, etc. of our life. You can learn how to Compute Turnaround Time (TAT) in Excel from our previous article. And in this article, we will let you know how you can calculate the Average Turnaround Time in Excel.

What is Turnaround Time (TAT)?

Before diving into the calculation of Turnaround Time (TAT), let’s see a glimpse of what the meaning of Turnaround Time is.

Turnaround Time (TAT) is nothing but the difference between the end time and the start time of a project/task.

The amount of time taken to finish a project/ task or fulfill any request is called the Turnaround Time. For instance, suppose your math teacher has given you a math problem to solve and he forbid you to start solving the math until he says, “Start Writing”. So, the time when your teacher says “Start Writing” to the time that you finish solving the math, is the Turnaround Time.

The generic formula to calculate Turnaround Time is:

Turnaround Time = End Time – Start Time

In the following sections, we will learn how to calculate the Average Turnaround Time in Excel.

What is the Average Turnaround Time?

Just by the name, you can tell that the Average Turnaround Time means the average of all the turnaround times produced.

The generic formula to calculate the Average Turnaround Time is:

Average Turnaround Time = (1st Turnaround Time + 2nd Turnaround Time + 3rd Turnaround Time + ………. + N Turnaround Time)/ Total Count

Suppose, you have given 5 mathematical problems to solve. You have done the 1st math problem in 6 minutes, 2nd one in 7 minutes, 3rd one in 8 minutes, 4th one in 9 minutes, and the last one in 10 minutes. So, the Average Turnaround Time here will be,

Average TAT = (6+7+8+9+10)/5 = 8

In Excel, to calculate the Average Turnaround Time, we use the AVERAGE function.

How to Calculate Average Turnaround Time in Excel: 4 Methods

In the following section, we will discuss how to calculate the Average Turnaround Time in Excel with examples.

1. Compute Average Turnaround Time in Excel

Look at the following picture. We have the Start Time and the End Time of some Projects. With those values, we extracted the Turnaround Time for our dataset.

As already mentioned before, if you want to learn details about how to calculate Turnaround Time in Excel then follow the article link provided in the introduction of this article. This article is all about how to find the Average of those Turnaround Times.

But still, for your better understanding, we have provided the Formula in Column F based on which the Turnaround Time was calculated. As discussed above, this calculation is nothing but a simple mathematical subtraction between the End Time and the Start Time.

We will see how to get the Average Turnaround Time for our dataset in Excel.


  • First, pick any cell to store the Average Turnaround Time (in our case, it is Cell E11)
  • Then, execute Excel’s AVERAGE In our case, the formula for the AVERAGE function will be,


  • E5:E9 = Range of the Turnaround Time to calculate their Average
  • Lastly, press Enter.

Calculate Average Turnaround Time in Excel

The Average Turnaround Time for the dataset will be calculated.

Read More: How to Calculate Average Handling Time in Excel

2. Estimate Average TAT for DATE Format

In the previous section, you have learned how to get the Average Turnaround Time when you have hours, minutes, and seconds as the input value. But in this phase, you will learn how to extract the Average Turnaround Time in Days when you have Date values.

To find the Turnaround Time in days, you have to execute the NETWORKDAYS function and pass the Start Time and the End Time of the Projects. Remember, NETWORKDAYS functions calculate while excluding the weekends (Saturdays and Sundays).

You can see in the picture shown below that we have provided the formulas that were applied to get the Turnaround Days for our dataset in Column F. Now, we will see how to get the Average Turnaround value of those data.

Steps to get the Average Turnaround Time in days for our dataset in Excel are shown below.


  • First, pick any cell to store the Average Turnaround Time (in our case, it is Cell E11)
  • Then, execute Excel’s AVERAGE In our case, the formula for the AVERAGE function will be,


  • E5:E9 = Range of the Turnaround Time to calculate their Average
  • Lastly, press Enter.

Calculate Average Turnaround Time for DATE Format in Excel

The Average Turnaround Time in days will be calculated for the dataset.

Read More: How to Calculate Average Response Time in Excel

3. Compute Average Turnaround Time with One Condition in Excel

You have already learned how to calculate the Average Turnaround Time for your dataset in Excel. Now we will complicate the scenario a little bit. This time we will learn how to compute the Average Turnaround Time while excluding one specific value from our dataset.

We will exclude “8:28:35 AM” as an example for this article. We will calculate the Average Turnaround Time for our dataset where the time “8:28:35 AM” won’t be included.


  • First, pick any cell to store the Average Turnaround Time except “8:28:35 AM” (in our case, it is Cell E12)
  • Then, execute Excel’s AVERAGEIF function, where pass the range to calculate as the first argument and the condition as the second argument. In our case, the formula for the AVERAGEIF function is,
=AVERAGEIF(E5:E9,"<>8:28:35 AM")


  • E5:E9 = Range of the Turnaround Time to calculate their Average
  • “<>8:28:35 AM” = Value to exclude
  • Lastly, press Enter.

Calculate Average Turnaround Time with One Condition in Excel

You will get the Average Turnaround Time for your dataset excluding the specific time condition that you provided.

4. Calculate Average Turnaround Time with Multiple Conditions

In the previous section, you have learned how to calculate the Average Turnaround Time when there is one condition. But what if there are two conditions to fulfill while calculating?

Notice in the following example, we will calculate the Average Turnaround Time between the times that are greater than or equal to the Start Time “9:02:00 AM” and less than or equal to the End Time “6:00:07 PM” in our dataset.

We have stored “9:02:00 AM” in Cell D14 and “6:00:07 PM” in Cell D15 in our Excel spreadsheet.

Steps to find the Average Turnaround Times while excluding multiple times are given below.


  • First, pick any cell to store the Average Turnaround Time with the excluded times (in our case, it is Cell E17)
  • Then, execute Excel’s AVERAGEIFS function, where pass the range to calculate as the first argument following the conditions. In our case, the formula for the AVERAGEIFS function is,


  • E5:E9 = Range of the Turnaround Time to calculate their Average
  • C5:C9 = Range of the Start Times
  • D14 = The specific Start Time to exclude
  • D5:D9 = Range of the End Times
  • D14 = The specific End Time to exclude
  • Lastly, press Enter.

Calculate Average Turnaround Time with Multiple Conditions in Excel

See in Cell E17, we have successfully calculated the Average Turnaround Time with multiple conditions.

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This article explained in detail how to calculate Average Turnaround Time in Excel. I hope this article has been very beneficial to you. Feel free to ask if you have any questions regarding the topic.

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Sanjida Ahmed
Sanjida Ahmed

Sanjida Ahmed, who graduated from Daffodil International University with a degree in Software Engineering, has worked with SOFTEKO since 2021. She has written over 100 articles on Excel & VBA and, since 2022, has worked as the Project Manager of the Excel Extension Development Project in the Software Development Department. Since starting this software development, she has established an outstanding workflow encompassing a full SDLC. She always tries to create a bridge between her skills and interests in... Read Full Bio

  1. can i use manually holiday during in NETWORKDAYS.INTL. For example i have every Sunday and third and fourth of every month Saturday are holiday.

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Mar 7, 2024 at 11:58 AM

      Hello KARAN

      Thanks for reaching out and posting such an interesting comment. Yes, you can manually specify holidays using the NETWORKDAYS.INTL function to customize which days are considered weekends and also lets you include specific holidays.

      In your case, the first and second arguments in the formula are for the start and end dates; you can use 11 3rd arguments to consider only Sunday as the weekend. In the 4th argument, you insert the specified holiday.

      =NETWORKDAYS.INTL(startDate, endDate, weekend, holidays)

      I have developed a formula for January by focusing on your specified weekends and holidays.

      =NETWORKDAYS.INTL(B2, B3, 11, A6:A7)

      Hopefully, the formula will help; good luck.

      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

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