Fraction in Excel

How to Make Fractions Smaller in Excel (2 Possible Ways)

If you are looking for a way in Excel to auto-format fractions in a way that they shrink to smaller characters when you type them in the cells, as we ...

How to Write a Fraction in Excel (4 Methods)

Fraction is not a default format of Microsoft Excel. When we input any fraction number directly in Excel, it converts to a date (custom) or a text ...

[Solved!] Fraction Changing to Date in Excel (5 Quick Solutions)

Suppose, you are trying to insert fraction numbers in an Excel sheet. But they are automatically changing to dates. You might get really annoyed. But ...

Convert Fraction to Decimal in Excel (2 Simple Approaches)

When working with numbers and calculations, it is a common thing to get fractions or decimals as results. Sometimes it happens that, the result is ...

How to Format Fraction to Percentage in Excel (2 Quick Methods)

While making reports or calculations in Excel, we often need to use percentage values. To convert percentage from fraction, we multiply the value by ...

How to Add a Stacked Fraction in Excel (5 Simple Ways)

Excel stores fraction values as decimals in number format by default. But sometimes we may need to represent it as a stacked fraction for different ...

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