How to Split Excel Sheet into Multiple Sheets Based on Column Value

Here’s an overview of using slicers to filter a table by specific value. Read on to learn more.

Splitting Excel sheet into multiple sheets based on column value

Split Excel Sheet into Multiple Sheets Based on Column Value: 5 Simple Ways

We will use the following data table which contains the grades of different students at a college. We will split this sheet into three sheets based on the Student Name column for the three students.

Dataset which we want to split into multiple sheets

Method 1 – Use the FILTER Function to Split an Excel Sheet into Multiple Sheets

We will split the following sheet into three sheets containing the data for each student.

Splitting Excel sheet into multiple sheets based on Student Names


  • Create three sheets named after the three students’ names.
  • Select a cell, like Cell B3, in the sheet for the first student.

Creating three new sheets

  • Use the following formula.
=FILTER(Filter!B5:D16,Filter!B5:B16="Daniel Defoe")

Using FILTER function to get data for “Daniel Defoe”

  • Press Enter.
  • You will get the data for the student Daniel Defoe in the sheet.

Final Output of Using FILTER function for “Daniel Defoe”

In the formula, Filter!B5:D16 is the data range without header in the main sheet which is named Filter, and Filter!B5:B16 is the range of the Student Name in the main sheet and it would be equal to “Daniel Defoe”.
  • Type the header name above all of the columns and format this data table.

Adding header and formatting dataset

  • Repeat the process for the other two sheets, modifying the formula accordingly.

Using FILTER function to get data for “Henry Jackson”

Using FILTER function to get data for “Donald Paul”

Method 2 – Apply a Pivot Table to Split an Excel Sheet into Multiple Sheets Based on Column Value


  • Go to Insert tab and click on the PivotTable option.

Inserting Pivot Table to split Excel sheet into multiple sheets

  • The PivotTable from table or range dialog box will appear.
  • Select the Table/Range as the original dataset.
  • Click on New Worksheet.
  • Press OK.

PivotTable from table or range dialog box

  • A new sheet will open up which has two parts: PivotTable1 and PivotTable Fields.

Creating pivot table in new worksheet

  • Drag down the Student Name in the Filters area (any column on the basis of which you want to split the main sheet into multiple sheets) and Subject and Grade to the Rows area.

Dragging fields in Filter and Rows area

  • Go to the Design tab and click to expand Layout.
  • Click on Report Layout and select Show in Outline Form.

Selecting Outline Form from Report Layout

  • From the Design tab, click on Layout and choose Grand Totals, then select Off for Rows and Columns.

Turning off grand totals for rows and columns

  • Go to the PivotTable Analyze tab and click on the PivotTable group, then click on Options and select Show Report Filter Pages.

Selecting Show Report Filter Pages Option

  • The Show Report Filter Pages wizard will pop up.
  • Select the column Student Name which was in the Filters area.
  • Press OK.

Selecting Student Name as Filter option

  • You will get three different sheets for the three students Daniel Defoe, Henry Jackson, and Donald Paul, respectively.

Splitting Excel sheet into multiple sheets based on column value using Pivot Table

Splitting Excel sheet using Pivot Table for “Donald Paul”

Splitting Excel sheet using Pivot Table for “Henry Jackson”

Method 3 – Split an Excel Sheet into Multiple Sheets Using the Insert Slicer Option After Creating Table

Step 1 – Create Multiple Sheets

  • Create a sheet for each student and name it after the student.
  • Copy the data table from the main sheet and paste it into each new sheet.

Creating multiple sheets to use Insert Slicer option

Step 2 – Insert Table

  • Go to the Insert tab and click on Table.

Creating table to split excel sheet into multiple sheets based on column value

  • The Create Table dialog box will appear.
  • Select the data for your Table.
  • Turn on My table has headers option.
  • Press OK.

Opening Create Table box

  • The following table will be created.

Dataset after creating a table

Step 3 – Use the Insert Slicer Option

  • Click on any cell in the table.
  • Go to the Table Design tab and click on Tools, then select Insert Slicer.

Using Insert Slicer Option from Table Design tab

  • The Insert Slicers dialog box will pop up.
  • Select the Student Name column (the column based on which you want to split the sheet).
  • Press OK.

Opening Insert Slicer Dialog Box

  • A Student Name box will appear with an option for each student name.

Dataset with Slicer options based on Student Names

  • Click on Daniel Defoe for this sheet.
  • You will get the data for the student Daniel Defoe.

Selecting “Daniel Defoe” in the slicer box

  • You can create the other two sheets for Henry Jackson and Donald Paul by repeating the process.

Selecting “Henry Jackson” in the slicer box

Selecting “Donald Paul” in the slicer box

Method 4 – Use the Filter Feature to Split an Excel Sheet into Multiple Sheets


  • Create three sheets named after the three students’ names.
  • Copy the data table from the main sheet and paste it into these three different sheets.

Creating multiple sheets to employ Filter Feature to split Excel sheet into multiple sheets

  • Select the data table.
  • Go to the Data tab and click on Sort & Filter, then select Filter.

Using Filter Feature to split excel sheet into multiple sheets based on column value

  • The Filter option will be activated for this data table.
  • Click on the Dropdown arrow in the Student Name column.

Clicking on Filter dropdown button

  • Select the name Daniel Defoe for this sheet and press OK.

Filtering for “Daniel Defoe”

  • You will get the data for the student Daniel Defoe in the sheet for this student.

Dataset after Filtering for “Daniel Defoe”

  • Repeat the steps to get the other two sheets for Henry Jackson and Donald Paul as below.

Dataset after Filtering for “Henry Jackson”

Dataset after Filtering for “Donald Paul”

Related Article: How to Split Excel Sheet into Multiple Worksheets

Method 5 – Use VBA to Split an Excel Sheet into Multiple Sheets Based on Column Value

We moved the dataset so it starts from A1.

Dataset to Use VBA to Split Excel Sheet into Multiple Sheets Based on Column Value


  • Go to the Developer tab and click on Visual Basic.

Selecting Visual Basic option from Developer tab

  • The Visual Basic Editor will open up.
  • Go to Insert and select Module.

Opening Visual Basic Editor box

  • Insert the following code in the module.
Sub Splitsheet1()
Dim lr1 As Long
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Dim verticle_colmn, i As Integer
Dim icolmn1 As Long
Dim dataset As Variant
Dim title1 As String
Dim titlerow1 As Integer
Dim title_range As Range
Dim verticle_range As Range
Dim datarange As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next
Set title_range = Application.InputBox("Select header row:", "", Type:=8)
If TypeName(title_range) = "Nothing" Then Exit Sub
Set verticle_range = Application.InputBox _
("Select the column range on the basis of which split data:", "", Type:=8)
If TypeName(verticle_range) = "Nothing" Then Exit Sub
verticle_colmn = verticle_range.Column
Set sheet = title_range.Worksheet
lr1 = sheet.Cells(sheet.Rows.Count, verticle_colmn).End(xlUp).Row
title1 = title_range.AddressLocal
titlerow1 = title_range.Cells(1).Row
icolmn1 = sheet.Columns.Count
sheet.Cells(1, icolmn1) = "Unique"
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
If Not Evaluate("=ISREF('title_rangeWs_Sheet!A1')") Then
Sheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = "title_rangeWs_Sheet"
Sheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = "title_rangeWs_Sheet"
End If
Set datarange = Sheets("title_rangeWs_Sheet")
datarange.Paste Destination:=datarange.Range("A1")
For i = (titlerow1 + title_range.Rows.Count) To lr1
On Error Resume Next
If sheet.Cells(i, verticle_colmn) <> "" And Application.WorksheetFunction. _
Match(ws.Cells(i, verticle_colmn), sheet.Columns(icolmn1), 0) = 0 Then
sheet.Cells(sheet.Rows.Count, icolmn1).End(xlUp).Offset(1) = sheet.Cells(i, verticle_colmn)
End If
dataset = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(sheet.Columns(icolmn1). _
For i = 2 To UBound(dataset)
sheet.Range(title1).AutoFilter field:=verticle_colmn, Criteria1:=dataset(i) & ""
If Not Evaluate("=ISREF('" & dataset(i) & "'!A1)") Then
Sheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = dataset(i) & ""
Sheets(dataset(i) & "").Move after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
End If
Sheets(dataset(i) & "").Paste Destination:=Sheets(dataset(i) & "").Range("A1")
sheet.Range("A" & (titlerow1 + title_range.Rows.Count) & ":A" & lr1) _
.EntireRow.Copy Sheets(dataset(i) & "").Range("A" & (titlerow1 + title_range.Rows.Count))
Sheets(dataset(i) & "").Columns.AutoFit
sheet.AutoFilterMode = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

Code for splitting excel sheet into multiple sheets based on column value

  • Click on the save button to save the code and return to your worksheet.

Saving Code

  • Go to the Developer tab and click on Macros.

Selecting Macros from Developer tab

  • The Macros box will appear.
  • Select Splitsheet1.
  • Click on Run.

Opening Macro dialog box to select the code

  • The Select header row: dialog box will open up. Select the range of the header row and press OK.

Selecting header row

  • The Select the column on the basis of which split data: Wizard will pop up.
  • Select the Student Name column and press OK.

Selecting column range

  • You will get the three sheets for Daniel Defoe, Henry Jackson, and Donald Paul as below.

Splitting Excel sheet using VBA for “Daniel Defoe”

Splitting Excel sheet using VBA for “Henry Jackson”

Splitting Excel sheet using Pivot Table for “Donald Paul”

Read More: How to Split a Workbook to Separate Excel Files with VBA Code

Practice Section

We’ve included a practice sheet in the download file where you can test these methods.

Practice Sheet

Download the Practice Workbook

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Tanjima Hossain
Tanjima Hossain

TANJIMA HOSSAIN is a marine engineer who enjoys working with Excel and VBA programming. For her, programming is a handy, time-saving tool for managing data, files, and online tasks. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. She holds a B.Sc. in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET and is now a content developer. In this role, she creates tech-focused content centred around Excel and VBA. Apart from... Read Full Bio

  1. Hi

    Really useful tool – is there a limit on character length for the data being used. I’m having an issue where some tabs are not being prepared and that’s the only thing I can think of.


    • Hello Richard,
      Thanks for your question. The maximum number of sheets in a workbook is 255. So, if you have values for more than 255 rows in a sheet on the basis of which you will create multiple sheets then you may face a problem.

  2. Method 5 works like a charm. Very easy to use. Did not have to amend a single line.
    “Hardest” part was getting Excel to show Developer Menu on the band. 😀

  3. On spreadsheets with many rows, this script seems to hang and loop. Any idea why?

    • Hi RICK,
      The maximum number of sheets in a workbook is 255. So, if you have values in rows on basis of which you will split your sheet for more than 255 rows, then you may face a problem.

  4. This was so useful. Thank you so much for helping us who are Excel deficient.

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