How to ReDim Preserve a 2D Array in Excel VBA – 2 Methods

This is the sample dataset created from a 2D array with three rows and two columns.

Excel VBA ReDim Preserve 2D Array

Method 1 – ReDim Preserve the Last Dimension of a 2D Array


  • Press ALT+F11 to open the VBA Module window. Alternatively, go to the Developer tab →  select Visual Basic.
  • In Insert → select Module.

Excel VBA ReDim Preserve 2D Array 2

  • Enter the following code in the Module window.
Sub Redim_Preserve_2D_Array_Row()

    Dim Our_Array() As Variant

    ReDim Our_Array(1 To 3, 1 To 2)
    Our_Array(1, 1) = "Rachel"
    Our_Array(2, 1) = "Ross"
    Our_Array(3, 1) = "Joey"
    Our_Array(1, 2) = 25
    Our_Array(2, 2) = 26
    Our_Array(3, 2) = 25
    Range("C6:D8").Value = Our_Array

End Sub

Excel VBA ReDim Preserve 2D Array 3

VBA Code Breakdown

  • Call the Sub procedureRedim_Preserve_2D_Array_Row”.
  • Declare the variable Our_Array as a dynamic array.
  • Define the size of the array. The lower bound is 3, the upper bound is 2, and both start from 1.
  • Assign values to the array.
  • Input the values to C6:D8.
  • Save the Module and click Run.

Excel VBA ReDim Preserve 2D Array 4

  • It will return the values to the defined ranges:  “Rachel” is in row 1 and column, which was defined as (1,1) in the VBA code.

Excel VBA ReDim Preserve 2D Array 5

  • Resize the array.
  • Add this to the previous code and remove the first Range.Value statement.
    ReDim Our_Array(1 To 3, 1 To 3)
    Our_Array(1, 3) = "Texas"
    Our_Array(2, 3) = "Mississippi"
    Our_Array(3, 3) = "Utah"

    Range("C6:E8").Value = Our_Array

Excel VBA ReDim Preserve 2D Array 6

  • The upper bound was increased by 1 from (1 To 2) to (1 To 3).
  • The values were added to the array.
  • If you execute the code, the previous values will return blank.

Excel VBA ReDim Preserve 2D Array 7

  • Add the Preserve keyword into the ReDim statement:
Option Explicit
Sub Redim_Preserve_2D_Array_Row()
    Dim Our_Array() As Variant
    ReDim Our_Array(1 To 3, 1 To 2)
    Our_Array(1, 1) = "Rachel"
    Our_Array(2, 1) = "Ross"
    Our_Array(3, 1) = "Joey"
    Our_Array(1, 2) = 25
    Our_Array(2, 2) = 26
    Our_Array(3, 2) = 25    
    ReDim Preserve Our_Array(1 To 3, 1 To 3)
    Our_Array(1, 3) = "Texas"
    Our_Array(2, 3) = "Mississippi"
    Our_Array(3, 3) = "Utah"
    Range("C6:E8").Value = Our_Array
End Sub

Excel VBA ReDim Preserve 2D Array 8

  • Run the code.

This is the output.

Sample Dataset

Read More: How to Redim 2D Array with VBA in Excel

Method 2 – ReDim Preserve Both Dimensions of a 2D Array in Excel VBA

Error Message Box


    Our_Array = Application.Transpose(Our_Array)
    ReDim Preserve Our_Array(1 To 3, 1 To 4)
    Our_Array = Application.Transpose(Our_Array)
    Our_Array(4, 1) = "Monica"
    Our_Array(4, 2) = 26
    Our_Array(4, 3) = "New Mexico"    
    Range("C6:E9").Value = Our_Array
  • This is the full code:
Option Explicit
    Sub ReDim_Preserve_2D_Array_Both_Dimensions()
    Dim Our_Array() As Variant
    ReDim Our_Array(1 To 3, 1 To 2)
    Our_Array(1, 1) = "Rachel"
    Our_Array(2, 1) = "Ross"
    Our_Array(3, 1) = "Joey"
    Our_Array(1, 2) = 25
    Our_Array(2, 2) = 26
    Our_Array(3, 2) = 25
    ReDim Preserve Our_Array(1 To 3, 1 To 3)
    Our_Array(1, 3) = "Texas"
    Our_Array(2, 3) = "Mississippi"
    Our_Array(3, 3) = "Utah"
    Our_Array = Application.Transpose(Our_Array)
    ReDim Preserve Our_Array(1 To 3, 1 To 4)
    Our_Array = Application.Transpose(Our_Array)
    Our_Array(4, 1) = "Monica"
    Our_Array(4, 2) = 26
    Our_Array(4, 3) = "New Mexico"   
    Range("C6:E9").Value = Our_Array
    End Sub

ReDim Multi Dimensions

VBA Code Breakdown

  • Call the Sub procedureReDim_Preserve_2D_Array_Both_Dimensions”.
  • The rest of the codes up to the VBA Transpose function are the same as in the first code.
  • Transpose the array.
  • Increase the upper bound of the array.
  • Transpose the array again. It will change the lower bound.
  • Input the values for the resized array while preserving the old data.
  • Enter the values to C6:E9.

The code preserves a 2D array using the “ReDim Preserve” and the VBA Transpose function.

Final Output

Read More: Excel VBA 2 Dimensional Array Initialization

Things to Remember

  • ReDim Preserve cannot change the lower bound of the array. Use the Transpose function.
  • Use ReDim on dynamic arrays.

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Rafiul Haq
Rafiul Haq

Rafiul Haq worked as an Excel and VBA Content Developer in Exceldemy for over two years and published almost 200 articles for the website. He is passionate about exploring new aspects of Excel and VBA. He received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE) from the Islamic University of Technology. Rafiul furthered his education by obtaining an MBA in Finance from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) at the University of Dhaka. Apart from creating... Read Full Bio

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