If Value Exists in Column Then TRUE in Excel

Here’s an example of how you can implement a function to check if a value from one column exists in another.

excel if value exists in column then true

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5 Methods to Return TRUE If a Value Exists in a Column in Excel

Method 1 – Use a Simple Formula to Find TRUE If the Columns Match


  • Use the following formula in the first cell of the result column (here, Cell D5).

Use Simple Formula to Find TRUE If Excel Column Consists a Value

  • You will get TRUE as output if both column values match.
  • Use autofill (+) to drag down the formula to the rest of the column.

Method 2 – Return TRUE Using the EXACT Function If Values Match in Two Columns


  • Use the following formula:

Return TRUE Using EXACT Function If a Value Exists in Excel Column

  • Here’s our result after applying AutoFill.

AutoFill the EXACT function

Method 3 – Use a Combination of MATCH, ISERROR, and NOT Functions to Get TRUE If a Value Exists in a Range

We have a fruit dataset and we will look for a particular fruit name (from column B) in a column containing a list of other fruits (column C).


  • Use the following formula:

Use Combination of MATCH, ISERROR and NOT Functions to Get TRUE If Value Exists in Excel Column

Breakdown of the Formula

➤ MATCH(B5,$C$5:$C$13,0)

The MATCH function returns the relative position of an item in an array that matches a specified value in a specified order.

➤ ISERROR(MATCH(B5,$C$5:$C$13,0))

The ISERROR function checks whether a value is an error and returns TRUE or FALSE.

➤ NOT(ISERROR(MATCH(B5,$C$5:$C$13,0)))

The NOT function changes FALSE to TRUE or FALSE to TRUE.

  • You will get the following result if the formula is entered correctly.

Method 4 – Return TRUE If a Value Is Present in an Excel Column Using the Combination of IF, ISERROR, and VLOOKUP Functions


  • Insert the following formula:

Return TRUE If a Value Present in an Excel Column Using the Combination of IF, ISERROR and VLOOKUP Functions

Breakdown of the Formula

➤ VLOOKUP(B5,$C$5:$C$13,1,FALSE)

The VLOOKUP function looks for a value in the leftmost column of a table and then returns a value in the same row from a column you specify. The function will look for the value of Cell B5 in range C5:C13.


The ISERROR function checks whether a value is an error, and returns TRUE or FALSE. Finally,


The IF function checks whether a condition is met, and returns one value if TRUE, and another value if FALSE.

  • Here’s our result.

Method 5 – Use the Combination of ISNUMBER and MATCH Functions to Get TRUE If a Value Is Found in a Column in Excel

We want to find any month of column B in the month list of column C.


  • Insert the following formula:

Use the Combination of ISNUMBER and MATCH Functions to Find TRUE If Value Remain in a Column in Excel

The MATCH function will look and match the value of Cell B5 in the range C5:C13, and the ISNUMBER function checks whether a value is a number and returns TRUE or FALSE. If the MATCH fails to find, it won’t return a number, so ISNUMBER will go to FALSE.

  • You will get the result as follows.

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Hosne Ara
Hosne Ara

Hosne Ara is a materials and metallurgical engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. To her, programming is like a time-saving superhero for dealing with data, files, and the internet. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. With a B. Sc. in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, she's shifted gears and now works as a content developer. In this role, she... Read Full Bio

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