How to Perform Data Analysis and Visualization with Excel (A Complete Guideline)

What is Data Analysis and Visualization?

Data analysis involves collecting, organizing, and analyzing raw data to extract relevant information. This process is crucial for making data-driven decisions. By analyzing data, we gain valuable insights and ensure accuracy in decision-making.

On the other hand, visualization refers to representing data graphically. Various types of charts help us understand data patterns, trends, and outliers. Visualization makes raw data more accessible and comprehensible.

Excel offers powerful features and functions for data analysis and visualization. Let’s explore the steps involved:

1. Data Processing

Data processing is the initial step in data analysis and visualization. It includes the following segments:

1.1. Data Collection

First, you have to collect information. The information should be collected in a systematic way from a trustworthy source. The source can be any database, online platform, or any web page. Then this data needs to be further processed.

1.2. Data Organization

After collecting the data, the next step is to organize the data in such a way that it is easily understandable to people. The data can be arranged in a tabular form with a clear title and headings.

1.3. Data Cleaning

Clean the organized data to remove blank spaces, unwanted empty cells, and duplicate values. Data cleaning ensures an accurate and error-free dataset.

For our example, we’ve processed a dataset containing sales quantities of products (such as mobiles, laptops, and televisions) for a company. The sales data is provided on a monthly basis, and we’ll use this dataset for data analysis and visualization in Excel.

Sales Quantity of Products

2. Data Analysis

Excel offers various techniques for data analysis. Let’s explore some useful functions and their applications:

2.1. Using Excel Functions

Excel provides numerous functions for data analysis. Here are a couple of examples:

2.1.1. Using the SUM Function

To find the total number of mobiles, laptops, and televisions sold in a year:

  • Go to cell C17 and enter the following formula:
  • Select cell C17 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range D17:E17.

SUM Function Applied

2.1.2. Using INDEX & MATCH Functions

To find the sales quantity of a particular product for any month:

  • Enter the name of any month in cell G5.
  • In cell H5, enter the following formula:
  • This will display the sales quantity of mobiles for that specific month.
  • You can change the month name in cell G5 and the sales quantity of mobile will be shown in cell H5.

INDEX & MATCH Functions Combined

Formula Breakdown

MATCH(G5,B5:B16,0): The MATCH function searches for the value in cell G5 within the specified range B5:B16. The 0 indicates an exact match.
Result: 7

INDEX(B5:E16,MATCH(G5,B5:B16,0),2): The INDEX function uses the row number returned by the MATCH function. It retrieves the value from the corresponding row number and the second column (2) of range B5:E16.
Result: 57

2.1.3. Using VLOOKUP & MATCH Functions

You can combine the VLOOKUP and MATCH functions to retrieve the sales quantity of any product for a specific month:

  • Go to cell H4 and enter the name of any month.
  • In cell H5, put the product name.
  • In cell H6, enter the following formula:

VLOOKUP & MATCH Functions Used

This will display the sales quantity of the specified product for the given month.

Formula Breakdown

MATCH(H5,B4:E4,0): The MATCH function searches for the value in cell H5 within the specified range B4:E4. The 0 indicates an exact match.
Result: 3

VLOOKUP(H4,B5:E16,MATCH(H5,B4:E4,0)): The VLOOKUP function searches for the value in cell H4 in the leftmost column of the range B5:E16. Once it finds a match, it returns the value from the same row and the column specified by the MATCH function output.

Result: 272

2.1.4. Combining SUM & SUMIFS Functions

To determine the total number of products sold for any month:

  • Enter the month name in cell G5.
  • In cell H5, enter the following formula:
=SUM(SUMIFS(C5:C16,B5:B16,G5), SUMIFS(D5:D16,B5:B16,G5), SUMIFS(E5:E16,B5:B16,G5))
  • This will show the overall product count for that month.

SUM & SUMIFS Functions Combined

Formula Breakdown

SUMIFS(C5:C16,B5:B16,G5): Sums the values in range C5:C16 where the corresponding cells in range B5:B16 match the value in cell G5.

Result: 125

SUMIFS(D5:D16,B5:B16,G5): Sums the values in range D5:D16 using the same criteria.

Result: 272

SUMIFS(E5:E16,B5:B16,G5): Sums the values in range E5:E16 using the same criteria.

Result: 147

SUM(SUMIFS(C5:C16,B5:B16,G5),SUMIFS(D5:D16,B5:B16,G5),SUMIFS(E5:E16,B5:B16,G5)): Adds the results of the three SUMIFS functions, considering only matching values in range B5:B16.

Result: 544

2.1.5. Apply MAX, INDEX & MATCH Functions

To find the maximum quantity sold in a month for a specific product:

  • Go to cell G6.
  • Enter the following formula to find the maximum number of laptops sold:

MAX Function Applied

  • Then, in cell H6, find the name of that month using:

INDEX & MATCH Functions Combined

2.2. Apply Conditional Formatting

Apply conditional formatting to understand the relative quantity of individual products sold over 12 months:

  • Select range C5:C16.
  • Go to the Home tab, choose Conditional Formatting, and select Data Bars.
  • Pick a fill color to highlight the cells.

Apply Conditional Formatting

  • Repeat the same steps for ranges D5:D16 and E5:E16.

Conditional Formatting Applied

2.3. Using Pivot Table

  • Go to the Insert tab, select Pivot Table, and choose From Table/Range.

Create Pivot Table

  • Set the dialog box as shown below:
    • Table/Range: ‘Pivot Table’!$B$4:$E$16
    • Location: Cell G4 of the Existing Worksheet
  • Click OK.

Pivot Table Set Up

  • Arrange the PivotTable Fields as needed to get the grand total of the products.

Pivot Table Fields Setting

  • You will have the pivot table with the grand total of the products.

Pivot Table with Grand Total

2.4. Sorting a Product

Sort any product in ascending or descending order. For example, to sort the dataset in descending order based on mobile sales quantity:

  • Select range C5:C16.
  • Go to the Home tab >> Sort & Filter >> Sort Largest to Smallest.

Sort Largest to Smallest

  • Select Expand the selection >> press Sort.

Expand Sort Selection

  • The dataset will now be sorted by mobile phone sales quantity in descending order.

A Product Sorted

2.5. Filtering Data

  • Select range B4:E16.
  • Go to the Home tab, click Sort & Filter, and choose Filter.

Filter Data

  • Filter icons will appear in all the columns.
  • Click the filter icon in the Month column.
  • Choose the desired month and click on OK.

Filter Data by Month

  • You will see the filtered data of that specific month.

Data Filtered by Month

2.6. Using the What-If Analysis Feature

Excel’s What-If Analysis combines techniques and tools to predict the impact of formulas and models. It includes the following features:

  • Goal Seek: Predicts a parameter value to achieve a specific output. Specify the target value, and Excel determines the input value accordingly.
  • Scenario Manager: Define different scenarios for various inputs and observe how the output varies.
  • Data Table: Create tables to evaluate multiple results based on input values. Use one or two variables to analyze their impact on the output.

Let’s demonstrate the Goal Seek feature. Given that the total units of televisions sold is 1564, we want to generate a revenue of $1,564,000. We’ll find the unit price of televisions required to reach this revenue.

  • In cell H7, enter the formula:


  • Go to the Data tab, select What-If Analysis, and choose Goal Seek.

Goal Seek Analysis

  • Set the Goal Seek dialog box as shown below.

Apply Goal Seek Analysis to Get Unit Price

  • You’ll get the unit price in cell H6 required to achieve the desired revenue of $1,564,000.

Unit Price Obtained from Goal Seek Analysis

2.7. Applying Data Validation

To find the sales quantity of laptops for any month:

  • Select cell G5.
  • Go to the Data tab, choose Data Validation.

Apply Data Validation

  • In the Data Validation dialog box:
    • Select List as the validation criteria.
    • Set the source location to:
  • Click OK.

Create List

  • Cell G5 now has a dropdown list of months.

List Created by Data Validation with Excel

  • In cell H5, enter the formula:
  • This will display the sales quantity of laptops for the selected month.

INDEX & MATCH Functions Applied in Excel

2.8. Using an Excel Table

  • Select the range B4:C16.
  • Go to the Insert tab and choose Table.

Create Table

  • Check the My table has headers option.
  • Press OK.

Create Table Dialog Box

  • The table will be created.
  • Select the Total Row from the Table Design tab.

Check Total Row Option

  • Cell C17 will show the total number of televisions.

Get Subtotal

  • You can also use the dropdown in cell C17 to choose other parameters.

Different Parameters in Total Row

2.9. Using the Analyze Data Feature

  • Go to the Home tab and select Analyze Data.
  • Explore different options, such as pivot tables and charts, to analyze your dataset.

Data Analyzing with Excel


If you don’t see the Analyze Data option in your Home tab, customize it:

  • Right-click on the Home tab and choose Customize Ribbon.
  • Add a New Group, set its position, select All Commands, find Analyze Data in the list, and add it to the newly created group.

Analyze Data Option Customizing

2.10. Using the Analysis ToolPak Add-in

Activate the Analysis ToolPak add-in for a wide range of analysis:

  • Go to the File tab.
  • Select Options.
  • In the Excel Options dialog box, choose Add-ins.
  • Under Manage, select Excel Add-ins and click Go.

Excel Add-ins

  • Check the option for Analysis ToolPak and click OK.

Analysis ToolPak Add-in

2.10.1. Analyzing Descriptive Statistics

Let’s analyze the sales quantity of laptops:

  • Go to the Data tab and select Data Analysis.

Data Analysis Option

  • Choose Descriptive Statistics and press OK.

Descriptive Statistics

  • Descriptive Statistics dialog box will appear.
  • Set the input range, output range, and other properties as needed.

Set Descriptive Statistics Dialog Box

  • You’ll see the descriptive statistics for laptops in your worksheet.

Analyze Descriptive Statistics

2.10.2. Analyzing Anove (Analysis of Variance): Single Factor

ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) is a statistical method used to compare the means of two or more groups and determine if there are significant differences between them. Here’s how you can perform ANOVA in Excel:

  • Go to the Data tab.
  • Click on Data Analysis.
  • In the Data Analysis dialog box, select ANOVA: Single Factor and press OK.

Anova Single Factor

  • Set the input range, output range, and other properties as needed.

Set Anova Single Factor Dialog Box

  • The ANOVA analysis results will appear in your worksheet.

Analyze Anova Single Factor

3. Data Visualization

After data analysis, visualizing the dataset helps us understand patterns and identify outliers. Let’s create some charts:

3.1. Excel Column Chart

  • Select the range B4:E16.
  • Go to the Insert tab and choose a suitable column chart.

Create Column Chart

  • Customize the chart title as needed.

Excel Column Chart

3.2. Excel Bar Chart

  • Select the same range (B4:E16).
  • Insert a suitable bar chart (got to the Insert tab and click on the columns icon drop-down).

Create Bar Chart

  • Add an appropriate title.

Excel Bar Chart

3.3. Excel Line Chart

  • Again, select the range B4:E16.
  • Click on the line chart icon drop-down.
  • Choose Line with Markers under the 2-D Line category.

Create Line Chart

  • Provide a relevant title.

Excel Line Chart

3.4. Excel Pie Chart

  • Select the range B4:C16.
  • Insert a 2-D or 3-D pie chart.

Create Pie Chart

  • The pie chart will display the sales quantity of mobiles.

Excel Pie Chart

3.5. Excel Doughnut Chart

  • Select range B4:B16 and press Ctrl.
  • Also select range D4:D16.
  • Insert a doughnut chart from the pie chart icon drop-down.

Create Doughnut Chart

  • The doughnut chart will show the sales quantity of laptops.

Excel Doughnut Chart

Advanced Data Visualization

1. Excel Waterfall Chart

A waterfall chart illustrates how positive and negative values contribute to a total. Although our example has only positive values, waterfall charts are useful for analyzing financial data over time.

  • Select range B4:B16 (Ctrl + E4:E16).
  • Insert a waterfall chart from the drop-down menu.

Create Waterfall Chart

  • Customize the chart title.

Excel Waterfall Chart


You will see only an increasing trend in this example because there are no negative values. This chart is great for analyzing financial data over a period of time.

2. Animated Column Chart

An animated column chart dynamically displays data with animation effects. Unlike static charts, the elements in an animated chart change or update over time, making it easier to understand trends and data patterns.

To create an animated column chart:

  • Open the Animated Chart worksheet.
  • Go to the Developer tab and select Visual Basic.

Open Visual Basic

  • Insert a new Module.

Create New Module

  • Paste the following VBA code into your Macro Editor:

VBA Code to Create Animated Column Chart

Sub Animated_Column_Chart()
    'variable declaration
    Dim WS As Worksheet
    Dim delay_time As String
    Dim nRow As Long, nCol As Long
    Dim myRng As Range
    Dim myArr() As Variant
    'screen update ON
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    'set values of variables
    Set WS = Sheets("Animated Chart")
    Set myRng = WS.Range("C5:E16")
    nRow = myRng.Rows.Count
    nCol = myRng.Columns.Count
    delay_time = "00:00:01"
    'array resize
    ReDim myArr(1 To nRow, 1 To nCol)
    'take values from range of cells to an array
    For i = 1 To nRow
        For j = 1 To nCol
            myArr(i, j) = myRng.Cells(i, j)
        Next j
    Next i
    'clear data range
    myRng.Value = nbNullString
    'define range of selection
    'set the data source
    ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=WS.Range("$B$4:$E$16")
    'declare the chart type
    ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
    'declare activation command
    'select the chart destination
    'return to the worksheet
    'show values in range and create animated column chart race
    For i = 1 To nRow
        For j = 1 To nCol
            myRng.Cells(i, j) = myArr(i, j)
        Next j
        Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue(delay_time))
    Next i
End Sub
  • Press the Run button or use the F5 key to execute the code.
  • You will see the animated column chart in the Animated Chart worksheet.


VBA Breakdown

For i = 1 To nRow
        For j = 1 To nCol
            myArr(i, j) = myRng.Cells(i, j)
        Next j
    Next i
  • These nested loops go through and copy values from myRng range to myArr array, one by one.
  • These lines select cell G4 in the Animated Chart worksheet and add a new chart to the sheet.
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
  • This line sets the chart type to a clustered column chart.
  • These lines activate the chart object, cut, and paste it into the Animated Chart worksheet.
For i = 1 To nRow
        For j = 1 To nCol
            myRng.Cells(i, j) = myArr(i, j)
        Next j
        Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue(delay_time))
    Next i
  • These nested loops iterate through each cell in the myRng range and set its value from the myArr array. After setting each value, the DoEvents function allows the system to process events and update the screen to show the changes. Then, there is a time delay specified by the delay_time variable before moving to the next row. This is how animated chart effect is created.

Download Practice Workbook

You can download the practice workbook from here:

Things to Remember

  • Remember these tips when working with data analysis and visualization in Excel:
    • Use Data Validation instead of manual typing to ensure accurate data entry.
    • Refresh your pivot table whenever you update your dataset.
    • Be cautious when selecting input and output ranges while using the Data Analysis add-in.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why use ANOVA?
    • ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) is valuable for comparing trend differences between multiple datasets. It reveals variations in averages among different groups, assesses the impact of categorical variables, and validates dataset reliability.
  • Difference between inferential and descriptive statistics:
    • Inferential statistics predict outcomes for a larger group based on a smaller dataset. Descriptive statistics summarize various parameters of a dataset.
  • Advantages of the Analyze Data feature:
    • The Analyze Data feature offers useful functions, customizable capabilities, a user-friendly interface, and automated calculations. It surpasses manual data analysis techniques in flexibility and efficiency.


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Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni
Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni

Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni holds a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He is a dedicated employee of the ExcelDemy project. He has written quite a large number of articles for ExcelDemy. Besides, he has expertise in VBA. He efficiently automates Excel issues using VBA macros and actively engages in the ExcelDemy forum, offering valuable solutions for user interface challenges. His areas of interest in work and study span MATLAB, Machine Learning,... Read Full Bio

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