Use the following dataset to calculate the profit of this company.
Method 1- Double-Clicking to Copy Formula in Excel without Dragging
- Enter the following formula in F4
D4 is the Selling Price and E4 is the Cost Price.
- Double-click the Fill Handle tool.
You will see the formulas in all cells of the Profit column to calculate profit.
Read More: How to Copy Formula Down Without Incrementing in Excel
Method 2 – Pressing CTRL+ENTER to Use a Formula Simultaneously for All of the Cells
- Select all of the cells in the Profit column and enter the following formula in F4.
D4 is the Selling Price and E4 is the Cost Price.
You will see the formulas in all cells in the Profit column.
Read More: How to Copy Formula and Paste as Text in Excel
Method 3 – Using Shortcut Keys to Copy a Formula in Excel without Dragging
- Enter the following formula in F4 and copy it by pressing CTRL+C.
D4 is the Selling Price and E4 is the Cost Price.
- Press the Left (←) key to go to the left adjacent cell.
- Go to the last cell in the column and press CTRL + Down key (↓).
- Press Right (→) and then CTRL + SHIFT + Up (↑) to select all the cells in the Profit column.
- Paste the formulas by pressing CTRL + V.
You will see the formula copied to all cells in the Profit column.
Read More: How to Copy Formula to Another Sheet in Excel
Method 4 – Using the Name Box to Copy a Formula without Dragging
- Enter the following formula in F4 and copy it by pressing CTRL+C.
D4 is the Selling Price and E4 is the Cost Price.
- Enter F5:F14 in the Name Box to paste the formula in these cells.
- Press ENTER.
- The ranges will be selected.
- Press CTRL + V to paste the formula in F5:F14.
Read More: How to Copy and Paste Formulas from One Workbook to Another in Excel
Method 5 – Copy a Formula without Dragging Using the Fill Option
- Enter the following formula in F4.
D4 is the Selling Price and E4 is the Cost Price.
- Select all cells in the Profit column.
- Go to the Home Tab >> Editing >> Fill >> Down.
This is the output.
Read More: [Fixed] Excel Not Copying Formulas, Only Values
Method 6 – Using the Format as Table Option to Copy Formula in Excel without Dragging
- Go to Home Tab >> Styles >> Format as Table >> select any table style.
In the Create Table dialog box:
- Select the range.
- Check My table has headers.
- Click OK.
This is the output.
- Select F4 and enter the formula.
D4 is the Selling Price and E4 is the Cost Price.
By selecting D4 and E4, Excel will convert them automatically into the structured reference system and modify the formula:
=[@[Selling Price]]-[@[Cost Price]]
- Press ENTER.
This is the output.
Method 7 – Using the Table Option to Copy a Formula without Dragging
- Go to Insert Tab >> Table.
In the Create Table dialog box:
- Select the range.
- Check My table has headers.
- Click OK.
This is the output.
Select F4 and use the formula.
D4 is the Selling Price and E4 is the Cost Price.
By selecting D4 and E4, Excel will convert them automatically to the structured reference system and modify the formula:
=[@[Selling Price]]-[@[Cost Price]]
- Press ENTER.
This is the output.
Method 8 – Using the Power Query to Copy a Formula without Dragging
- Go to Data Tab >> From Table/Range.
In the Create Table dialog box:
- Select the range.
- Check My table has headers.
- Click OK.
In the Power Query Editor window:
Add a column with a formula to calculate the profit of all products.
- Go to Add Column Tab >> Custom Column.
In the Custom Column wizard:
- Enter the column name (Profit) in New column name.
- Use the following formula in Custom column formula by inserting the columns from the Available columns list.
=[Selling Price]-[Cost Price]
- Click OK.
This is the output.
Go to Home Tab >> Close & Load >> Close & Load To.
The Power Query Editor window is closed and the table is loaded to a new sheet: Table4.
Method 9 – Using a Dynamic Array to Copy a Formula in Excel without Dragging
- Enter the following formula in F4.
D4:D14 is the Selling Price and E4:E14 is the Cost Price.
Press ENTER.
This is the output.
Method 10 – Copy a Formula without Dragging Using a VBA Code
- Go to Developer Tab >> Visual Basic.
- Go to Insert >> Module.
A Module will be created.
- Enter the following code
Sub formula()
Dim Lr As Long
Dim n As Long
Lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
For n = 4 To Lr
Cells(n, "F").Value = Cells(n, "D").Value - Cells(n, "E").Value
Next n
End Sub
Lr, n is declared as Long, Lr will return the last used row number. FOR loop executes the operation of the formula for all cells in Column F from starting Row 4 to the last row.
- Press F5.
This is the output.
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