Excel VBA to List Files in the Folder and Subfolders  – 3 Examples

The Dir function, FSO early binding, and FSO late binding will be used.

VBA list files in folder and subfolders

Key Concept of Function & Feature for Listing

i. Dir Function

The Dir function returns the first file name in the specified folder.

ii. File System Object (FSO)

A File System Object (FSO) allows the VBA code to create, read, modify, and delete files and folders, as well as perform other file system operations, such as copying, moving, and renaming files and folders.

Early Binding

Early binding in VBA  explicitly declares the type of an object at compile time, using the Dim statement with the As keyword. It is automatically opened when the workbook is launched. The Microsoft Scripting Runtime box must be checked.

Go to Tools and click References.

Open VBA Reference Library

Search Microsoft Scripting Runtime and check the box.

Check the box of Microsoft Scripting Runtime

Late Binding

Late binding in VBA declares an object without specifying its type until runtime. When using late binding with the File System Object (FSO), the CreateObject function is used to create an FSO object, rather than explicitly declaring it with the Dim statement.

How to Launch the VBA Editor in Excel

Go to the Developer tab and click Visual Basic. You can also open it by pressing Alt+F11.

Go to Microsoft Visual Basic Application

In the Insert tab, click on Module to open the code Module.

Insert a code Module in VBA

Using Excel VBA to List Files in the Folder and Subfolders – 3 Examples

Files will be listed from the folder “E:\Softeko\UDF\”.

Folder Location from where Files to be listed in Excel

Example 1 – Listing All Files in a Folder in Excel Worksheet

Use the Dir function and the File System Object.

1.1 Using the File System Object Early Binding

Use the FSO Early Binding to list all files in a folder. Enter the following VBA code.

Sub ListFilesEarly()
    Dim folderPath As String
    Dim fileSystem As FileSystemObject
    Dim folder As Object
    Dim file As Object
    Dim currentRow As Long
    ' Set the folder path to a variable
    folderPath = "E:\Softeko\UDF\"
    Set fileSystem = New FileSystemObject
    Set folder = fileSystem.GetFolder(folderPath)
    currentRow = 5
    ' Insert headers for the columns
    Range("B4").Value = "File Name"
    Range("C4").Value = "Type"
    Range("D4").Value = "Size"
    For Each file In folder.Files
        Range("B" & currentRow).Value = file.Name
        Range("C" & currentRow).Value = file.Type
        Range("D" & currentRow).Value = file.Size
        ' Increment the current row
        currentRow = currentRow + 1
    ' Release the memory
    Set fileSystem = Nothing
    Set folder = Nothing
End Sub

VBA code to list Files in Folder in Excel using FSO Early Binding

Code Breakdown

 folderPath = "E:\Softeko\UDF\"
    Set fileSystem = New FileSystemObject
    Set folder = fileSystem.GetFolder(folderPath)
  • folderPath = “E:\Softeko\UDF sets the value of the “folderPath” variable to the file path “E:\Softeko\UDF”.
  • Set fileSystem = New FileSystemObject creates a new instance of the FileSystemObject and assigns it to the “fileSystem” variable.
 For Each file In folder.Files
        Range("B" & currentRow).Value = file.Name
        Range("C" & currentRow).Value = file.Type
        Range("D" & currentRow).Value = file.Size        
        ' Increment the current row
        currentRow = currentRow + 1
  • starts a loop that will execute once for each file in the “Files” collection of the “fileSystem” object.
  • stores the file names, types, and sizes in columns B, C, and D.
Set fileSystem = Nothing
    Set folder = Nothing
  • releases memory used by FileSystemObject.

Press F5 or click Run button to see the output.

List Files in Folder in Excel using FSO Early Binding

Read More: Excel VBA to Count Files in Folder and Subfolders

1.2 Using the Dir Function

The Dir Function will be used  to list file names. Use the VBA code below.

Sub ListFilesInDirectory()
Dim folderPath As String
Dim currentFileName As String
Dim currentFileType As String
Dim currentFileSize As Long
Dim currentRowCounter As Integer
folderPath = "E:\Softeko\UDF" ' Specify the folder path
currentFileName = Dir(folderPath) ' Get the first file in the folder
currentRowCounter = 5 ' Starting row for output
While currentFileName <> ""
' Extract the file type and size
currentFileType = Right(currentFileName, Len(currentFileName) _
- InStrRev(currentFileName, "."))
currentFileSize = FileLen(folderPath & currentFileName)
' Print the file name, type, and size to
'columns B, C, and D starting from row 5
Range("B" & currentRowCounter).Value = currentFileName
Range("C" & currentRowCounter).Value = currentFileType
Range("D" & currentRowCounter).Value = currentFileSize
currentRowCounter = currentRowCounter + 1
currentFileName = Dir ' Get the next file in the folder
End Sub

VBA code to list Files in Folder in Excel using the Dir function

Code Breakdown

folderPath = "E:\Softeko\UDF\"
currentfileName = Dir(folderPath)
  • declares a variable called folderPath and assigns it to “E:\Softeko\UDF\”.
  • creates a variable named currentfileName and assigns the value returned by the Dir() function.
currentfileType = Right(currentfileName, Len(fileName) - InStrRev(fileName, "."))
currentfileSize = FileLen(folderPath & currentfileName)
  • currentfileType = Right(fileName, Len(currentfileName) – InStrRev(currentfileName, “.”)) declares a variable named fileType. The Right function extracts the last portion of the currentfileName starting from the “.”.
  •  currentfileSize = FileLen(folderPath & currentfileName) calculates the file size by concatenating folderPath and currentfileName variables.

Run the code. All file names, types, and sizes are listed in your worksheet.

List Files in Folder in Excel using the Dir function

1.3 Using the File System Object Late Binding

Use the FSO Late Binding. Enter the following code.

Sub ListFiles()
    Dim folderName As String
    Dim FSOLibrary As Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Dim FSOFolder As Scripting.folde
    Dim FSOFile As Scripting.file
    Dim outputSheet As Worksheet
    Dim rowIndex As Long
    'set the folder name to a variable
    folderName = "E:\Softeko\UDF\"
    Set FSOLibrary = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Set FSOFolder = FSOLibrary.GetFolder(folderName)
    ' set the output to the sheet named "Late"
    Set outputSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Late")
    rowIndex = 5 ' set the starting row index to 5
    For Each FSOFile In FSOFolder.files
        ' output the file name to column B, Type to Column C
        'and Size to Column E
        outputSheet.Cells(rowIndex, 2).Value = FSOFile.Name
        outputSheet.Cells(rowIndex, 3).Value = FSOFile.Type
        outputSheet.Cells(rowIndex, 4).Value = FSOFile.Size
        rowIndex = rowIndex + 1 ' increment the row index
    Set FSOLibrary = Nothing
    Set FSOFolder = Nothing
    Set outputSheet = Nothing
End Sub

code to list Files in Folder using FSO Late Binding

Code Breakdown

 Set FSOLibrary = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
  Set FSOFolder = FSOLibrary.GetFolder(folderName)
  • Set FSOLibrary = New Scripting.FileSystemObject creates an instance of the FileSystemObject class from the Microsoft Scripting Runtime Library and assigns it to the FSOLibrary variable using the New
  • The GetFolder() method of the FileSystemObject object obtains a reference to a specific folder in the file system, specified by folderName, which is a string variable containing the full path to the folder.
 For Each FSOFile In FSOFolder.files
        ' output the file name to column B, Type to Column C
        'and Size to Column E
        outputSheet.Cells(rowIndex, 2).Value = FSOFile.Name
        outputSheet.Cells(rowIndex, 3).Value = FSOFile.Type
        outputSheet.Cells(rowIndex, 4).Value = FSOFile.Size
        rowIndex = rowIndex + 1 ' increment the row index
  • starts a loop that iterates over all the files in the folder referenced by FSOFile.
  • stores file names, types, and sizes in columns B, C, and D.

Run the code by pressing F5 to get the list of all files.

List Files in Folder in Excel using FSO Late Binding

Read More: Excel VBA to List Files in Folder with Specific Extension 

Example 2. Listing All Files in a Folder and Subfolder in the Worksheet


2.1 Using the File System Object Early Binding

Use the File System Object Early Binding to list files from all subfolders.

  • Go to Microsoft Visual Basic window and insert a Module.
  • Enter the code below.
Sub ListFilesSubfoldersEarly(FSOFolder As Object, _
ws As Worksheet, rowNum As Long)
    Dim FSOSubFolder As Object
    Dim FSOFile As Object
    'call the macro ListFilesSubfoldersEarly
    For Each FSOSubFolder In FSOFolder.subFolders
        ListFilesSubfoldersEarly FSOSubFolder, ws, rowNum
    'Print file names, types and size
    For Each FSOFile In FSOFolder.files
        ws.Cells(rowNum, 2).Value = FSOFile.path
        ws.Cells(rowNum, 3).Value = FSOFile.Type
        ws.Cells(rowNum, 4).Value = FSOFile.Size
        rowNum = rowNum + 1
End Sub
Sub SubfoldersStartDirectory()
    Dim FSOLibrary As FileSystemObject
    Dim FSOFolder As Object
    Dim folderName As String
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim rowNum As Long
    'Set the folder name to a variable
    folderName = "E:\Softeko\UDF\"
    Set FSOLibrary = New FileSystemObject
    'Set the worksheet and starting row number
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Early2")
    rowNum = 5
    'Call the ListFilesSubfoldersEarly Macro
    ListFilesSubfoldersEarly FSOLibrary.GetFolder(folderName), _
    ws, rowNum
End Sub

Code to list Files in Folder and subfolders using FSO Early Binding

Code Breakdown

For Each FSOSubFolder In FSOFolder.subFolders
 ListFilesSubfoldersEarly FSOSubFolder, ws, rowNum
  • calls the macro named ListFilesSubfoldersEarly.
 For Each FSOFile In FSOFolder.files
 ws.Cells(rowNum, 2).Value = FSOFile.path
  ws.Cells(rowNum, 3).Value = FSOFile.Type
   ws.Cells(rowNum, 4).Value = FSOFile.Size
   rowNum = rowNum + 1
  • lists the file names, types, and sizes in columns B, C, and D.
  • Run the code to see the output.

List Files in Folder and subfolders in Excel using FSO Early Binding

2.2 Using the File System Object Late Binding

List all files in subfolders, using the File System Late Binding. Enter the following code.

Sub ListAllFiles()
    Dim fso As Object
    Dim folder As Object
    Dim file As Object
    Dim folderName As String
    Dim currentRow As Long
    ' Set the folder name to a variable
    folderName = "E:\Softeko\UDF\"
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
    currentRow = 5
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    ' Call the recursive function to list all files
    ListFilesSubfolders fso.GetFolder(folderName), currentRow, ws
End Sub
Sub ListFilesSubfolders(fsoFolder As Object, ByRef currentRow As Long, _
ws As Worksheet)
    Dim subFolder As Object
    Dim file As Object
    For Each subFolder In fsoFolder.subFolders
        ListFilesSubfolders subFolder, currentRow, ws
    Next subFolder
    For Each file In fsoFolder.Files
        ws.Cells(currentRow, 2).Value = file.Name
        ws.Cells(currentRow, 3).Value = file.Type
        ws.Cells(currentRow, 4).Value = file.Size
        currentRow = currentRow + 1
    Next file
End Sub

VBA code to list Files in Folder and subfolders in Excel using FSO Late Binding

Code Breakdown

Sub ListFilesSubfolders(fsoFolder As Object, ByRef currentRow As Long, _
ws As Worksheet)
    Dim subFolder As Object
    Dim file As Object
    For Each subFolder In fsoFolder.subFolders
        ListFilesSubfolders subFolder, currentRow, ws
    Next subFolder
    For Each file In fsoFolder.Files
        ws.Cells(currentRow, 2).Value = file.Name
        ws.Cells(currentRow, 3).Value = file.Type
        ws.Cells(currentRow, 4).Value = file.Size
        currentRow = currentRow + 1
    Next file
End Sub
  • declares two variables named FSOSubFolder and FSOFile as object.
  • loops through the subfolders in the FSOFolder parameter.
  • ListFilesSubfoldersLate FSOSubFolder, currentRow calls the ListFilesSubfoldersLate subroutine recursively, passing in the FSOSubFolder parameter as the new FSOFolder parameter and the currentRow parameter unchanged. The code stores outputs in the specified cells.

Run the code to see the list of all files in the folder and subfolders.

List Files in Folder and subfolders in Excel using FSO Late Binding

Example 3 – Listing Files in Folders and Subfolders Using a Non-Recursive VBA Method

Enter this code.

Sub ListFilesNonrecursive()
Dim fso As Objec
Dim folder As Object
Dim subFolder As Object
Dim file As Object
Dim i As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set folder = fso.GetFolder("E:\Softeko\UDF\")
For Each file In folder.files
    If file.DateLastModified > Now - 7 Then
        ws.Cells(i + 5, 2) = file.Name
        ws.Cells(i + 5, 3) = file.Type
        i = i + 1
    End If
Next file
For Each subFolder In folder.subFolders
    For Each file In subFolder.files
        If file.DateLastModified > Now - 7 Then
            ws.Cells(i + 5, 2) = file.Name
            ws.Cells(i + 5, 3) = file.Type
            i = i + 1
        End If
    Next file
Next subFolder
End Sub

code to list Files using the non-recursive method

Code Breakdown

For Each file In folder.files
    If file.DateLastModified > Now - 7 Then
        ws.Cells(i + 5, 2) = file.Name
        ws.Cells(i + 5, 3) = file.Type
        i = i + 1
    End If
Next file
  • The code checks if the file was modified within the last week. If it was, the code stores file names and types in columns B and C.

Run the code.

This is the output.

List Files in Folder and subfolders in Excel using the non-recursive method

How to List Files in Folders and Subfolders with Hyperlinks with Excel VBA

The path is “E:\Softeko\UDF\”. Use the following code to list files and add hyperlinks.

Sub ListFilesHyperlink()
    Dim fso As Object, folder As Object, subFolder As Object, _
    file As Object
    Dim path As String, row As Long
    path = "E:\Softeko\UDF\"
    row = 5
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set folder = fso.GetFolder(path)
    ' Output files in the main folder
    For Each file In folder.files
        Cells(row, 2).Value = file.Name
        ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(row, 2), _
        row = row + 1
    Next file
    ' Output files in subfolders
    For Each subFolder In folder.subFolders
        For Each file In subFolder.files
            Cells(row, 2).Value = file.Name
            ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(row, 2), _
            row = row + 1
        Next file
    Next subFolder
    Set fso = Nothing
    Set folder = Nothing
End Sub

List Files with Hyperlinks with Excel VBA

Code Breakdown

For Each file In folder.files
        Cells(row, 2).Value = file.Name
        ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(row, 2), _
        row = row + 1
    Next file
  • Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(row, 2), Address:=file.path adds a hyperlink to the path. .

Run the code to see the list of files with hyperlinks.

List Files in Folder and Subfolders with Hyperlinks with Excel VBA

How to List Files in a Folder with Specific Extensions in Excel with VBA

This code lists all files with the .png and .xlsx extensions.

Sub ListFiles()
    Dim fso As Object, folder As Object, subFolder As Object, _
    file As Object
    Dim path As String, row As Long
    path = "E:\Softeko\UDF\"
    row = 5
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set folder = fso.GetFolder(path)
    ' Output files in the main folder
    For Each file In folder.files
        If file.Name Like "*.png" Or file.Name Like "*.xlsx" Then
            Cells(row, 2).Value = file.Name
            Cells(row, 3).Value = file.Type
            Cells(row, 4).Value = file.Size
            row = row + 1
        End If
    Next file
    ' Output files in subfolders
    For Each subFolder In folder.subFolders
        For Each file In subFolder.files
            If file.Name Like "*.png" Or file.Name Like "*.xlsx" Then
                Cells(row, 2).Value = file.Name
                Cells(row, 3).Value = file.Type
                Cells(row, 4).Value = file.Size
                row = row + 1
            End If
        Next file
    Next subFolder
    Set fso = Nothing
    Set folder = Nothing
End Sub

List Files in Folder with Specific Extensions in Excel

Code Breakdown

 For Each file In folder.files
        If file.Name Like "*.png" Or file.Name Like "*.xlsx" Then
            Cells(row, 2).Value = file.Name
            Cells(row, 3).Value = file.Type
            Cells(row, 4).Value = file.Size
            row = row + 1
        End If
    Next file
  • checks if the file name matches either the pattern “*.png” or “*.xlsx” using Like
  • finds a match, and stores the file names, types, and sizes in the specified columns.

Run the code to see the output. Only .png and .xlsx files will be listed.

List Files in Folder with Specific Extensions in Excel with VBA

How to List Files in Folders and Subfolders in a Text File Using VBA

Enter the code.

Sub List_All_Files_Text()
PID = Shell("cmd /c dir E:\Softeko\UDF /s /b > E:\Softeko\UDF\Files_List.txt", _
    Do While IsFileInUse("E:\Softeko\UDF\Files_List.txt")
End Sub
Function IsFileInUse(filePath As String) As Boolean
    On Error Resume Next
    Open filePath For Binary Access Read Write Lock Read Write As #1
    Close #1
    IsFileInUse = Err.Number <> 0
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

List Files in a Text File Using VBA

Code Breakdown

PID = Shell("cmd /c dir E:\Softeko\UDF /s /b > E:\Softeko\UDF\Files_List.txt", _
    Do While IsFileInUse("E:\Softeko\UDF\Files_List.txt")
  • PID = Shell(“cmd /c dir E:\Softeko\UDF /s /b > E:\Softeko\UDF\Files_List.txt”, vbHide) executes the command dir E:\Softeko\UDF /s /b > E:\Softeko\UDF\Files_List.txt in the command prompt. The /s specifies that the command should be executed recursively on all subdirectories, while the /b specifies that only the file names should be displayed, without any additional information. The output of the command is redirected to a text file named txt in the E:\Softeko\UDF directory. The vbHide parameter specifies that the command prompt window should be hidden.
  • Do While IsFileInUse(“E:\Softeko\UDF\Files_List.txt”) DoEvents Loop loops continuously until the txt file is no longer in use.

Run the code.

Go to the location of your text file.

List Files in Folders and Subfolders in a Text File Using VBA

Open the text file and you will see the list of all files in the folder and subfolders.

List Files in Folders and Subfolders in a Text File Using VBA


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Alif Bin Hussain
Alif Bin Hussain

Alif Bin Hussain earned a BSc in Civil Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. As an engineering graduate, he has a deep passion for research and innovation. He loves to play with Excel. In his role as an Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy, he not only solves tricky problems but also shows enthusiasm and expertise in handling tough situations with finesse, emphasizing his dedication to delivering top-notch content. He is interested in C, C++,... Read Full Bio

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