Excel Convert Number to Text

Spell Number in Excel (With/Without Currency)

Spelling numbers in Excel is often required for banking or marketing sectors. Although Excel does not offer any built-in function to spell numbers, ...

How to Convert Number to Text in Excel with Apostrophe

In this tutorial, you are going to learn a quick but very important method to convert number to text format in Excel with apostrophe. Furthermore, ...

How to Convert Number to Text with Green Triangle in Excel

Excel has an inbuilt data display orientation to indicate entries such as Numbers or Text. On occasions, we need to convert number to text with green ...

How to Convert Number to Text with Commas in Excel (3 Easy Methods)

Sometimes we need to put commas between numbers. It’s hard to understand a number’s identity at one glance when it’s very large, but by putting comma ...

How to Convert Number to Text with 2 Decimal Places in Excel (5 Ways)

While working with large Microsoft Excel, sometimes we need to convert numbers to text. We can convert the numbers to text with 2 decimal places. We ...

How to Convert Number to Text without Scientific Notation in Excel

Once you input any data for example a number, it will be stored typically as a number. More importantly, if the number of digits is greater than 15, ...

How to Convert Number to Text and Keep Trailing Zeros in Excel

While converting numbers to text in Excel, you will find that Excel removes the trailing zeros after the decimal point of a number. There is a simple ...

How to Convert Number to Text for VLOOKUP in Excel (2 Ways)

In Microsoft Excel, the VLOOKUP formula is one of the hottest topics that you can find on the internet. There are numerous articles on this topic ...

How to Convert Number to Text with Leading Zeros in Excel

Leading zeros aid predominantly in specifying the length of a number. In the case of maintaining records such as any special identity number, zip ...

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