COUNTIF Function in Excel

COUNTIF vs COUNTIFS in Excel (4 Examples)

COUNTIF vs COUNTIFS is a key phrase to differentiate between two functions; COUNTIF and COUNTIFS. The COUNTIF function is a Statistical function that ...

How to Use COUNTIF with SUBTOTAL in Excel (2 Methods)

In this article, we’ll illustrate how to use the COUNTIF function with the SUBTOTAL function in Excel to count filtered data using two convenience ...

VBA COUNTIF Function in Excel (6 Examples)

The COUNTIF function in Excel is used to count the number of cells within a range that meet the given condition. In this article, we will show you ...

How to Use COUNTIF Between Two Numbers (4 Methods)

Sometimes while working in Microsoft Excel we need to count cells between two numbers. We can do this with the COUNTIF function. The COUNTIF function ...

COUNTIF Excel Example (22 Examples)

One of the most useful functions of Microsoft Excel is the COUNTIF function. You can use the COUNTIF function to count cells with specific ...

How to Use COUNTIF with WEEKDAY in Excel (3 Easy Ways)

Of many Microsoft Excel Functions, COUNTIF and WEEKDAY are two very useful ones. We can use those functions so that we can easily get some ...

COUNTIF Date Is within 7 Days

Sometimes we need to count if the date is within 7 days from the dataset for quick calculation. In this case, we need to use some Excel formulas with ...

How to Use COUNTIF with Wildcard in Excel (7 Easy Ways)

When you want to specify partial criteria such as “begins with”, “ends with” or “contains” then wildcards are useful to do that in Excel. This ...

Count Blank Cells with Excel COUNTIF Function: 2 Examples

While working with a large number of data, you can find several bank cells in your worksheet. As a result, it sometimes gives us different results or ...

How to Use COUNTIF for Date Range in Excel (6 Suitable Approaches)

In MS Excel, the COUNTIF function is used to count cells under different criteria. In this article, you’ll learn effectively how you can use this ...

COUNTIF Between Two Dates in Excel (6 Suitable Examples)

For different purposes, you may need to find the number of occurrences between two dates. You can fetch the count value easily once you have known ...

Apply COUNTIF Function in Multiple Ranges for Same Criteria

Sometimes we may need to work with multiple ranges on the same criteria in terms of searching, counting, or sorting. In this way, Microsoft Excel ...

Excel COUNTIF with Greater Than and Less Than Criteria

In this article, I’ll discuss how you’ll count cells greater than and less than using the function with 6 practical examples. First, I’ll focus on ...

Excel COUNTIF Function to Count Cells Greater Than 0

COUNTIF function is one of the most basic & simple operations in MS Excel that can be used to count 0 (Zero), greater than 0, or less than 0 ...

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