How to Show Quick Access Toolbar in Excel (3 Easy Ways)

The Quick Access Toolbar is a small customizable toolbar, located at the top of the application window. It is essential for efficient and personalized workflow. Users can customize it with frequently used commands, providing quick and consistent access to tools.

In this tutorial, you will learn 3 ways to show the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel using different Excel features.

You can see the Quick Access Toolbar in the image below, which can be enabled by following any of the ways discussed in this article.

Showing Quick Access toolbar in Excel

Why Show Quick Access Toolbar in Excel?

The Quick Access Toolbar in Excel is a customizable toolbar providing quick access to frequently used commands and functions. Reasons to show the Quick Access Toolbar:

  • Enables users to quickly access commonly used commands without navigating through multiple tabs in the Ribbon.
  • Users can customize the toolbar to include specific commands relevant to their workflow, increasing efficiency and reducing the time spent searching for tools.
  • The Quick Access Toolbar is user-specific, allowing individuals to set it up according to their preferences and work requirements.
  • Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar provides a consistent set of tools that remain easily accessible regardless of the active Ribbon.
  • For tasks that involve repetitive actions, having essential tools readily available on the Quick Access Toolbar can significantly streamline the workflow.

3 Ways to Show Quick Access Toolbar in Excel

To show the Quick Access Toolbar, you can use Excel features like: Ribbon Display Options, context menu of Ribbon, and Excel Options.

Here are the 3 ways to show the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel:

1. Applying Ribbon Display Options

You can apply the Ribbon Display Options to show the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel. The “Ribbon Display Options” is located at the bottom-right corner of the Excel Ribbon.

Steps to show the Quick Access Toolbar by applying Ribbon Display Options:

  1. Click on the Ribbon Display Options drop-down.
  2. Mark the Show Quick Access Toolbar option. Or press Alt + Z + R + S.Use of Ribbon Display Options to show Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar is showing on the top of the worksheet.

Quick Access Toolbar in Excel

2. Using the Context Menu of Ribbon

To show the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel, you can use the context menu of the Ribbon. You will get the context menus from the tab name area and commands section of the Ribbon which can be used to show the Quick Access Toolbar. The main advantage of this way is that you do not need to access any specific section in the ribbon. You can right-click anywhere in the ribbon to get the option to show the Quick Access Toolbar.

To show the Quick Access Toolbar using context menus of ribbon:

  1. Right-click on any tab of the Ribbon.
  2. Select the Show Quick Access Toolbar from the context menu.Context menu of Ribbon Tab

Now, you will see the Quick Access Toolbar.

Quick Access Toolbar in Excel

Alternatively, you can also right-click on any command under any tab in the Ribbon and select the Show Quick Access Toolbar for the same purpose.Context menu of Ribbon Command

Read More: Quick Access Toolbar is Missing in Excel

3. Using the Excel Options Feature

You can show the Quick Access Toolbar from the Excel Options window of the File tab.

Here are the steps to show the Quick Access Toolbar using Excel Options:

  1. Click on the File tab.File tab of Excel
  2. Select Options to appear Excel Options window. Or press Alt + F + T.Select Options from Excel menu
  3. In the Excel Options window:
    • Select the Quick Access Toolbar from the left side menu.
    • Check the Show Quick Access Toolbar option from the right side.
    • Finally, click on OK.

    Enable Show Quick Access Toolbar option

The Quick Access Toolbar is showing.

Quick Access Toolbar in Excel


Displaying the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel is a handy way to access commonly used commands quickly. Whether you go with the default options or customize it to suit your needs, the toolbar is there to make your Excel experience more straightforward and efficient. We have explored 3 possible ways to show the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel in this article. Try the ways and inform us if you face any problems. For further queries write in the comment box.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to reset the Quick Access Toolbar to its default settings?

You can easily reset the Quick Access Toolbar to its default configuration by following:

  1. Go to the File tab > Options.
  2. In the Excel Options window: Quick Access Toolbar > Customizations.
  3. Under Customizations section: Reset only Quick Access Toolbar > OK.

Is the Quick Access Toolbar customizable?

Yes, it is customizable. You can customize it by adding or removing commands that are most relevant to your workflow.

Can you relocate the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel?

Yes, you can relocate it below or above the Ribbon based on your preference.

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Mashhura Jahan
Mashhura Jahan

Mashhura Jahan, BSc in Industrial and Production Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, invested 1.5 years at ExcelDemy. In roles like Excel & VBA Content Developer, Excel Charts, and Dashboard course trainer, she wrote 90+ articles. She was previously part of the forum support team and a junior software analyst on the Excel Add-in project. With interests spanning Excel, VBA, Power Query, Python, Data Science, and Software Development, Mashhura brings a diverse skill set to her... Read Full Bio

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