How to Calculate Annual Leave in Excel (with Detailed Steps)

Step 1 – Insert Employee Information

We are going to calculate the annual leaves of an organization consisting of 10 employees.

  • Input the Names and IDs of employees.

Step 2 – Create a List of Leaves Allowed by Company

  • Input the names of months in a separate column.

  • Select all the cells of the Month column.
  • Right-click and select the Format Cells option.

Create a List of Leaves Allowed by Company for annual leave

  • Click on the Number tab.
  • Choose a date Type from the Custom field.

Create a List of Leaves Allowed by Company for annual leave

  • Press the OK button.

  • Add a list of leaves with their codewords.

Step 3 – Create a Leave Record

  • Create a worksheet with the following columns: Leave ID, Employee ID, Name, Date, Leave Code.

  • Click on Cell C5.
  • Go to the Data tab.
  • Click on the Data Validation option from the Data Tools group.

Create a Leave Record in Excel

  • The Data Validation window appears here.
  • Choose List in the Allow box.
  • The source sheet is the basic information. Choose the Employee ID cells here.

 Create a Leave Record in Excel

  • Press the OK button.

  • Extend the Data Validation to all the cells of that column.
  • Click on the Drop-down button and see the options.

 Create a Leave Record in Excel

  • Apply data validation for the Leave Code column.
  • The source is the cells of the leave types.

 Create a Leave Record in Excel

  • Data Validation was successfully applied for both columns.

  • Apply the following formula to Cell D5.
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(C5,'Data Set'!B5:C14,2,FALSE),"")

 Create a Leave Record in Excel

  • Apply the formula below to Cell B5.

This forms a unique ID combining the Employee ID and Date value.

  • Input leave information in the first row.

 Create a Leave Record in Excel

  • Insert the leaves per your requirements.

Step 4 – Calculate Monthly Leaves

  • Click on the Developer tab.
  • Choose Combo Box from the Insert group.

Calculate Monthly Leaves in Excel

  • Place the Control Box in a table.
  • Right-click on the Combo Box and select Format Control.

  • Click on the Control tab.
  • Select a range of month names at the Input range.
  • Link a cell that will show the serial number of that month based on the source.
  • For Drop down lines, put 12 because of 12 months of the year.

Calculate Monthly Leaves in Excel

  • Press OK.

We can see the selected month from the drop-down and the corresponding month number.

  • Use this formula on Cell S4.
=INDEX('Data Set'!E5:E16,'Monthly Leave Record'!M4)

Calculate Monthly Leaves in Excel

This will extract the starting date of the month the depending on month number.

  • Input the IDs and Names in the columns in the dataset.

  • Go to cell D7 and input S4.

  • Go to cell E7 and put the following formula.

Calculate Monthly Leaves in Excel

  • Press the Enter button.

  • Choose the format dd from the Custom options.

  • Expand the cells to a total of 31 cells for 31 days of the month.

  • Put the following formula in Cell D8.

Calculate Monthly Leaves in Excel

  • Hit Enter and AutoFill that formula to the right to cover all days.

  • Click the Alignment tab.
  • Rotate 90 degrees.

Calculate Monthly Leaves in Excel

  • Look at the dataset.

  • Select D6:AH6.
  • Click on Merge & Center.

  • Input S4 on that cell.

  • Look at the worksheet.

  • Change the format of that cell to mmmm from the Format Cells window.

  • Only the month name is showing now.

  • Change the font and background color for the various table elements.

  • Put the following formula in Cell D9.

Calculate Monthly Leaves in Excel

  • Expand the formula to all the cells of the month section.

We can see leaves with corresponding codes showing.

  • Change the month name from March to February.

  • Leave dates have changed successfully.
  • Add 5 new columns with leave names and codes.

  • Put the following formula in Cell AI19.

Calculate Monthly Leaves in Excel

  • Expand that formula to the rest of the cells.

  • Select AI9:AM18.
  • Go to the Conditional Formatting group.
  • Choose Equal To from Highlight Cells Rules.

Calculate Monthly Leaves in Excel

  • Put 0 in the box and select a Custom Format.
  • Press the OK button.

Calculate Monthly Leaves in Excel

  • We will calculate the leaves of each employee.

  • Add a new column named Total.
  • Go to cell AN9 and put the following formula.

Calculate Monthly Leaves in Excel

  • Drag the Fill Handle icon down.

Step 5 – Calculate Annual Leaves

  • Copy the last worksheet and customize a new worksheet for calculation.

  • We have two cells for Start and End. We input dates here. We start on 1st January and end on 31st December.

  • Input this formula in D9.


=COUNTIFS(Record!$E:$E,">="&'Annual Leave'!$E$4,Record!$E:$E,"<="&'Annual Leave'!$G$4,Record!$C:$C,'Annual Leave'!$B9,Record!$F:$F,'Annual Leave'!D$8)

Calculate Annual Leaves

  • Press the Enter button.

  • Expand the formula to the whole leave area.

  • Apply a SUM formula at cell I9 for total leaves.

  • Press the Enter button and drag the Fill Handle icon down.

Calculate Annual Leaves

  • Apply the conditional formatting to remove the 0 (zero) values.

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Alok Paul
Alok Paul

Alok Paul has completed his B.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from East West University. He has been working on the ExcelDemy project for more than 2 years. He has written 220+ articles and replied to numerous comments. He is experienced in Microsoft Office, especially in Excel. He also led some teams on Excel and VBA content development. He has a keen interest in Advanced Excel, Data analysis, Excel Pivot Table, Charts, and Dashboard. He loves to research... Read Full Bio

  1. Hi,

    I try use below mentioned formula but why I cant add 2 lookup value..($B9&D$7)


    • Hello KO,
      Thank you very much for your comment. The formula you mentioned in the comment is working smoothly from our side. If you share your workbook, we will be able to find out the solution to your problem. You can mail us at [email protected].

  2. Is there any formula for a drop down list using different type of leaves in the attendance sheet that data will not able to move if I jump in to different month.

    • Dear Prince,
      Thank you very much for reading our article.
      According to your query, 1st you wanted to know about a formula to create a drop-down list that will be used to select different types of leaves. You will get that in Step 3 of this article. In our Excel file, we selected leave using the drop-down list in Record sheet. Also when you move to any month leave information will be based on the Record sheet. So, information will not move from one month to another. Try this and hope you will get the solution.
      Otherwise, send your Excel file with what you want to get and we will try to provide a solution. You can mail us at [email protected].
      Joyanta Mitra

  3. On the third step where the leave record is captured. Is there way to make it so that instead of recording individual days of leave, it will rather be a range of say two days or five days.

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Jun 23, 2024 at 4:53 PM

      Hello Chris

      Thanks for your comment! You want to insert multiple leave records at a time.

      I have reviewed your requirements. I am delighted to inform you that I have found an idea that uses an Excel UserForm to fulfil your goal. Please check the following:

      To improve the Excel file, I had to write many lines of code and adjust many features, so I am not explaining how I did this. You can down the improved file from the following link:

      Hopefully, you will like the idea. Good luck.

      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Excel & VBA Developer

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