VBA Range with Variable Row Number in Excel – 4 Examples

This is an overview:

Sub Range_with_Variable_Row_Number()

First_Cell = InputBox("Enter the First Cell of the Range: ")
Row_Number = Str(Range(First_Cell).Row)

Number_of_Rows = InputBox("Enter the Total Number of Rows of the Range: ")

Set Rng = Range(First_Cell & ":" & Mid(First_Cell, 1, Len(First_Cell) - Len(Row_Number) + 1) & Mid(Str(Int(Number_of_Rows) + Int(Row_Number) - 1), 2, 10))

End Sub

Set Range with Variable Row Number with VBA in Excel

Code Breakdown

  • The code takes two inputs, the first cell in the range, called First_Cell, and the total number of variable rows in the range, called Number_of_Rows.
  • It creates a range of rows called Rng, starting from the First_Cell up to the total number of rows.
  • If your First_Cell is B4 and the Number_of_Rows is 10, the output Rng is B4:B13.
  • Use the relative cell reference of the First_Cell, not the absolute or the mixed cell reference (Use B4, not $B$4 or $B4).

The dataset  contains employees’ Names and Salaries.

Data Set to Use VBA Range with Variable Row Number in Excel


Example 1 – Select a Range with a Variable Row Number with VBA 


  • Select the names of the 1st 5 employees.
  • Use the following VBA code:
Sub Select_Range()

First_Cell = InputBox("Enter the First Cell to Select: ")
Row_Number = Str(Range(First_Cell).Row)

Number_of_Rows = InputBox("Enter the Number of Rows to Select: ")

Rng = First_Cell & ":" & Mid(First_Cell, 1, Len(First_Cell) - Len(Row_Number) + 1) & Mid(Str(Int(Number_of_Rows) + Int(Row_Number) - 1), 2, 10)


End Sub

VBA Code to Use VBA Range with Variable Row Number in Excel


  • Run the Macro (Select_Range). You’ll get two input boxes.
  • The first box will ask you to enter the first cell of the range you want to select. Here, B4, the cell with the first employee.

  • Click OK. The second Input box will ask you the number of rows you want to select. Here, 5.

Entering Inputs to Use VBA Range with Variable Row Number in Excel

  • Again, click OK. And you’ll get the names of the first 5 employees selected in your dataset.

Output to Use VBA Range with Variable Row Number in Excel

Example  2 – Insert Numbers into a Range with a Variable Row Number in Excel

  • Number the 1st 5 employees from 1 to 5.
  • Use the following VBA code:
Sub Insert_Numbers()

First_Cell = InputBox("Enter the First Cell to Insert Number: ")
Row_Number = Str(Range(First_Cell).Row)

Number_of_Rows = InputBox("Enter the Total Number of Rows to Insert Numbers: ")

Set Rng = Range(First_Cell & ":" & Mid(First_Cell, 1, Len(First_Cell) - Len(Row_Number) + 1) & Mid(Str(Int(Number_of_Rows) + Int(Row_Number) - 1), 2, 10))

Series_or_Fixed = Int(InputBox("Enter 1 to Enter a Series of Numbers: " + vbNewLine + vbNewLine + "OR" + vbNewLine + vbNewLine + "Enter 2 to Enter a Fixed Number: "))

If Series_or_Fixed = 1 Then

    First_Number = Int(InputBox("Enter the First Number: "))
    Increment = Int(InputBox("Enter the Increment: "))
    For i = 1 To Rng.Rows.Count
        Rng.Cells(i, 1) = First_Number + (i - 1) * Increment
    Next i

ElseIf Series_or_Fixed = 2 Then
    Number = Int(InputBox("Enter the Fixed Number: "))
    For i = 1 To Rng.Rows.Count
        Rng.Cells(i, 1) = Number
    Next i

End If

End Sub


  • Run the Macro (Insert_Numbers). You’ll see Input boxes.
  • The 1st box will ask you to enter the first cell to insert the numbers. Here, A4.

Entering Inputs to Use VBA Range with Variable Row Number in Excel

  • Click OK. The 2nd box will ask you to enter the total number of rows to insert numbers. Here, 5.

Inserting Inputs to Use VBA Range with Variable Row Number in Excel

  • The 3rd box will ask you whether you want a series of numbers or a fixed number:

Enter 1 for a series of numbers.

Enter 2 for a fixed number.

  • Here, a series of numbers.

  • The 4th box will ask you the first number of the series: 1.

Entering Inputs to Use VBA Range with Variable Row Number in Excel

  • The final box will ask you to enter the increment. In a series of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, it’s 1.

Inserting Inputs to Use VBA Range with Variable Row Number in Excel

  • Click OK. And you’ll get a series of 1 to 5 in A4:A8.

Example 3 – Perform a Mathematical Operation on a Range with a Variable Row Number in Excel

The salaries of the first 5 employees will be increased by $10,000.

Use the following VBA code:

Sub Mathematical_Operation()

First_Cell = InputBox("Enter the First Cell to Perform Operation: ")
Row_Number = Str(Range(First_Cell).Row)

Number_of_Rows = InputBox("Enter the Total Number of Rows to Perform Operation: ")

Set Rng = Range(First_Cell & ":" & Mid(First_Cell, 1, Len(First_Cell) - Len(Row_Number) + 1) & Mid(Str(Int(Number_of_Rows) + Int(Row_Number) - 1), 2, 10))

Operation = Int(InputBox("Enter the Operation to Perform: " + vbNewLine + "Enter 1 for Addition: " + vbNewLine + "Enter 2 for Subtraction: " + vbNewLine + "Enter 3 for Multiplication: " + vbNewLine + "Enter 4 for Division: "))

Operations = Array("Add", "Subtract", "Multiply", "Divide")

Number = Int(InputBox("Enter the Number to " + Operations(Operation - 1) + ": "))

For i = 1 To Rng.Rows.Count

    If Operation = 1 Then
        Rng.Cells(i, 1) = Rng.Cells(i, 1).Value + Number
    End If

    If Operation = 2 Then
        Rng.Cells(i, 1) = Rng.Cells(i, 1).Value - Number
    End If

    If Operation = 3 Then
        Rng.Cells(i, 1) = Rng.Cells(i, 1).Value * Number
    End If

    If Operation = 4 Then
        Rng.Cells(i, 1) = Rng.Cells(i, 1).Value / Number
    End If

Next i

End Sub

VBA Code to Use VBA Range with Variable Row Number in Excel


  • Run the Macro (Mathematical_Operation). You’ll get 4 Input boxes.
  • The 1st box will ask you to enter the first cell to perform the operation. Here, the salary of the 1st employee in C4.

Entering Inputs to Use VBA Range with Variable Row Number in Excel

  • The 2nd box will ask you the total number of rows to perform the operation.

  • The 3rd box will ask you to enter the operation you want to perform.

Enter 1 for addition.

Enter 2 for subtraction.

3 for Multiplication.

And 4 for a Division.

  • Here, an addition.

Inserting Inputs to Use VBA Range with Variable Row Number in Excel

  • The 4th box will ask you to enter the number to add. Here, 10000.

Inserting Inputs to Use VBA Range with Variable Row Number in Excel

  • Click OK. And you will find the salaries of the first 5 employees increased by $10,000.

Read More: Excel VBA: Set Range by Row and Column Number

Example 4 – Color Cells of a Range with a Variable Row Number in Excel

Color the names of the 1st five employees.

Use the following VBA code:

Sub Color_Range()

First_Cell = InputBox("Enter the First Cell to Color: ")
Row_Number = Str(Range(First_Cell).Row)

Number_of_Rows = InputBox("Enter the Total Number of Rows to Color: ")

Set Rng = Range(First_Cell & ":" & Mid(First_Cell, 1, Len(First_Cell) - Len(Row_Number) + 1) & Mid(Str(Int(Number_of_Rows) + Int(Row_Number) - 1), 2, 10))

Color_Code = Int(InputBox("Enter the Color Code: " + vbNewLine + "Enter 3 for Color Red." + vbNewLine + "Enter 5 for Color Blue." + vbNewLine + "Enter 6 for Color Yellow." + vbNewLine + "Enter 10 for Color Green."))

Background_or_Text = Int(InputBox("Enter 1 to Color the Whole Background of the Cells: " + vbNewLine + vbNewLine + "Or" + vbNewLine + vbNewLine + "Enter 2 to Color Only the Texts: "))

For i = 1 To Rng.Rows.Count

    If Background_or_Text = 1 Then
        Rng(i, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = Color_Code
    ElseIf Background_or_Text = 2 Then
        Rng.Cells(i, 1).Characters(1, Len(Rng.Cells(i, 1))).Font.ColorIndex = Color_Code
    End If

Next i

End Sub

VBA Code to Use VBA Range with Variable Row Number in Excel


  • Run the Macro (Color_Range). You’ll get 4 input boxes.
  • The 1st box will ask you to enter the first cell to color. Here, the first employee, B4.

Entering Inputs to Use VBA Range with Variable Row Number in Excel

  • The 2nd box will ask for the total number of rows to color: 5.

  • The 3rd box will ask you to choose the color. Here, 6 – yellow.

Inserting Inputs to Use VBA Range with Variable Row Number in Excel

  • The final box will ask whether you want to color the whole background of the cells or the only text. Here, 1 (Whole background).

Inserting Inputs to Use VBA Range with Variable Row Number in Excel

  • Click OK. And you’ll get the whole background of the 1st 5 names highlighted in yellow.

Read More: How to Use Range with Variable Row and Column with Excel VBA

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Rifat Hassan
Rifat Hassan

Rifat Hassan, BSc, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has worked with the ExcelDemy project for almost 2 years. Within these 2 years, he has written over 250 articles. He has also conducted a few Boot Camp sessions on effective coding, especially Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Currently, he is working as a Software Developer to develop and deploy additional add-ins to enhance the customers with a more sophisticated experience with Microsoft Office Suits,... Read Full Bio

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