Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool and Functions in Excel

Generating random numbers manually is a very time-consuming thing. With the help of Excel’s tools and functions, you can produce numbers in a very short time. In this article, you will learn how to utilize the Data Analysis Tool and 4 functions as a random number generator in Excel.

Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool and Functions in Excel: 5 Methods

Following this section, you will learn how to utilize the Data Analysis Tool and the RAND, RANK.EQ, RANDBETWEEN, and RANDARRAY function to generate random numbers in Excel.

1. The Data Analysis Tool as a Random Number Generator in Excel

You can generate random numbers with Excel’s Data Analysis Tool.
Look at the following picture. We will fill up this Random Numbers dataset with random numbers generated from the Data Analysis tool in Excel.

Dataset for Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool in Excel

The steps to execute this are given below.


  • First, go to the tab Data -> Data Analysis.

Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool in Excel

  • Then, from the Data Analysis pop-up box, select Random Number Generation.
  • Next, click OK.

Selecting Option for Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool in Excel

  • Subsequently, another Random Number Generation pop-up box will appear.
  • In the Number of Variables section, write the number of columns in which you want to generate random numbers. For instance, we want to generate random numbers in 2 columns, Column B and Column C. So, we wrote 2 in there.

Selecting Columns for Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool in Excel

  • After that, in the Number of Random Numbers section, write the number of random numbers you want to generate. For example, we wanted to generate 10 random numbers, so we wrote 10 in that box.

Selecting Numbers for Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool in Excel

  • There are 7 types of Distribution in random number generation. The types are:
    • Uniform: To generate numbers from a specified low value to a high value.
    • Normal: To generate numbers based on a specified range of Mean and Standard Deviation.
    • Bernoulli: To generate numbers that have the probability of success either 0 or 1.
    • Binomial: To generate numbers that have the probability of success for a number of trials.
    • Poisson: To generate numbers based on Lambda value, fraction equal to 1/Mean.
    • Patterned: To generate numbers that have a lower and upper limit, in a certain step and a fixed number of repetition periods for both the values and the sequence.
    • Discrete: To generate numbers that have a value and probability. The sum of the probability is generally 1. To display results, it usually uses two columns.

In our case, we selected Uniform distribution. You can select any distribution type according to your requirements.

Selecting Distribution for Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool in Excel

  • As a result, the Parameters group will show up. Insert the low value and the high value in the appropriate boxes. In our case, we will generate random numbers from 1 to 5, so we wrote 1 and 5 in the Between section.

Selecting parameters for Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool in Excel

  • Random Seed is usually used when we need to generate the same set of numbers. Random Seed keeps the data centered on the inserted values.
    For now, we are skipping this section.
  • Write the destination location in the Output Range. We wanted to generate a random number in cell B5, so we selected that cell. Or you can manually write the cell reference address.
    You can even place the newly generated numbers in a new worksheet or even a new workbook. For that, you just have to simply check the New Worksheet Ply or the New Workbook option from the pop-up box.

Selecting location for Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool in Excel

  • After you have done all those procedures, press OK.

Overview of Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool in Excel

Now, look at the following image to check the final outcome of all the steps that we executed.

Result of Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool in Excel

Finally, we have successfully generated random numbers from 1 to 5 in the specified location in our Excel dataset.

2. The RAND Function to Generate Random Numbers in Excel

The RAND function can be utilized in generating random numbers in Excel.
The RAND function returns a random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. The numbers are evenly distributed, they change on every recalculation.

The steps to generate random numbers with the RAND function are given below.


  • First, pick a cell to store the number. We picked cell B5.
  • In that cell, write the RAND function.
  • Then, press Enter.

  • You will see there will be a random number generated in that cell.

Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool and RAND function in Excel

  • Now, drag the cell down to produce as many random numbers as you want in the worksheet.

By following these steps, you can successfully generate random numbers from 0 to less than 1 with the RAND function in Excel.

Result of Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool and RAND function in Excel

3. The RANK.EQ Function as the Random Number Generator

You can also utilize the RANK.EQ function to produce random numbers in Excel. To produce random numbers with RANK.EQ, you have to have a source number list. As we have already generated random numbers in the range B5:B14 with the RAND function, we will take that range as our source number list to generate random numbers in the range C5:C14 with the RANK.EQ function in Excel.

The RANK.EQ function returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers. Its size is relative to the other values in the list. If more than one value has the same rank, the top rank of that set of values is returned.

The steps to generate random numbers with the RANK.EQ functions are given below.


  • First, pick a cell to store the first number of a list of numbers. We picked cell C5, the cell next to the first generated number from the RAND function. The RAND function generated the source range B4:B14.
  • In that cell, write the RANK.EQ function. While writing, you will notice the parameters that you need to input inside the parentheses of the function.
    • You need to pass a source number as the first parameter. In our case, it is the number from cell B5, so we pass the cell reference of B5 in there.
    • After that, you need to pass the list of source numbers as the reference In our case, it is the range B5:B14.
    • The order parameter is optional, if you want your data to be organized in Ascending or Descending format, then you should use this.

  • In our case, the formula now becomes like this:
  • Then, press Enter.

  • You will see there will be a random number generated in that cell.

Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool and RANK.EQ function in Excel

  • Now, drag the cell down to produce the rank numbers based on the rank of the source number list in your worksheet.

Result of Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool and RANK.EQ function in Excel

4. RANDBETWEEN Function as Random Number Generator in Excel

The RANDBETWEEN function is another effective function to generate random numbers in Excel. It returns the random numbers between the specified numbers.

The steps to generate random numbers with the RANDBETWEEN function are given below.


  • At first, pick a cell to store the number. We picked cell B5.
  • In that cell, write the RANDBETWEEN While writing, you will notice the parameters that you need to input inside the parentheses of the function.
    • bottom means the lower value. We define 5 as the low value for our dataset.
    • top means the upper value. We declare 10 as the high value for our dataset.

  • In our case, the formula now becomes like this:
  • Then, press Enter.

  • You will see there will be a random number generated in that cell.

Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool and RANDBETWEEN function in Excel

  • Now, drag the cell down to produce random numbers between the numbers 5 and 10 in the worksheet.

Result of Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool and RANDBETWEEN function in Excel

5. The RANDARRAY Function to Generate an Array of Random Numbers

If you want to generate an array of random numbers, then Excel has the RANDARRAY function to get the task done successfully.
The RANDARRAY function returns an array of random numbers in Excel.

The steps to generate random numbers with the RANDARRAY function are given below.


  • First, pick a cell to store the first number of an array of numbers. We picked cell B5.
  • In that cell, write the RANDARRAY While writing, you will notice the parameters that you need to input inside the parentheses of the function.
    • You need to pass rows – how many rows will carry the randomly generated numbers. We want 5 rows to carry the numbers, so we pass 5 as the first parameter inside the parentheses of the function.
    • After that, you need to pass columns – how many columns will carry the randomly generated numbers. We want 2 columns to carry the numbers, so we pass 2 as the second parameter.
    • Next, you need to pass min – the minimum value. We want to generate numbers from 5, so 5 is the minimum value for our dataset.
    • Then, you need to pass max – the maximum value. We want to generate numbers till 10, so 10 is the maximum value for our dataset.

    • If you want the return result in the Decimal value then select FALSE, or if you want the result in the Integer value then select TRUE. We want our result in the Integer format, so we picked TRUE.

  • In our case, the formula now becomes like this:
  • Then, press Enter.

Random Number Generator with Data Analysis Tool and RANDARRAY function in Excel

Lastly, you will get an array of random numbers from numbers 5 to 10 residing in 5 rows and 2 columns with the RANDARRAY function in Excel.

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To conclude, this article showed you how to utilize the Data Analysis Tool and 4 functions as a random number generator in Excel. I hope this article has been very beneficial to you. Feel free to ask any questions regarding the topic.

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Sanjida Ahmed
Sanjida Ahmed

Sanjida Ahmed, who graduated from Daffodil International University with a degree in Software Engineering, has worked with SOFTEKO since 2021. She has written over 100 articles on Excel & VBA and, since 2022, has worked as the Project Manager of the Excel Extension Development Project in the Software Development Department. Since starting this software development, she has established an outstanding workflow encompassing a full SDLC. She always tries to create a bridge between her skills and interests in... Read Full Bio

  1. Hello Team,
    I have posted a problem at [email protected]
    Though I have solved that problem but I am not fully satisfied with my approach. I have attached my solution too in the 2nd sheet of the Test File but plz do not look at my solution in the beginning otherwise it may hinder ut independent approach to the problem.

    Uday Kumar
    ([email protected])

    • Dear UDAY KUMAR,

      Good afternoon! Thank you for reaching out to us. In the following section, I’ve suggested a method for handling your issue.
      First, apply this formula in cell M2.

      Formula Breakdown
      In this formula, item_name refers to the cell range H2:H5 of your provided worksheet, and max_issue represents the cell range I2:I5 of that worksheet.
      XLOOKUP(SEQUENCE(SUM(max_issue)),VSTACK(1,SCAN(1,max_issue,LAMBDA(a,b,a+b))),VSTACK(item_name,””),,-1)) → This part of the formula will generate the Item Names according to their maximum issue number.
      (H2:H5,I2:I5) → This part is required for specifying the cell ranges for item_name, and max_issue parameters of the formula.
      After applying this formula, you will get an output like this in your worksheet.
      Now, select these cells and copy them. Later, paste them as values in the same location.

      Now, apply the following formula in adjacent cell N2 and drag the Fill Handle up to cell N32.

      After that, select the data of Column M and Column N. Then, go to the Sort & Filter option from the Home tab and choose the Custom Sort option from the drop-down.

      A dialogue box named Sort will appear on your worksheet. In the Sort by field, select Column N. You can keep the other fields unchanged. Finally, click OK.

      Lastly, select the entire Column N and delete it.
      After following these steps, you will have a randomized list of Item Names for a month as demonstrated in the following image.

      I sincerely hope that this resolves the issue that you are facing. If you need any further assistance, please let us know. Have a great day!

      Zahid Hasan

    • Dear Uday Kumar,

      We are working on your problem. We will appreciate you to post your problem in our ExcelDemy Forum.

      Shamima Sultana
      Project Manager | ExcelDemy

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