How to Select Range Based on Cell Value VBA (7 Ways)

Method 1 – Selecting Range Based On Another Cell Value

We will select the cell range in the Region and Sales column based on the string Apple in the Product column.

select range based on cell value VBA

Step 1:
➤Go to Developer Tab>>Visual Basic

another cell

The Visual Basic Editor will open up.
➤Go to Insert Tab>> Module Option

another cell

A Module will be created.

another cell

Step 2:
➤Enter the following code

Sub selectrange1()

Dim LR As Long

Dim x1 As Range, y1 As Range

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("another")

    LR = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    For Each x1 In .Range("B1:B" & LR)

        If x1.Text = "Apple" Then

            If y1 Is Nothing Then

            Set y1 = .Range("C" & x1.Row).Resize(, 2)


            Set y1 = Union(y1, .Range("C" & x1.Row).Resize(, 2))

            End If

        End If

        Next x1

        Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    End With

    If Not y1 Is Nothing Then y1.Select

End Sub

We declared LR, and x1 and y1 as Long and Range respectively.

“another” is the sheet name and the With statement lets you specify an object or user-defined type once for an entire series of statements.

LR will give you the last row of your data table and the VBA For-Next loop is used for performing the actions in the range of Column B.

We have used two IF loops, one is for checking the string “Apple” in Column B and the other is for storing the range between Column C and Column D corresponding to the cells having “Apple” in a variable y1.

Range(“C” & x1.Row).Resize(, 2) indicates that selecting two columns from Column C and Union will return the union of multiple ranges corresponding to the cell value “Apple” and the ranges will be selected.

another cell

➤Press F5

It will select the range of cells in the Region and Sales column corresponding to the cell value Apple in the Product column.

another cell

Method 2 – Changing Color of a Cell Range Based On Another Cell Value


select range based on cell value VBA

Step 1:
➤Follow Step-01 of Method-1
➤Enter the following code

Sub selectrange2()

Dim Rng As Range

Dim Lr As Long

Dim n As Long

Lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row

    For n = 1 To Lr

        If Cells(n, "B").Value = "Apple" Then

            If Rng Is Nothing Then

            Set Rng = Cells(n, "D")


            Set Rng = Union(Rng, Cells(n, "D"))

            End If

        End If

    Next n

Rng.Interior.Color = vbRed

End Sub

We declared Lr and n, and Rng as Long and Range respectively.
Lr will give you the last row of your data table and the FOR loop is used for performing the actions for rows from 1 To Lr.

We have used two IF loops, one is for checking the string “Apple” in Column B for rows 1 To Lr and the other is for storing the range of cells in Column D corresponding to the cells having “Apple” in a variable Rng. Union will return the union of multiple ranges corresponding to the cell value “Apple” and the ranges will be colored red.

changing color of a range based on another cell value

➤Press F5

It will change the color of the range of cells in the Sales column corresponding to the cell value Apple in the Product column.

changing color of a range based on another cell value

Method 3 – Selecting Range Based On Same Cell Value


select range based on cell value VBA

Step 1:
➤Follow Step-01 of Method-1
➤Enter the following code

Sub selectrange3()

Dim Rng As Range

Dim Lr As Long

Dim n As Long

Lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row

For n = 1 To Lr

    If Cells(n, "B").Value = "Orange" Then

        If Rng Is Nothing Then

        Set Rng = Cells(n, "B")


        Set Rng = Union(Rng, Cells(n, "B"))

        End If

    End If

    Next n


End Sub

We declared Lr, n, and Rng as Long and Range respectively.
Lr will give you the last row of your data table and the FOR loop is used for performing the actions for rows from 1 To Lr.

We have used two IF loops, one is for checking the string “Orange” in Column B for rows 1 To Lr and the other is for storing the range of cells in Column B corresponding to the cells having “Orange” in a variable Rng. Union will return the union of multiple ranges corresponding to the cell value “Orange” and the ranges will be selected.

selecting range based on same cell value

➤Press F5

It will select the range of cells in the Product column for the cell value Orange in this column.

selecting range based on same cell value

Method 4 – Selecting Range Based On Multiple Criteria

Let’s select the cells in the Sales column that have values of more than $1500.00 and less than $2000.00.

select range based on cell value VBA

Step 1:
➤Follow Step-01 of Method-1
➤Enter the following code

Sub selectrange4(Rng1 As Range, MinValue As Double, MaxValue As Double)

    Dim rng As Range

    Dim Cell As Object

    For Each Cell In Rng1

        If Cell.Value >= MinValue And Cell.Value <= MaxValue Then

            If rng Is Nothing Then

                Set rng = Range(Cell.Address)


                Set rng = Union(rng, Range(Cell.Address))

            End If

        End If


End Sub

Sub Callselectrange4()

     Call selectrange4(Range("D5:D12"), 1500, 2000)

End Sub

We declared Rng1, rng, Minvalue, Maxvalue, and Cell as Range, Double, and Object respectively.

We used two Sub procedures, the one Callselectrange4() is for calling the other Sub procedure selectrange4 and giving the value of the variables Rng1 as Range(“D5:D12”), Minvalue as 1500, and Maxvalue as 2000 respectively.

One FOR loop and two IF loops have been used in the selectrange4 Sub procedure.

selecting range based on multiple criteria

➤Press F5

It will select the range of cells in the Sales column for the cells that have values of more than $1500.00 and less than $2000.00.

selecting range based on multiple criteria

Method 5 – Changing Font Style of a Range Based On Multiple Criteria

Let’s bold the fonts of the cells in the Sales column which have values of more than $1500.00 and less than $2000.00.

select range based on cell value VBA

Step 1:
➤Follow Step-01 of Method-1
➤Enter the following code

Sub selectrange5(Rng1 As Range, MinValue As Double, MaxValue As Double)

    Dim rng As Range

    Dim Cell As Object

    For Each Cell In Rng1

        If Cell.Value >= MinValue And Cell.Value <= MaxValue Then

            If rng Is Nothing Then

                Set rng = Range(Cell.Address)


                Set rng = Union(rng, Range(Cell.Address))

            End If

        End If



End Sub

Sub Callselectrange5()

     Call selectrange5(Range("D5:D12"), 1500, 2000)

End Sub

We declared Rng1, rng, Minvalue, Maxvalue, and Cell as Range, Double, and Object respectively.

We used two Sub procedures, the one Callselectrange4() is for calling the other Sub procedure selectrange4 and giving the value of the variables Rng1 as Range(“D5:D12”), Minvalue as 1500, and Maxvalue as 2000 respectively.

One FOR loop and two IF loops have been used in the selectrange4 Sub procedure.

changing font style based on multiple criteria

➤Press F5

It will bold the fonts of the range of cells in the Sales column for the cells that have values of more than $1500.00 and less than $2000.00.

changing font style based on multiple criteria

Method 6 – Selecting Range Based On Blank Cells

We have some blank cells (I have removed the values for explaining this method) in the Sales column and to select these blank cells we will use the VBA code of this method.

select range based on cell value VBA

Step 1:
➤Follow Step-01 of Method-1
➤Enter the following code

Sub selectrange6()

Dim Rng As Range

Dim Lr As Long

Dim n As Long

Lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row

    For n = 5 To Lr

        If Cells(n, "D").Value = "" Then

            If Rng Is Nothing Then

            Set Rng = Cells(n, "D")


            Set Rng = Union(Rng, Cells(n, "D"))

            End If

        End If

    Next n


End Sub

∑e declared Lr, n, and Rng as Long and Range respectively.

Lr will give you the last row of your data table and the FOR loop is used for performing the actions for rows from 5 To Lr. 5 is for the first row of our range.

We have used two IF loops, one is for checking the string “” (Blank) in Column D for rows 1 To Lr and the other is for storing the range of cells in Column D corresponding to the cells having Blank in a variable Rng. Union will return the union of multiple ranges corresponding to the blank cells, and the ranges will be selected.

selecting blank cells

➤Press F5

It will select the blank cells in the column Sales.

selecting blank cells

Method 7 – Changing Cell Value Based On Selected Cell


select range based on cell value VBA

Step 1:
➤Follow Step-01 of Method-1
➤Enter the following code

Sub selectrange7(ByVal target As Range)

If Selection.Count = 1 Then

    If Not Intersect(target, Range("B5:B12")) Is Nothing Then

        Call ShowBcolumn


        Call ShowActive

    End If

End If

End Sub

Sub ShowBcolumn()

Range("E5").Value = ActiveCell.Value

End Sub

Sub ShowActive()

Range("E5").Value = Range("B5").Value

End Sub

We used three Sub procedures, selectrange7 is the main procedure which will call the other two Sub procedures ShowBcolumn() and ShowActive().

Intersect will give the range that is the intersection of two or more ranges and when the selected cell in the dataset is intersected with the range “B5:B12” then it will call ShowBcolumn(). It will return the selected cell’s value in the E5 cell. Otherwise, it will call ShowActive() which will return the value of cell B5.

changing cell value

➤Save the code.
➤Select any cell in the Product column (I have selected the cell containing Banana)
➤Go to Developer Tab>>Macros Option

changing cell value

The Macro Wizard will open.
➤Select the Macro name ShowBcolumn and Run.

changing cell value

It will output the value of the selected cell (Banana) in cell E5.

changing cell value

Read More: Excel VBA: Select Range with Offset Based on Active Cell

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Tanjima Hossain
Tanjima Hossain

TANJIMA HOSSAIN is a marine engineer who enjoys working with Excel and VBA programming. For her, programming is a handy, time-saving tool for managing data, files, and online tasks. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. She holds a B.Sc. in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET and is now a content developer. In this role, she creates tech-focused content centred around Excel and VBA. Apart from... Read Full Bio

  1. I am working with your Practice sheet but the selectrange1 macro gives a Run-time error ‘1004’ Select method of Range class failed. Please advise.

    • Hi David, I think maybe you have forgotten to change the name of the worksheet from another to practice while working with the practice worksheet. So, you can try out the following code to work with the practice sheet.
      Sub selectrange1()
      Dim LR As Long
      Dim x1 As Range, y1 As Range
      With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(“practice”)
      LR = Cells(Rows.Count, “B”).End(xlUp).Row
      Application.ScreenUpdating = False
      For Each x1 In .Range(“B1:B” & LR)
      If x1.Text = “Apple” Then
      If y1 Is Nothing Then
      Set y1 = .Range(“C” & x1.Row).Resize(, 2)
      Set y1 = Union(y1, .Range(“C” & x1.Row).Resize(, 2))
      End If
      End If
      Next x1
      Application.ScreenUpdating = True
      End With
      If Not y1 Is Nothing Then y1.Select
      End Sub

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