How to Rearrange Columns in Excel (4 Methods)

Dataset Overview

For the demonstration of rearranging columns in Excel, we will use the following dataset.

Rearrange Columns in Excel

Method 1 – How to Rearrange Columns in Excel Using Keyboard and Mouse

Rearranging columns in Excel can be done easily using both the keyboard and mouse. Follow these steps to accomplish the task:

  1. Select the Column:
    • First, choose the column you want to rearrange.
      Rearrange Columns in Excel
    • Hover your mouse cursor over the top of that column.
    • When the cursor changes into an arrow icon, click and highlight the entire column.
      Rearrange Columns in Excel
  2. Hold the Shift Key:
    • Next, press and hold the Shift key on your keyboard.
    • Position your mouse cursor on the highlighted column’s border (either to the left or right, as desired).
    • Keep the cursor on the border until you see the cross-arrow pointer.
      Rearrange Columns in Excel
  3. Drag and Drop:
    • After that, click and hold the left mouse button.
    • Drag the column to its new position.
    • Release the mouse button to drop the column where you need it.
      Rearrange Columns in Excel
  4. Column Rearranged:
    • Congratulations! The column is now rearranged in its new place.

Rearrange Columns in Excel

Read More: How to Automatically Rearrange Columns in Excel

Method 2 – How to Rearrange Columns in Excel Using the Cut and Paste Method

Moving columns in Excel is straightforward with the Cut and Paste method. Follow these steps to rearrange columns:

  1. Select the Column:
    • First, choose the column you want to move.
      Rearrange Columns in Excel
  2. Cut the Column:
    • Press Ctrl + Xon your keyboard to activate the Cut
    • You’ll notice a dotted border line around the selected column.
      Rearrange Columns in Excel
  3. Choose the Destination:
    • Highlight a column to the right or left of where you want to paste the previously selected column.
      Rearrange Columns in Excel
  4. Paste the Column:
    • Right-click your mouse and select the Paste
    • The new column will appear in its rearranged destination.
      Rearrange Columns in Excel

Read More: How to Rearrange Columns Alphabetically in Excel

Method 3 – Rearrange Columns in Excel Using the Sort Command

If you need to rearrange columns in Excel, you can achieve this by applying the Sort command. Follow the steps below to move columns using this method:

  1. Insert a New Row:
    • In your data set, add a new row at the very top.
    • Right-click on the uppermost row of your data set and select Insert.
    • This action will insert a new row.
      Rearrange Columns in Excel
  2. Number the New Row:
    • Assign numbers to the new row based on your desired rearrangement order or requirement.
      Rearrange Columns in Excel
  3. Select the Entire Data Set:
    • Press Ctrl + A to select all of your data, including the new row.
      Rearrange Columns in Excel
  4. Access the Data Tab:
    • Go to the Data tab on the ribbon.
      Rearrange Columns in Excel
  5. Sort the Data:
    • Click on the Sort command in the Sort & Filter
      Rearrange Columns in Excel
    • A new dialog box will appear.
    • First, go to the Options menu and choose the Sort left to right
    • From the Sort by drop-down list, select the number corresponding to the new row created earlier.
    • Choose either Smallest to Largest or Largest to Smallest from the Order
    • drop-down list.
      Rearrange Columns in Excel
  6. View the Rearranged Column:
    • The column will now be rearranged according to your specified order.
      Rearrange Columns in Excel
    • If you added numbers to the table, you can delete them by right-clicking on the row number.

Sample Data Set

Read More: How to Rearrange Columns in Excel to Match Another Sheet

Method 4 – How to Rearrange Columns in Excel Using the SORT Function

Follow the steps below to use the SORT function:

  1. Insert a New Row:
    • Start by adding a new row at the top of your data table.
      Sample Data Set
    • Number the new row according to the rearrangement recommendation.
      Sample Data Set
  2. Select the Data Range:
    • Choose the cell where you want to rearrange your data table.
    • In the formula bar, enter the following formula based on your data range.
    • For example, if your data set spans from Cell B4 to F15, use the following SORT function:
      Sample Data Set
  3. Apply the Formula:
    • Press Enter to apply the formula.
    • Your data table will now be rearranged according to the specified order.
      Sample Data Set
  4. Handling the Numbered Row:
    • You’ll notice the numbered row at the top of the data table.
    • Unlike the previous method, you cannot delete this row because it’s part of the SORT function.
      Sample Data Set
    • Instead, right-click on the row and choose the Hide option to conceal the entire numbered row.
      Sample Data Set
Important Note: The SORT function is available in Microsoft Excel 365 and Excel 2021. It is not supported in earlier versions.

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Md. Araf Bin Jayed
Md. Araf Bin Jayed

I am Araf. I have completed my B.Sc in Industrial and Production Engineering from Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology. Currently I am working as an Excel & VBA Content Developer in Softeko. With proper guideline and aid of Softeko I want to be a flexible data analyst. With my acquired knowledge and hard work, I want to contribute to the overall growth of this organization.

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