Page Break in Excel

How to Remove Blue Lines in Excel (with Easy Steps)

Blue lines are the tracer arrows that show a relationship between cells. There are two types of blue lines: Trace Precedents Arrow Trace ...

How to Remove Automatic Page Break in Excel: 3 Easy Ways

Method 1 - Using Excel Built-in Option to Remove the Automatic Page Break Steps: Open the worksheet and then go to Files in the top ...

How to Insert Multiple Page Breaks in Excel (2 Ways)

To divide a table into two sections for printing or to divide a table into two, we may need to insert a page break. If not, Excel will print the ...

[Solved]: Page Break in Excel Not Working Error

Sometimes, an Excel report or worksheet contains a large data set. In that case, it is easier for users or readers to read the report with a page ...

How to Insert a Page Break in Excel (4 Easy Ways)

While working with a big data set, users may need to separate their data into different segments for the purpose of individual analysis as well as ...

How to Insert Page Break Based on Cell Value with Excel VBA

Often, we need to add page breaks in Excel to differentiate values. This is also very helpful for printing purposes. This indicates where one page ...

How to Remove the Page Break Lines in Excel (3 Methods)

What Are the Page Break Lines? Page break lines divide an Excel worksheet into separate pages for printing. There are two types of page break lines: ...

How to Remove Print Lines in Excel (4 Ways)

We have a dataset with some dotted-lined borders. These page break lines show how much of the worksheet will be printed on a single paper. We need to ...

Advanced Excel Exercises with Solutions PDF


