How to Use PI(π) in Excel VBA (4 Easy Examples)

Example 1 – Using PI as a Single Value in Excel VBA

We will use the pi as a Single value in Excel VBA. It will contain 7 figures.


  • Press ALT+F11 to bring out the VBA editor window.

A VBA editor window will appear.

  • Right-click on ThisWorkbook >> from Insert >> select Module.

  • Enter the following code in the Module.
Sub PI_as_Single_Value()
Dim pi As Single
pi = Application.WorksheetFunction.pi()
MsgBox pi
End Sub

Using Single Value of Pi in Excel VBA

Code Breakdown

  • We declare PI_as_Single_Value as the Sub.
  • We take pi as Single.
  • We use WorksheetFunction.pi() to find out the value of pi.
  • We use a MsgBox to show the value of pi.
  • Close the VBA editor window >> go to our worksheet.
  • Press ALT+F8 to run the code.

A Macro window will appear.

  • Select PI_as_Single_Value.
  • Click on Run.

This results in a MsgBox containing the single value of pi.

MsgBox Showing Single Vlue of Pi in Excel VBA

Example 2 – Use of PI as Double Value in Excel


  • Follow the steps in Example 1 to bring out the module.

Enter the following code.

Sub PI_as_Double_Value()
Dim pi As Double
pi = Application.WorksheetFunction.pi()
MsgBox pi
End Sub

Use of Double Value of Pi in Excel VBA

Code Breakdown

  • We declare PI_as_Double_Value as the Sub.
  • We take pi as Double.
  • We use an WorksheetFunction.pi() to find out the value of pi.
  • We use a MsgBox to show the value of pi.
  • Close the VBA editor window >>go to our worksheet.
  • Press ALT+F8 to run the code.

A Macro window will appear.

  • Select PI_as_Double_Value.
  • Click on Run.

This results in a MsgBox containing the Double value of pi.

Using MsgBox to Show Double Value of Pi in Excel VBA

Example 3 – Using PI to Calculate Circumference of a Circle

In the following dataset, you can see the Particulars and Value of a circle.

In cell C5, you can see the Radius of a circle.

You can see the Formula for calculating the circumference in cell C6.

We will find out the Circumference using VBA.


  • Follow the step in Example 1 to open the Module.
  • Enter the following code.
Option Explicit
Sub Circumference_of_circle()

    Dim Answer As Double
    Dim r_radius As Double
    Dim pi As Double

    pi = Application.WorksheetFunction.pi()
    r_radius = Range("C5").Value

    Answer = 2 * pi * r_radius
    Range("C7").Value = Answer

End Sub

Calculating Circumference of Circle Using Pi in Excel VBA

Code Breakdown

  • We declare Circumference_of_circle as the Sub.
  • We take r_radius and pi as Double.
  • We use WorksheetFunction.pi() to find out the value of pi.
  • We use a MsgBox to show the value of pi.
  • Range.Value method is used to extract the value of cell C5 for r_radius.
  • We use the Value method to show the result in cell C7.
  • Click on Run.

The Circumference result is in cell C7.

Example 4 – Calculating Volume of Cylinder in Excel


  • Follow the steps in Example 1 to bring up the Module.
  • Enter the following code.
Option Explicit
Sub Volume_of_cylinder()

    Dim Answer As Double
    Dim r_radius As Double
    Dim h_height As Double
    Dim pi As Single

    pi = Application.WorksheetFunction.pi()
    r_radius = Range("C5").Value
    h_height = Range("C6").Value

    Answer = pi * r_radius * r_radius * h_height
    Range("C8").Value = Answer

End Sub

Calculating Volume of Cylinder by Uisng Pi in Excel VBA

Code Breakdown

  • We declare Volume_of_cylinder as the Sub.
  • We take r_radius,h_height as Double, and pi as Single.
  • We use WorksheetFunction.pi() to find out the value of pi.
  • We use a MsgBox to show the value of pi.
  • Range.Value method is used to extract the value of cell C5 for r_radius, and C6 for h_height .
  • We use the Value method to show the result in cell C8.
  • Close the VBA editor window >> go to our worksheet.
  • Press ALT+F8 to run the code.

A Macro window will appear.

  • Select Volume_of_Cylinder.
  • Click on Run.

The Volume result is in cell C8.

Read More: How to Multiply Pi in Excel

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Afia Kona
Afia Kona

Afia Aziz Kona, a graduate of Civil Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh, serves as a technical content creator in the ExcelDemy project. Possessing a passion for innovation and critical thinking, she actively embraces challenges. Beyond her engineering background, Afia exhibits a keen interest in Excel, having authored numerous articles on Excel & VBA-related issues to simplify the experience for users facing obstacles in Excel. Apart from creating Excel tutorials, she is also... Read Full Bio

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