Flash Fill Not Working in Excel: 5 Solutions

Method 1 – Flash Fill Not Working in Excel If It Is Turned Off


  • Press ALT + F, then T to bring up the Excel Options window.
  • Go to the Advanced tab.

  • Put a tick mark on “Automatically Flash Fill”.
  • Press OK.

flash fill not working in excel

Type the second name we’ll see the Flash Fill prompt.

  • Press ENTER.

Make the Flash Fill work in Excel.

flash fill not working in excel

Method 2 – Flash Fill Not Working When Dataset in Horizontal Orientation


  • Remove the values from cells C6 and D6.
  • Select the cell range B4:F6 and copy it.
  • Right Click on cell B8 to bring up the Context Menu.
  • From the Paste Options >>> select Transpose.

Prepare the dataset to use Flash Fill.

flash fill not working in excel

  • Type the first one and half of the data and the Flash Fill will work.
  • Press ENTER.

We showed you the second reason for Flash Fill not working and the solution.

flash fill not working in excel

Method 3 – If Spelling Error Occurs Flash Fill Will Not Work in Excel


  • Correct the spelling mistake by removing the extra “e”.
  • Start typing on cell D6.
  • Press ENTER when the Flash Fill feature kicks in.

flash fill not working in excel

We showed you another method of solving our problem.

Method 4 – Flash Fill Not Working in Excel When There Is a Hidden Column


  • Select columns C, D, and E.
  • Right-Click to bring up the Context Menu.
  • Select Unhide.

This will show column D. Then, we’ll delete the extra column.

  • Delete column D.

flash fill not working in excel

  • You can start typing and Flash Fill will start working.
  • Press ENTER.

This is another reason and solution for Flash Fill not working.

flash fill not working in excel

Method 5 – Existing Value in Row Will Prevent Flash Fill From Working


  • Remove the value from cell D8.
  • Start typing the pattern, and the Flash Fill will work.

flash fill not working in excel

  • Press ENTER.

In conclusion, our Flash Fill will start working in Excel.

Things to Remember

  • This feature was introduced in Excel 2013. It cannot be used with an older version.

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Rafiul Haq
Rafiul Haq

Rafiul Haq worked as an Excel and VBA Content Developer in Exceldemy for over two years and published almost 200 articles for the website. He is passionate about exploring new aspects of Excel and VBA. He received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE) from the Islamic University of Technology. Rafiul furthered his education by obtaining an MBA in Finance from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) at the University of Dhaka. Apart from creating... Read Full Bio

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