How to Read a CSV File Line by Line Using Excel VBA (3 Methods)

Dataset Overview

To illustrate, we will use a sample dataset as an example. The below dataset within a CSV file represents the Salesman, Product, and Sales of a company.

vba read csv file line by line

Method 1 – Simple VBA Code


  • Open a blank Excel workbook.
  • Right-click on the Sheet tab (located just above the Excel status bar).
  • Select View Code from the options.

Apply VBA to Read CSV File Line by Line and Paste It into Excel

  • In the VBA window that appears, copy and paste the following code:
Sub ReadLinebyLine()
   Dim file As String, line As String
   file = "D:\46\vba read csv file line by line\Sample.csv"
   Open file For Input As #1
   Do Until EOF(1)
      Line Input #1, line
      ActiveCell = line
      ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
   Close #1
End Sub

Apply VBA to Read CSV File Line by Line and Paste It into Excel

  • Save the file and close the VBA window.
  • Select any cell where you want to paste the data from the CSV (e.g., select cell A2).
  • Go to the Developer tab ➤ Macros.

Apply VBA to Read CSV File Line by Line and Paste It into Excel

  • Choose the ReadLinebyLine option and click Run.

  • The data from the CSV file will be pasted into the Excel sheet.

Note: This method returns the respective lines in a single cell, separated by commas.

Method 2 – Using FileSystemObject (FSO)

In this method, we’ll utilize FileSystemObject (FSO), which isn’t inherent to Excel VBA. The FSO adheres to international standards and serves as an interface to a computer’s file system. In VBA, we can instantiate an object, referred to as late binding, to leverage the FSO.


  • Right-click on a worksheet and select View Code.
  • In the VBA window, copy and paste the following code:
Sub FileSystemObj()
  Dim line As String
  Dim FSO As Object
  Dim TS As Object
  Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile("D:\46\vba read csv file line by line\Sample.csv")
  Do While Not TS.AtEndOfStream
     line = TS.ReadLine
     ActiveCell = line
     ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
  Set TS = Nothing
  Set FSO = Nothing
End Sub

Use FileSystemObject (FSO) in Excel VBA for Reading CSV File

  • Close the VBA window after saving the file.
  • Go to the Developer tab➤ Macros.
  • Select FileSystemObj in the Macro dialog box.
  • Click Run.

  • The data from the CSV file will be pasted into Excel.

Method 3 – Read CSV File Line by Line with VBA and Paste in Individual Cells

In the previous methods, we pasted the dataset lines into a single cell, separated by commas. Now, let’s explore how to paste each line’s data into individual cells using VBA. Follow these steps:


  • Right-click on a sheet and select View Code.
  • The VBA window will appear, displaying a dialog box.
  • Copy the following code and paste it there:
Sub IndividualCells()
  Dim line As String
  Dim FSO As Object
  Dim TS As Object
  Dim LineElements As Variant
  Dim Ind As Long
  Dim p As Long
  Dim Delimiter As String
  Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile("D:\46\vba read csv file line by line\Sample.csv")
  Delimiter = ","
  Ind = 1
  Do While TS.AtEndOfStream = False
    line = TS.ReadLine
    LineElements = Split(line, Delimiter)
    For p = LBound(LineElements) To UBound(LineElements)
       Cells(Ind, p + 1).Value = LineElements(p)
    Next p
    Ind = Ind + 1
  Set TS = Nothing
  Set FSO = Nothing
End Sub

Read CSV File Line by Line with VBA and Paste in Individual Cells

  • Close the VBA window after saving the file.
  • Select Macros under the Developer tab.
  • Select IndividualCells from the list in the Macro dialog box and click Run.

  • The CSV file data will now appear in the Excel worksheet, with each line’s data in separate cells.

Read More: Excel VBA to Read CSV File into Array

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Aung Shine
Aung Shine

Aung Shine completed his bachelor’s in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. It has been almost 2 years since he joined SOFTEKO and actively working on the ExcelDemy project. Currently he works as a Team Leader where he guides his team members to create technical content. He has published 150+ articles and reviewed 50+ articles. He has also solved various user problems before. He has interests in Data Analysis, Power Query, Advanced Excel,... Read Full Bio

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