Using the Excel VBA Function to Return Multiple Values – 6 Methods

The image below showcases how three results can be obtained, using the ByRef argument in the Excel VBA function.

An overview image of Excel vba function return multiple values

Method 1 – Returning Multiple Values through Reference using the by Passing Argument

Getting multiple values using ByRef arguments in Excel VBA



Function Result(ByRef V1 As Integer, ByRef V2 As String, ByRef V3 As Double) As Boolean
'Assigning values to the variables V1, V2 and V3
V1 = 1
V2 = "Exceldemy"
V3 = 3.1416
'To indicate successful execution, Return TRUE
Result = True
End Function
Sub Return_values_byRef()
Dim int_Val As Integer
Dim str_Val As String
Dim dbl_Val As Double
'Call the custom created function and pass variables by reference
If Result(int_Val, str_Val, dbl_Val) Then
'Show the values in a pop-up message box.
MsgBox "Value 1: " & int_Val & vbCrLf & "Value 2: " & str_Val & vbCrLf & "Value 3: " & dbl_Val
End If
End Sub

Code Breakdown

  • Function Result(ByRef V1 As Integer, ByRef V2 As String, ByRef V3 As Double) determines a function where the passing argument By Ref is a read-only variable that can’t change its value inside the Excel VBA function in the 1st sub-procedure.
  • The assigned value in the V1, V2, and V3 and the Boolean value TRUE indicate the execution.
  • Dim int_Val As Integer, Dim str_Val As String Dim dbl_Val As Double represent the data value type of a custom function argument in the 2nd sub-procedure.
  • If Result(int_Val, str_Val, dbl_Val) declares that the function is TRUE and shows the concatenated the values in the message box.


Note: If you don’t specify a procedure argument: By val or ByRef for a function, ByRef is the default passing argument.

Read More: How to Execute VBA Function Procedure in Excel

Method 2 – Returning Two or More Values Using a Collection Object

Getting numerous values using the Collection object.



Function Result(ByVal val As Collection) As Boolean
'Adding and assigning values to the variable 'val'
val.Add 10
val.Add "Exceldemy"
val.Add 3.14
'To indicate successful execution, Return TRUE
Result = True
End Function
Sub Return_values_byCollection()
Dim val As New Collection
Dim a As Integer
'Call the custom created function and pass the collection by reference
If Result(val) Then
For a = 1 To val.Count
'Here, we get 3 pop-up message box as val.count=3
MsgBox "Value " & a & ": " & val(a)
Next a
End If
End Sub

Code Breakdown

  • Function Result(ByVal val As Collection) As Boolean; the val variable is declared as a Collection object, and Boolean determines the logical operation based on TRUE or FALSE.
  • val.Add adds different items to the variable.
  • In the 2nd Sub-Procedure, val is declared as the new collection.
  • If Result(val) calls all values assigned in the val variable if the condition is TRUE.
  • For a = 1 To val.Count is the loop that returns the number of outcomes.
  • MsgBox “Value ” & a & “: ” & val(a) shows the value for each item.

Method 3 – Returning Values by Using the Dictionary Object

Getting several values using the Dictionary object.



Function Result(ByVal dictval As Object) As Boolean
'Assigning values to the dictionary
dictval("Val1") = 10
dictval("Val2") = "Exceldemy"
dictval("Val3") = 3.14
'To indicate successful execution, Return TRUE
Result = True
End Function
Sub Return_values_by_dictionary()
Dim dictval As Object
Dim key As Variant
'Creating a dictionary object and call the custom created function with it
Set dictval = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
If Result(dictval) Then
For Each key In dictval.Keys
'Here, we get 3 pop-up message box
MsgBox key & ": " & dictval(key)
Next key
End If
End Sub

Code Breakdown

  • Function Result(ByVal dictval As Object) As Boolean; the dictval variable is declared as dictionary object and Boolean determines the logical operation based on  TRUE or FALSE.
  • dictval(“Val1”)  assigns values.
  • In the 2nd sub-procedure, Dim dictval As Object declares dictval as a dictionary object. The key variable is also declared as a variant.
  • Set dictval = CreateObject(“Scripting.Dictionary”) holds the values from the code.
  • If Result(dictval) calls all the values if the logic is TRUE.
  • For Each key In dictval.Keys; the For loop selects all values.
  • Finally, MsgBox shows values in a pop-up message box.
Note: In a dictionary object, the index starts at 0.

Method 4 – Return Several Values Using an Array

Getting a couple of values using an array.



Function Result() As Variant
'code to process and assign values to the array
Dim arrval(0 To 2) As Variant
arrval(0) = 10
arrval(1) = "Exceldemy"
arrval(2) = 3.14
'Result calls the array values
Result = arrval
End Function
Sub Return_values_using_array()
Dim arrval() As Variant
Dim i As Integer
'Call the custom created function to get the array values
arrval = Result()
For i = 0 To 2
'Here, we get 3 pop-up message box regarding output
MsgBox "Value " & i + 1 & ": " & arrval(i)
Next i
End Sub

Code Breakdown

  • Function Result() As Variant creates a function with an array.
  • Dim arrval(0 To 2) As Variant determines the variable with an index of 0 to 2.
  • arrval(0)=10 defines the value for the 1st array.
  • In the 2nd sub-procedure, the variable is declared as an array: Dim arrval() As Variant
  • arrval = Result() selects the values.
  • For i = 0 To 2; Selects all the values in the array.
  • MsgBox “Value ” & i + 1 & “: ” & arrval(i) display 3 outputs in a message box.
Note: The index of the array starts from 0.

Method 5 – Returning Values From an CSV String

Getting a variety of values using CSV string.



Function Result() As String
Dim texts As String
'Assigning values in the variable separated by commas.
texts = "10,Exceldemy,3.1416"
Result = texts
End Function
Sub Return_values_using_CSV()
Dim str As String
Dim arr As Variant
str = Result()
'Split the string to get an array of 3 elements.
arr = Split(str, ",")
'exploring values from the lowest to highest value.
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
'Here, we get 3 pop-up message box regarding output.
MsgBox "Value " & i + 1 & ": " & arr(i)
Next i
End Sub

Code Breakdown

  • In the 1st sub-procedure, texts = “10,Exceldemy,3.1416”  assigns values in the texts variable and declares a variable as string: Dim texts as String.
  • In the 2nd sub-procedure, str and arr are declared as a string and a variant.
  • str = Result() selects values.
  • arr = Split(str, “,”) separates the string values based on commas.
  • For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr);  the For loop selects the values and shows them in the MsgBox function.
Note: You must split the CSV to work with an array.

Method 6 – Returning Different Values with a User-Defined Type

Getting several different values using User-Defined Type.



'Defining user-defined type.
Type values
Val1 As Integer
val2 As String
val3 As Long
End Type
' Creating a function that outputs a user-defined type
Function Getvalue() As values
Dim val As values
'Assiging values to each type
val.Val1 = 10
val.val2 = "Exceldemy"
val.val3 = 3.1416
Getvalue = val
End Function
Sub Return_values_using_User_defined_type()
'Define a user-defined type
Dim val As values
'val variable holds three values.
val = Getvalue()
For i = 1 To 3
'Here, we get 3 pop-up message box regarding output.
MsgBox "Value " & i & ": " & Choose(i, val.Val1, val.val2, val.val3)
Next i
End Sub

Code Breakdown

  • In the 1st sub-procedure, all data types are declared. Type values represent the User Defined Type.
  • Function Getvalue() As values creates a function: Getvalue and declares the value type values. The val variable is declared as values in the 2nd sub-procedure.
  • val.Val1=10  assigns a value for the variable val.
  • Getvalue = val all the values of val are assigned to the Getvalue function.
  • val = Getvalue()  assigns the values in val from the Getvalue function in the 3rd sub-procedure.
  • For i = 1 To 3; For loop selects 3 values and shows them in message boxes.
Note: You must declare a user-defined type in a module.

Read More: How to Use VBA User Defined Function



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MD Tanvir Rahman
MD Tanvir Rahman

MD Tanvir Rahman, BUET graduate in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, dedicated over a year to the ExcelDemy project. He is an Excel and VBA Content Developer. Having authored 50+ insightful articles, he actively updates and improves over 80 articles, reflecting his commitment to accuracy and currency, managing day-to-day operations, and analyzing and developing Excel and VBA tutorials. His broad interests encompass Data Analysis, Advanced Excel, VBA Macro, Excel Templates, Excel Automation, and Excel Power Query, showcasing a... Read Full Bio

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