How to Delete Columns Based on the Header Using VBA in Excel – 6 Methods

The sample dataset showcases sold Products, Order Date, City, Category, Quantity, and Unit Price. To delete columns:

dataset-Delete Columns Based On Header Using VBA in Excel


Opening Microsoft Visual Basic and Entering a Code in the Module

There are 3 ways to open the Microsoft Visual Basic window.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Press ALT+F11.

Using the Developer Tab

  • Go to the Developer tab > Select Visual Basic.

Developer Tab-Delete Columns Based On Header Using VBA in Excel

 Using the Worksheet Tab

  • Go to any worksheet, right-click it > Choose View Code.

worksheet options

There are 2 ways to insert a Module in Microsoft Visual Basic window,

  •  After opening the Microsoft Visual Basic window, select a worksheet > Right-click it > Select Insert > Choose Module.

Sheet's option

  •  You can also select Insert > Choose Module.

module insertion

Method 1 – Excel VBA to Delete Specific Column from a Range Based on Header

The City column is no longer needed. To delete it:

method-1-1-Delete Columns Based On Header Using VBA in Excel

  • Open Microsoft Visual Basic and insert a Module.
  • Enter the following code.
Sub Delete_Specifc_Column()
Set Data = Range("B4:G16")
For Each cell In Data
If cell.Value = "City" Then cell.EntireColumn.Delete
End Sub

method-1 macro

In the code,

1 – Start the macro procedure by declaring the Sub name.

2 – Assign the data to B4:G16.

3 – Create a loop and assign the cell value to a specific cell name (City). Check the cell values in B4:G16 and delete matched columns.

  • Press F5 to run the macro.
  • Go back to the workbook.


The column is deleted.

method-1 result

Read More: VBA Macro to Delete Columns Based on Criteria in Excel

Method 2 – Deleting Similar Columns from All Worksheets Using VBA

Delete similar columns (by name and position) from all the worksheets:

To delete the City column:

method-2-1-Delete Columns Based On Header Using VBA in Excel

  • Open Microsoft Visual Basic and insert a Module.
  • Enter the following code.
Option Explicit
Sub Delete_SPColumn_fromAllWS()
Dim wrksht As Worksheet
Dim Rng As Range
For Each wrksht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
Set Rng = wrksht.Rows(3).Find(What:="City", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart)
If Not Rng Is Nothing Then
End If
Loop While Not Rng Is Nothing
End Sub

method-2 macro

In the code:

1 – Start the macro code declaring the Sub name.

2 – Declare the variables as Worksheet and Range.

3 – Create a loop in which the macro finds the City column in row 3 and deletes it. The macro checks the other worksheets and matches the column name (City) in row 3. If a similar column is found at a similar position, it will be deleted.

  • Press F5 to run the macro.

This is the output.

method-2 final result

Method 3 – Using VBA to Delete a Specific Column from a Specific Worksheet

To delete a specific column from a specific worksheet, use the VBA InStr function.

method-3-1-Delete Columns Based On Header Using VBA in Excel

  • Open Microsoft Visual Basic and insert a Module.
  • Enter the following code.
Option Explicit
Sub Delete_SPColumn_fromSPWS()
Dim i As Long, cell As Long
cell = Cells(4, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
With Sheets("Sale").Cells(4, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For i = cell To 1 Step -1
If InStr(Cells(4, i), "City") > 0 Then
Cells(4, i).EntireColumn.Delete
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub

method-3 macro

In the code:

1 – Start  the macro procedure declaring the Sub name.

2 – Declare the variables as Long.

3 – Assign the cell variable from a particular position (row 4 and iterative column). Assign a specific worksheet (Sale).

4 – Create a loop with the VBA InStr function to search the City column in the assigned worksheet. VBA deletes the column using a delete command.

The VBA InStr function takes multiple strings. You can delete multiple column names. Here, only the City column was deleted.

  • Press F5 to run the macro.
  • Go back to the workbook.

This is the output.

method-3 final result

Method 4Deleting Assigned Columns from the Active Worksheet

To the City and Category columns, use the VBA Select Case statement.

method-4-1-Delete Columns Based On Header Using VBA in Excel

  • Open Microsoft Visual Basic and insert a  Module.
  • Enter the following code.
Sub Delete_MultipleCol_List()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 6 Step 1
Select Case Cells(4, i).Value
Case "City", "Category"
Cells(4, i).EntireColumn.Delete
End Select
Next i
End Sub

method-4 macro

In the code:

1 – Start the macro setting the Sub name.

2 – Declare the variable as Integer.

3 – Create a loop of 6 iterations (6 columns in the dataset). It starts from row 4.

4 – The VBA Case assigns the column names (City and Category).

5 – Delete the assigned columns.


  • Go back to the workbook.
  • Pressing F5 for the 1st time deletes the 1st assigned column (City).

1st time macro execution

  • To delete the 2nd assigned column, press F5 again. The macro deletes the 2nd assigned column.

2nd time macro execution

Method 5 – Deleting a Specific Column from a Table

To delete a specific column:

method-5-1-Delete Columns Based On Header Using VBA in Excel

  • Open Microsoft Visual Basic and insert a Module.
  • Enter the following code.
Sub Delete_ColHeader_Table()
Dim wrkTable As ListObject
Dim wrkSheet As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
Dim colNum As String
Set wrkTable = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1")
Set wrkSheet = Sheet4
colNum = "Category" 'case sensitive name
For i = 1 To wrkTable.ListColumns.Count
With wrkSheet
If wrkTable.ListColumns(i).Name = colNum Then
Exit For
End If
End With
Next i
End Sub

method-5 macro

In the code:

1 – Start the macro by setting the Sub name.

2 – Declare the variables as ListObject, Worksheet, Integer, and String.

3 – Assign variables: wrkTable to Table1, wrkSheet to Sheet4 and colNum to Category.

4 – Create a loop to count the Table columns.

5 – Delete the column that matches the colNum.

  • Press F5 to run the macro.
  • Go back to the workbook.

This is the output.

method-5 final result

Method 6 – Using VBA to Delete Multiple Columns

Use an asterisk (*) to name one or two columns.

method-6-1-Delete Columns Based On Header Using VBA in Excel

  • Open Microsoft Visual Basic and insert a Module.
  • Enter the following code.
Sub Delete_columns_withSPChrctr()
For i = ActiveSheet.Columns.Count To 1 Step -1
If InStr(1, Cells(4, i), "*") Then Columns(i).EntireColumn.Delete
Next i
End Sub

method-6 macro

In the code:

1 – Start the macro by setting the Sub name.

2 – Assign the active worksheet to count columns.

3 – The VBA InStr function searches for the asterisk (*) in the column headers. After finding a match, VBA deletes the column.

  • Press F5 to run the macro.
  • Go back to the worksheet.

This is the output.

method-6 final result


Read More: How to Delete Multiple Columns by Number Using VBA in Excel

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Maruf Islam
Maruf Islam

MARUF ISLAM is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a superhero tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including ABACUS, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Maxsurf, and Hydromax. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, and now he's switched gears, working as a content developer. In this role, he creates techy content... Read Full Bio

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