How to Create a New Workbook and Name It Using Excel VBA (6 Methods)

Method 1 – Using the Add Method

We’ll use the below workbook with several Worksheets. In the first method, we will create a new workbook and name it using the Add Method in Excel VBA.

Using Add Method to Create New Workbook and Name It in Excel VBA

Open the Visual Basic Editor:

  • Go to the Developer tab and select Visual Basic.

Insert a New Module:

  • Insert a new module from the Insert menu.

Using Add Method to Create New Workbook and Name It in Excel VBA

Enter the Code:

  • Copy and paste the following code into the module:
Sub Using_Add_Method_Create_New_Workbook_With_Name()
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="F:\Using Add Method.xlsx"
End Sub

Code Breakdown

    • We created a Sub Procedure as Using_Add_Method_Create_New_Workbook_With_Name().
    • Used the Add Method and created a new workbook.
    • Saved the workbook using the SaveAs Method where I declared the Folder name and named it Using Add Method.
  • Click Save and go back to your worksheet.

Using Add Method to Create New Workbook and Name It in Excel VBA

Run the Macro:

  • Go to the Developer tab >> click on Macros.
  • Select Using_Add_Method_Create_New_Workbook_with_Name.

  • Press F5 to execute the macro.

Using Add Method to Create New Workbook and Name It in Excel VBA

  • A new workbook will be created and saved as “Using Add Method.xlsx” in the specified folder.

Method 2 – Applying the Set Object

Open the Visual Basic Editor:

  • Go to the Developer tab and select Visual Basic.

Applying Set Object to Create New Workbook and Name It in Excel VBA

Insert a New Module:

  • Insert a new module following the same steps as in Method 1.

Enter the Code:

  • Copy and paste the following code into the module:
Sub Applying_Set_Object_Create_New_Workbook_With_Name()
    Dim New_Workbook As Workbook
    Set New_Workbook = Workbooks.Add
    New_Workbook.SaveAs Filename:="F:\Applying Set Object.xlsx"
End Sub

Code Breakdown

    • We created a Sub Procedure as Applying_Set_Object_Create_New_Workbook_With_Name().
    • Declared New_Workbook as Workbook.
    • Created a new workbook using the Add Method and set it as New_Workbook.
    • Saved the workbook using the SaveAs Method where I also mention the Path and named it Applying Set Object.
  • Save go back to your worksheet.

Applying Set Object to Create New Workbook and Name It in Excel VBA

Run the Macro:

  • Go to the Developer tab >> click on Macros.

  • The Macros box will appear.
  • Select Applying_Set_Object_Create_New_Workbook_with_Name.
  • Execute the macro by clicking the Run button.

Applying Set Object to Create New Workbook and Name It in Excel VBA

  • A new workbook will be created and saved as “Applying Set Object.xlsx” in the specified folder.

Method 3 – Creating and Naming a New Workbook Using a Command Button

  • Go to the Developer tab in Excel.
  • Click Insert and select Command Button from the ActiveX Controls.

Using Command Button by Creating and Naming New Workbook

  • Insert the Command Button into your worksheet and Right-click on it.

  • Choose CommandButton Object and then select Edit.

Using Command Button by Creating and Naming New Workbook

  • Rename the Command Button to Create New Workbook.

  • Now, a Command Button is added to your worksheet.

Using Command Button by Creating and Naming New Workbook

  • Right-click on the Command Button again and click View Code.

  • Enter the following code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim New_Workbook As Workbook
Set New_Workbook = Workbooks.Add
    New_Workbook.SaveAs Filename:="F:\Using Command Button.xlsx"
End Sub

Using Command Button by Creating and Naming New Workbook

Code Breakdown

  • We created a Private Sub Procedure called CommandButton1_Click().
  • Declared New_Workbook as a Workbook.
  • Created a new workbook using the Add Method and set it as New_Workbook.
  • Saved the workbook using the SaveAs Method, specifying the path and naming it Using Command Button.
  • Click the Save button and return to your worksheet.

  • Click Design Mode from the Developer tab.

Using Command Button by Creating and Naming New Workbook

  • Click the Command Button to create a new workbook named Using Command Button.

Method 4 – Creating a New Workbook by Copying an Existing Worksheet

  • Go to the Developer tab >> select Visual Basic.

Use of Copy Method to Create New Workbook by Copying an Existing Worksheet

  • Insert a module (following the step shown in Method 1).
  • Enter the following code in your Module:
Sub Use_of_Copy_Method()
    Dim New_Workbook As Workbook
    Worksheets("Use of Copy Method").Copy
    Set New_Workbook = ActiveWorkbook
    New_Workbook.SaveAs Filename:="F:\Use of Copy Method.xlsx"
End Sub

Code Breakdown

    • We created a Sub Procedure as Use_of_Copy_Method().
    • Declared New_Workbook as Workbook.
    • Copied the worksheet using the Copy Method.
    • Set the New_Workbook as Active Workbook .
    • Saved the workbook with the path and name Use of Copy Method.
  • Save the module (following the step shown in Method 1) and return to your worksheet.
  • Go to the Developer tab >> click on Macros.

Use of Copy Method to Create New Workbook by Copying an Existing Worksheet

  • Select Use_of_Copy_Method.

  • Click Run to create a new workbook named Use of Copy Method.

Use of Copy Method to Create New Workbook by Copying an Existing Worksheet

Method 5 – Using Move Method to Create New Workbook by Moving an Existing Worksheet

  • Open Excel and go to the Developer tab.
  • Select Visual Basic to open the VBA editor.

Using Move Method to Create New Workbook by Moving an Existing Worksheet and Name it in Excel VBA

  • Insert a module (following the step shown in Method 1).
  • Enter the following code in your Module.
Sub Using_Move_Method()
    Dim New_Workbook As Workbook
    Worksheets("Using Move Method").Move
    Set New_Workbook = ActiveWorkbook
    New_Workbook.SaveAs Filename:="F:\Using Move Method.xlsx"
End Sub

Code Breakdown

  • We created a Sub Procedure as Using_Move_Method().
  • Declared New_Workbook as Workbook.
  • Used the Move Method to move this worksheet.
  • Set the New_Workbook as Active Workbook .
  • Saved the workbook with the Path and name Using Move Method.
  • Save the module (following the step from Method 1) and return to your worksheet.
  • Go to the Developer tab and click on Macros.

Using Move Method to Create New Workbook by Moving an Existing Worksheet and Name it in Excel VBA

  • Select Using_Move_Method.
  • Click Run.

  • A new workbook named Using Move Method will be created.

Using Move Method to Create New Workbook by Moving an Existing Worksheet and Name it in Excel VBA

Method 6 – Creating a New Workbook Using the Range Object

  • Go to the Developer tab and select Visual Basic.

Applying Range Object to Create a New Workbook and Name it According to Cell Value in Excel VBA

  • Insert a module (following the step from Method 1).
  • Enter the following code in your Module:
Sub Applying_Range_Object()
Dim New_Workbook As String
New_Workbook = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(6).Range("B2").Value
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=New_Workbook & ".xls"
End Sub

Code Breakdown

  • We created a Sub Procedure calles Applying_Range_Object().
  • Declared New_Workbook as a String.
  • Set New_Workbook value as the content of Cell B2 from the Active Workbook.
  • Added a new workbook using the Add Method.
  • Saved the workbook with the name based on the value in Cell B2
  • Save the module (following the step from Method 1) and return to your worksheet.
  • Go to the Developer tab, click on Macros.

Applying Range Object to Create a New Workbook and Name it According to Cell Value in Excel VBA

  • Select Applying_Range_Object.
  • Click Run.

Applying Range Object to Create a New Workbook and Name it According to Cell Value in Excel VBA

  • A new workbook named according to the text in Cell B2 from the active sheet will be created.

Applying Range Object to Create a New Workbook and Name it According to Cell Value in Excel VBA

Read More: Excel VBA Calculate Workbook

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Arin Islam
Arin Islam

Anowara Islam Arin, a graduate of Civil Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh, serves as a technical content creator in the ExcelDemy project. Possessing a passion for innovation and critical thinking, she actively embraces challenges. Beyond her engineering background, Arin exhibits a keen interest in Excel, having authored numerous articles on Excel & VBA-related issues to simplify the experience for users facing obstacles in Excel. Besides, she is also interested in Advanced Excel,... Read Full Bio

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