How to Get Filename from Path in Excel: 7 Simple Methods

Method 1 – Use Find and Replace Feature to Get Filename from Path


  • Select cells (B5:B11) from the worksheet with paths.
  • Selecting cells press Ctrl+H from the keyboard.

Use Find and Replace Feature to Get Filename from Path in Excel

  • A new window will appear. From the appeared window, type “*\” in the “Find what” box and click “Replace All”.

  • Get the filename from the path within the same column.

Use Find and Replace Feature to Get Filename from Path in Excel

Method 2 – Combine LEN, SUBSTITUTE, FIND, and MID Functions to Get Filename from PathSteps:

  • Select a cell (C5) and write the following formula down-

Combine LEN, SUBSTITUTE, FIND, and MID Functions to Get Filename from Path in Excel

Formula Breakdown:

  • LEN(B5): Here, the LEN function returns the total length which is 34.
  • LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B5,”\”,””): The SUBSTITUTE function substitutes this “\” character with blanks resulting in “C:UsersPublicPicturesDeer baby”. The LEN function returns the total length which is 30.
  • SUBSTITUTE(B5,”\”,”*”,34-30): In this argument, the SUBSTITUTE function returns the character substituting with “*”.
  • FIND(“*”,C:\Users\Public\Pictures*Deer baby): The FIND function will find the position of the character(*) displaying an output of 25 meaning it’s in the 25th position.
  • =MID(B5,25+1, LEN(B5): The MID function extracts 30 characters from the string, starting from the 25th position. The result stands as “Deer baby”.
  • Press Enter and drag down the “fill handle” to fill all the cells.
  • We have successfully got the filename from the path in Excel.
  • Combine LEN, SUBSTITUTE, FIND, and MID Functions to Get Filename from Path in Excel

    Method 3 – Combine REPT, SUBSTITUTE, RIGHT, and TRIM Functions to Get Filename from Path


    • Choose a cell (C5) and write the following formula down-
    =TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(B5,"\",REPT(" ",100)),99))

    Combine REPT, SUBSTITUTE, RIGHT, and TRIM Functions to Get Filename from Path in Excel

    • Hit Enter and pull the “fill handle” to get the result in all cells.

    Method 4 – Combine CHOOSECOLS and TEXTSPLIT Functions to Get Filename from Path


    • Choose a cell (C5) and write the following formula down-

    Formula Combining CHOOSECOLS and TEXTSPLIT Functions to Get the File Name from Path

    • Hit Enter and pull the “fill handle” to get the result in all cells.

    File Names from Path Combining CHOOSECOLS and TEXTSPLIT Functions

    Method 5 – Merge SUBSTITUTE, LEN, CHAR, FIND, MID, and IFERROR Functions to Get Filename Without Extension from Path


    • Choose a cell (C5) to apply the formula-

    Perform SUBSTITUTE, LEN, CHAR, FIND, MID, and IFERROR Functions to Get Filename Without Extension from Path in Excel

    • Enter the key and then drag the “fill handle” down.
    • Within a moment, your output will be in your hands.

    Method 6 – Create a User Defined Function to Get Filename from Path


    • Press Alt+F11 to open the “Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications”.

    Create a User Defined Function to Get Filename from Path

    • Click the “Module” option from the “Insert” feature.

    • In the module put the following code-
    Function GetFileName(FullPath As String) As String
    Dim List As Variant
    List = VBA.Split(FullPath, "\")
    GetFileName = List(UBound(List, 1))
    End Function

    Create a User Defined Function to Get Filename from Path

    • Without moving here and there, just save the code and minimize the VBA window.
    • Choose a cell (C5), type your defined function within the cell, and put the cell (B5) inside the brackets of the defined function-

    • Press Enter and drag down the “fill handle” to get the output inside the new column.

    Create a User Defined Function to Get Filename from Path

    Method 7 – Apply VBA Code to Get Filename from Path


    • Press Alt+F11 to open the “Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications” window.

    Apply VBA Code to Get Filename from Path in Excel

    • Select “Module” from the “Insert” option.

    • Inside the new module write the following code down and press the “Run” icon from the top ribbon-
    Sub filePath()
    Dim filename As String
    Dim x As Variant
    For Each cell In ActiveSheet.Range("B5:B11")
    x = Split(cell.Value, Application.PathSeparator)
    filename = x(UBound(x))
    cell.Value = filename
    Next cell
    End Sub

    Apply VBA Code to Get Filename from Path in Excel

    • Get only the filename from the path in your Excel worksheet.

    Apply VBA Code to Get Filename from Path in Excel

    Things to Remember

    In method 7, I have chosen a range (B5:B11) as I am applying the code for those cells. If you are applying the same VBA code don’t forget to change the cell range.

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    Kawser Ahmed
    Kawser Ahmed

    Kawser Ahmed is a Microsoft Excel Expert, Udemy Course Instructor, Data Analyst, Finance professional, and Chief Editor of ExcelDemy. He is the founder and CEO of SOFTEKO (a software and content marketing company). He has a B.Sc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. As a Udemy instructor, he offers 8 acclaimed Excel courses, one selected for Udemy Business. A devoted MS Excel enthusiast, Kawser has contributed over 200 articles and reviewed thousands more. His expertise extends to Data Analysis,... Read Full Bio

    1. or you could just use =CHOOSECOLS(TEXTSPLIT(a1,””),-1)

      • Hi Liam,
        Thank you for taking the time to comment on our blog and for suggesting a shorter method for the task that is demonstrated. We appreciate your input and always welcome new ideas.

        After carefully considering your formula, I noticed there was a backslash “\” missing from the col_delimiter argument of the TEXTSPLIT() function inside the formula. To ensure the best results, modify your formula like this: =CHOOSECOLS(TEXTSPLIT(A1,"\"),-1) (Assuming the full path address is inside the cell A1).

        We value your engagement and encourage you to keep sharing your thoughts and ideas. It’s through constructive discussions like this that we can all learn and improve. Thanks again for your comment!

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