Split Names in Excel

How to Split Names in Excel into Two Columns (4 Quick Ways)

In column B5:B10, we have full names. Let's split these names into the First Names and Last Names columns. Method 1 - Using the Convert ...

Separate First and Last Name with Space Using Excel Formula (3 Ways)

In Excel, often we need to separate first and last names. Separating first name and last name can be done with flash fill and formulas. In this ...

How to Split First Name and Last Name with Excel VBA – 3 Examples

  Introduction to VBA Split, InStr, InStrRev, Left and Right Functions The VBA Split Function: is used to split a string into substrings. ...

How to Split Names Using Formula in Excel: 5 Easy Methods

Method 1 - Extract First Name Steps Select cell C5 where you want to apply the formula to extract the first name. Write down the ...

How to Split Names with Comma in Excel: 3 Suitable Methods

Method 1 - Split Names with Comma Using Text to Columns in Excel Steps: Select all the cells containing cells separated by a comma. In this ...

How to Separate First Name Middle Name and Last Name in Excel Using Formula

This article will show how to separate the first name, middle name, and last name using Excel formula. To get a quick view of the formulas, consider ...

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