How to Make Daily Vehicle Mileage and Fuel Report in Excel

This tutorial will demonstrate how to make daily vehicle mileage and the fuel report in Excel. A Daily vehicle mileage and fuel report must keep a record of all fuel received and all miles traveled. We have to make a new daily vehicle mileage and fuel report if we take an alternate vehicle. So, let’s start the discussion right away.

How to Make Daily Vehicle Mileage and Fuel Report in Excel: Step-by-Step Procedures

Throughout this article, we will see step-by-step procedures to make a daily vehicle mileage and fuel report in Excel. We can also use the report as a template that we will create in this article. In the following image, we can see the final template. In this article, we will create this template using step-by-step procedures.

Step-by-Step Procedures to Make Daily Vehicle Mileage and Fuel Report in Excel

STEP 1: Create Information Field for Carrier, Vehicle, and Stoppage

In the first step, we will add information for the carrier, vehicle, and different stoppages in the daily vehicle mileage and fuel report. Follow the below instructions to do this part.

  • Firstly, we will insert the carrier information section in the cell range (B4:J6) like the following image.
  • This part will contain the Carrier Name, Carrier Address, City, State, and Zip Code.

Step-by-Step Procedures to Make Daily Vehicle Mileage and Fuel Report in Excel

  • Next, in cell range (B8:J10) add another section. Name the section ‘Trip and Vehicle Information’ like the following image.
  • This section will contain the Vehicle Driver’s Name, Vehicle Number, Trip Origin (City and State), and Trip Destination (City and State).

  • Then, insert a new section in the cell range (B2:J14).
  • In this section, we will keep the records of stoppages. It will tell us in which places the vehicle takes stoppages.

Read More: How to Create ZIP to ZIP Mileage Calculator in Excel

STEP 2: Make Information Field for Mileage and Fuel

  • Secondly, in the cell range (B16:J25) create a section like the following image.
  • In our daily vehicle mileage and fuel report, we will insert information about mileage and fuel in this part.

Step-by-Step Procedures to Make Daily Vehicle Mileage and Fuel Report in Excel

STEP 3: Add Certification Part

  • Thirdly, we will add the Certification section.
  • This part is a declaration. Here, we certify that the information that we are giving in this report is accurate and true.
  • As a result, we get a complete overview of our desired template in the following image.

Step-by-Step Procedures to Make Daily Vehicle Mileage and Fuel Report in Excel

STEP 4: Provide Necessary Instructions

In addition, we will provide some instructions to use the daily vehicle mileage and fuel report. We have represented the instructions in the following images. Let’s see the instructions that we will follow.

  • First, provide instructions for Carrier Information in cell range (B4:D5).
  • Next, in cell range (B7:D11) add instructions for ‘Vehicle and Trip Information’.
  • Also, type information about the stoppages of the vehicle.

Step-by-Step Procedures to Make Daily Vehicle Mileage and Fuel Report in Excel

  • Then, type instructions for mileage and fuel information.
  • Write the instructions like the following image to calculate the total miles traveled.

  • Now, provide the instructions for Fuel Information, Total Gallons, and Miles Per Gallon.
  • Finally, give instructions to ‘Calculate Miles Per Gallon’.

STEP 5: Insert Mileage and Fuel Summary

  • Lastly, we will summarize the Individual Vehicle Mileage Report (IVMR) for the above trip in this section.
  • To summarize, we will create a Jurisdiction, Mileage, and Gals section in our daily vehicle mileage and fuel report.

Step-by-Step Procedures to Make Daily Vehicle Mileage and Fuel Report in Excel

Read More: How to Create Gas Mileage Calculator in Excel

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In conclusion, this tutorial shows step-by-step procedures for making a daily vehicle mileage and fuel report in Excel. Use the practice worksheet that comes with this article to put your skills to the test. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below. Our team will try our best to respond to you as quickly as possible. Keep an eye out on our site ExcelDemy for more creative Microsoft Excel solutions in the future.

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Mukesh Dipto
Mukesh Dipto

Mukesh Dipto is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a superhero tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, AutoCAD, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WordPress. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, and now he's switched gears, working as a content developer. In this role, he... Read Full Bio

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