Find Max Value and Corresponding Cell in Excel (5 Quick Methods)

Finding the max value and corresponding cell means looking for the maximum value(s) from a dataset and returning the cell location of the value.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to find the max value and corresponding cell in Excel.
Look at the following image. Here we have an employee dataset with their ID, name, joining year, and salary. We figured out the employee name with the highest salary. And also we got the cell location of those values.

Overview image of Find max value and corresponding cellFinding the max value and corresponding cells can be done by using Excel formulas and VBA code. Some Excel formulas will return the first max value with the corresponding cell from a dataset. Some other Excel formulas can return all the corresponding cells with the maximum value. We have also shown how to determine the max value and corresponding cell based on criteria.

1. Using Excel Formula to Find First Max Value and Corresponding Cell

By Combining Excel INDEX and MATCH Functions with other Excel Functions such as MAX, LARGE, AGGREGATE, and SUBTOTAL functions, we will find the first maximum value and corresponding cell in a single dataset.

Note: The INDEX-MATCH Formula only delivers the first data if two or multiple maximum values exist.

Here we are considering the below sample dataset containing Employee ID, Employee Name, Joining Year, and Salary. There are Jack Alfred and Alisha Stokes in the C13 and C14 cell who get the maximum salary of $35,000. However, the INDEX-MATCH formula returns only Jack Alfred since it is the first value in the dataset.

sample dataset for Excel find max value and corresponding cell

We can determine the maximum salary by applying the MAX function. We will use INDEX-MATCH formula along with the MAX function to extract the name of the employee who gets the maximum salary. Later, the CELL function can be applicable to achieve the cell reference of maximum salary.

Step 1: Finding Max Salary

The steps required steps are as follows:

  • Initially, we obtain $35,000 in the H5 cell by inserting the formula below.

Using the MAX function to get the highest salary.


To get the Max value in the cell H5, you can also use any of the following formulas and these will give you the same output:


Step 2: Finding Employee Name with Maximum Salary

Then, we get Jack Alfred in the H8 cell, the employee who gets the maximum salary with the formula as follows. But didn’t pick Alisha Stokes who also gets the max salary of $35000.


Combining INDEX, MAX, and MATCH functions to get the first employee name with the maximum salary.


The alternative formulas to find the employee name (in cell H8) with maximum salary are:


Step 3: Finding the Corresponding Cell Location with the Maximum Value

In the cell H11, we input this formula:

=CELL("address", INDEX(B6:E18, MATCH(MAX(E6:E18), E6:E18, 0),4))

This formula shows the cell reference $E$13. Because the E13 cell stores the first maximum value of $35000 in the Salary column.

Using the Excel CELL function to find the corresponding cell location of max value.

The alternative formulas to find the cell references of maximum salary are:

=ADDRESS(MATCH(MAX(E6:E18), E6:E18, 0) + ROW(E5), 5)
The syntax of the CELL Function is CELL(info_type,[reference]). The reference is optional. So, the CELL function returns the cell reference itself if we omit the reference.

Formula Breakdown

  • INDEX(B6:E18,MATCH(MAX(E6:E18),E6:E18,0),2) => The MAX(E6:E18) returns 35000, the maximum value in the E6:E18 range.
  • INDEX(B6:E18,MATCH(35000,E6:E18,0),2) => The MATCH(35000,E6:E18,0) returns 8 which is the row number of the selected range.
  • INDEX((B6:E18,8,2) => The INDEX function returns the $E$13 cell which is the 8th row and 2nd column of the B6:E18 range.

2. Finding Max Value and Corresponding Cell from Multiple Excel Ranges

The MAX function not only considers adjacent cells but also non-adjacent cells. The function also finds the maximum value and corresponding cell location in Excel.

  • Inserting the formula with non-adjacent cells, we achieve $35,000 in the H5 cell.

Using the MAX function with multiple ranges to get the highest salary.

  • Next, we get the Jack Alfred in the H8 cell by applying the formula as follows.

Combining INDEX, MAX, and MATCH functions to get the first employee name with the maximum salary.

  • Further, we get $E$15 cell reference of the highest value by applying the following formula.

Using the Excel CELL function to find the corresponding cell location of the max value.

Read More: How to Find Max Value in Range with Excel Formula

3. Using Excel Formulas to Find Corresponding Multiple Cells with Max Value

Unlike the previous method, in this section, we will find out multiple maximum values and their corresponding cell location by applying combinations of the TEXTJOIN-IF-MAX formula and the FILTER-MAX formula in Excel.

3.1 Combining TEXTJOIN and IF Functions

Here, we will combine TEXTJOIN and IF Functions to find corresponding multiple cells with Max Value.

By applying the MAX function we get the maximum value from the Salary range. Then IF function picks up the employee names who get the maximum salary. After that, the TEXTJOIN function adds all the names with a delimiter.

Please follow the necessary steps:

  • By applying the following formula, we get Jack Alfred, Alisha Stokes in the H5 cell.
=TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, IF(E6:E18=MAX(E6:E18), C6:C18, ""))

Merging TEXTJOIN, IF, and MAX functions to get multiple employee names with maximum salary.

  • Lastly, we obtain the E13, E14 cell references by inserting the formula as follows.
=TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, IF(E6:E18=MAX(E6:E18), "E" & ROW(E6:E18), ""))

Merging TEXTJOIN, IF, ROW and MAX functions to get multiple cell locations with maximum salary.

3.2 Merging FILTER, MAX and TEXTJOIN Functions

The MAX function determines the maximum value. Then, the FILTER function filters those maximum values and shows them.

Please check out the required steps:

  • Enter the following formula in Cell G7 and you will see the employee name with maximum salary.

Joining FILTER, and MAX functions to get multiple employee names with maximum salary.

  • Now enter the following formula in cell I7 and you will get the corresponding cell location of max values.
=TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, IF(E6:E18=MAX(E6:E18), "E" & ROW(C6:C18), ""))

Combining TEXTJOIN, IF, ROW, and MAX functions to get multiple cell references containing maximum salary.

4. Finding Corresponding Multiple Cells with Max Value Based on Criteria

In this section, we will discuss how to find multiple maximum values and their corresponding cell references based on criteria. The combination of the MAX, IF, TEXTJOIN and TEXTSPLIT functions is applicable for single and multiple criteria; Besides, the combination of IF, MAXIFS, TEXTJOIN, and TEXTSPLIT functions is also useful for multiple criteria.

4.1 Combining MAX, IF, TEXTJOIN and TEXTSPLIT Functions for Single Criterion

Suppose we are likely to find the maximum salary of employees who joined after 2018. Using the MAX, IF, TEXTJOIN, and TEXTSPLIT functions we can find the multiple employees with max salary and their corresponding cell references based on a single criterion.

Please follow the necessary steps below:

  • Enter the following formula in cell G9 and press Enter. You will get the employee names in an array format.
=IFERROR(TEXTSPLIT(TEXTJOIN(",", TRUE,IF((D6:D18 > H5)*(E6:E18 = MAX(IF(D6:D18 > H5, E6:E18))), C6:C18, ""),),,","),"")

Combining IFERROR, TEXTSPLIT, TEXTJOIN, IF and MAX functions to find employee name with maximum salary based on single criterion.

  • Now enter the following formula in cell H9 and you will get the corresponding cell location of max values.
=IFERROR(CELL("address",INDEX($E$6:$E$18, MATCH(G9, $C$6:$C$18, 0),1)),"")

Using IFERROR, INDEX, MATCH and CELL to get cell addresses with maximum salary.

  • Further, we get the cell locations of maximum salary by dragging the Fill Handle tool.

employee names and corresponding cell locations of max value for joining year after 2018.

Note: Drag the Fill Handle tool till you get the cell location of each employee.

4.2 Joining MAX, IF, TEXTJOIN and TEXTSPLIT Functions for Multiple Criteria

Assume, we want to find the employees with the maximum salary who joined between 2020 to 2023. Using Excel MAX, IF, TEXTJOIN, and TEXTSPLIT functions we can find multiple employees with max salary and their corresponding cell references based on multiple criteria.

Please follow the necessary steps below:

  • Write the following formula in cell G10 and press Enter. You will get the employee names in an array format.
=IFERROR(TEXTSPLIT(TEXTJOIN(",", TRUE, IF((D6:D18 >=H5)*(D6:D18 <=H6), IF(E6:E18 = MAX(IF((D6:D18 >=H5)*(D6:D18 <=H6), E6:E18)), C6:C18, ""), ""),),,","),"")

Combining IFERROR, TEXTSPLIT, TEXTJOIN, IF and MAX functions to find employee name with maximum salary based on multiple criteria.

  • Now input the following formula in the H10 cell and you will get the corresponding cell reference of max values.
=IFERROR(CELL("address",INDEX($E$6:$E$18, MATCH(G10, $C$6:$C$18, 0),1)),"")

Using IFERROR, INDEX, MATCH and CELL to find cell addresses with maximum salary.

4.3 Merging IF, MAXIFS, TEXTJOIN and TEXTSPLIT Functions for Multiple Criteria

Like the previous method, we can also find multiple employees with max salary and their corresponding cell references based on multiple criteria. Here, we will use Excel MAXIFS, IF, TEXTJOIN, and TEXTSPLIT functions.

Please follow the necessary steps below:

  • Insert the following formula in cell G10 and press Enter. You will get the employee names in an array format.
=IFERROR(TEXTSPLIT(TEXTJOIN(",", TRUE, IF((D6:D18 >=H5)*(D6:D18 <=H6), IF(E6:E18 =MAXIFS(E6:E18, D6:D18, ">="&H5, D6:D18, "<="&H6), C6:C18, ""), "")),,","),"")

Combining IFERROR, TEXTJOIN, TEXTSPLIT, IF, and MAXIFS functions to find employee names with maximum salary based on multiple criteria

  • Now write the following formula in the H10 cell and you will get the corresponding location that contains max values.
=IFERROR(CELL("address",INDEX($E$6:$E$18, MATCH(G10, $C$6:$C$18, 0),1)),"")

Using IFERROR, INDEX, MATCH and CELL to find cell addresses with maximum salary.

Read More: How to Find Maximum Value in Excel with Condition

5. Using VBA Macro to Find Multiple Max Values and Corresponding Cell Locations

In this section, you will learn to use the VBA Macro to find the max value and corresponding cell in Excel. As you know, Excel functions and formulas find max values but fail to determine corresponding cell locations from multiple ranges.

We are considering the dataset as follows which contains some random numbers and 120 is the highest number that is located in E8, E10, and C16 cells.

sample dataset to find max value and corresponding cell locations

Sub Find_Multiple_Max_Values_And_Addresses_from_Range()
Dim rng As Range
Dim maxVal As Double
Dim results() As String
Dim i As Long
Dim CellAddress As String
Dim outputRange As Range
Set rng = Application.InputBox("Select a range:", Type:=8)
ReDim results(1 To rng.Cells.Count)
i = 1
maxVal = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(rng)
For Each cell In rng
    If cell.Value = maxVal Then
        results(i) = cell.Address
        i = i + 1
    End If
Next cell
If i > 1 Then
    ReDim Preserve results(1 To i - 1)
    CellAddress = Join(results, ", ")
    Set outputRange = Application.InputBox("Select an output location:", Type:=8)
    outputRange.Value = maxVal
    outputRange.Offset(2, 0).Value = CellAddress
End If
End Sub
  • Then Click as follows: Developer => Macro.
  • Next, you will get a Macro dialog box and click Find_Multiple_Max_Values_and_Addresses_from_Range => Run.

Selecting and running VBA Macro

Code Breakdown

  1. Initially, we created a sub-procedure named Find_Multiple_Max_Values_And_Addresses_from_Range.
Sub Find_Multiple_Max_Values_And_Addresses_from_Range()
End Sub
  1. Then, we insert the input range using the Application.InputBox property with the rng variable. Also, declaring rng as the Range variable.
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Application.InputBox("Select a range:", Type:=8)
  1. Next, we count the cells of the rng range using Cells.Count property and take the input range in an array. So, we declare results() As String variable.
Dim results() As String
ReDim results(1 To rng.Cells.Count)
  1. After that, by inserting the Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(rng) statement, we apply Excel MAX function to figure out the maximum value.
Dim maxVal As Double
maxVal = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(rng)
  1. Now, we must run a For loop to consider all the cell values from the rng range from where cell locations will be extracted based on a logical statement.
For Each cell In rng
[Logical Statement]
Next cell
  1. Further, picking up the value of cell using cell.Value property and compare it with the maximum value. So, initialization with the 1st value with statement i = 1 and increment takes place gradually with i = i+1 statement. If it is maximum then get the cell reference using cell.Address property. In the meantime, all the cell locations containing maximum values are restored in the results(i) array.
Dim i As Long
i = 1
If cell.Value = maxVal Then
        results(i) = cell.Address
        i = i + 1
End If
  1. If the value of results(i) is more than 1 then combine the cell references with the Excel Join property. The CellAddress is the assigned variable which is String type.
Dim CellAddress As String
If i > 1 Then
    ReDim Preserve results(1 To i - 1)
    CellAddress = Join(results, ", ")
End If
  1. Finally, we select the output locations by writing outputRange variable with Application.InputBox property. So, we declare outputRange variable as Range. outputRange.Value and outputRange.Offset(2, 0).Value properties result in maximum value and corresponding cell references in Excel.
Dim outputRange As Range
Set outputRange = Application.InputBox("Select an output location:", Type:=8)
outputRange.Value = maxVal
outputRange.Offset(2, 0).Value = CellAddress
  • Thus, an Input dialog box appears and selects $B$6:$E$18 range => OK.

Selecting input ranges

  • Next, another Input dialog box appears and selects the $H$5 range => OK.

Selecting output location

  • Therefore, we obtain the max value of 120 in the H6 cell and their cell locations $E$8, $E$10, $C$16 in the worksheet.

finding max value and corresponding multiple cell locations in Excel

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In short, the INDEX-MATCH formula with MAX, LARGE, AGGREGATE, or SUBTOTAL functions returns the first max value and the corresponding cell only. On the contrary, a combination of the TEXTJOIN-IF and FILTER-MAX-TEXTJOIN formulas returns two or multiple data for max values and corresponding cells. Besides, the combination of the MAX, IF, TEXTJOIN, and TEXTSPLIT Functions is useful when single and multiple criteria are applied. Further, the combination of IF, MAXIFS, TEXTJOIN, and TEXTSPLIT functions is also applicable to multiple criteria. Further, VBA Macro is essential to find out the maximum values and their cell locations from two or multiple ranges. Hope this article makes your learning easier. Please leave your thoughts, suggestions, and any queries in the comment section.

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MD Tanvir Rahman
MD Tanvir Rahman

MD Tanvir Rahman, BUET graduate in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, dedicated over a year to the ExcelDemy project. He is an Excel and VBA Content Developer. Having authored 50+ insightful articles, he actively updates and improves over 80 articles, reflecting his commitment to accuracy and currency, managing day-to-day operations, and analyzing and developing Excel and VBA tutorials. His broad interests encompass Data Analysis, Advanced Excel, VBA Macro, Excel Templates, Excel Automation, and Excel Power Query, showcasing a... Read Full Bio

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