How to Filter Data Based on Cell Value in Excel (4 Easy Methods)

Filtering data based on cell values in Excel is a process that allows you to display only the rows that meet specific criteria or conditions set by users.

In this Excel tutorial, you will learn how to filter data based on cell value in Excel using 4 useful methods with some practical examples and cases.

Have a look at the following GIF, it shows the filtered rows based on the device name from the drop-down selection.

1-How to Filter Data Based on Cell Value in Excel

Filtering data based on cell value can be performed using several methods like keyboard shortcut, Filter command, FILTER function, and VBA. We covered some practical examples and cases to give you a better understanding.

1. Apply Keyboard Shortcut to Filter Data Based on Cell Value

In our very first method, you will learn a keyboard shortcut to filter data based on a cell value in Excel. It’s a very fast approach that will save you time when you want to filter your data based on a cell value in your dataset.

But before that, get introduced to our dataset that contains some companies’ devices, model names, origins, release dates, and corresponding prices.

2-Dataset to filter based on cell value

  • First, select a cell for which value you want to filter your dataset. Here, we’ll filter for origin ‘USA’.
  • Then, press and hold the Menu key on your keyboard and press E + V.

3-Applying keyboard shortcut to filter data based on cell value

  • Instantly, the Filter command will be activated and it will show the filtered rows based on your selection.

2. Filter Data Based on Cell Value by Using Filter Command

Now, we’ll use the Filter command from the Home tab in this method to filter our data based on the ‘USA’ origin.

  • Select any cell of your dataset.
  • Then click as follows: Home >> Editing >> Sort & Filter >> Filter.

5-Applying Filter command to filter data based on cell value

  • Soon after, the Sort & Filter icon will be visible in every header of your dataset.
  • Click on the Sort & Filter icon of the ‘Origin’ header and mark ‘USA’ from the list.

6-Filtering data for USA region

Here’s the filtered result.

7-Filtered data for USA region

3. Apply FILTER Function to Filter Data Based on Cell Value

In this section, we’ll use the FILTER function to filter data based on cell values in Excel. We’ll cover 6 different types of examples so that you can easily understand the uses of it.

Example 1: Filter for a Range

In this example, we’ll apply the FILTER function to filter the data based on a price range- $700 to $1000.

8-Dataset to apply FILTER function to filter data based on a range of price

  • Insert the following formula in cell B22 and hit the Enter button-
=FILTER(B6:G16, (G6:G16 >C18 )*(G6:G16<C19))

The formula will return the filtered result as an array like the image below.

9-Applying FILTER function to filter data based on a range of price

If you change the range values, it will instantly update the filter result as shown below.

10-GIF file of Applying the FILTER function to filter data based on a range of price

Example 2: Filter for Specific Text

Here, we’ll use the IFERROR, ISNUMBER, and SEARCH functions with the FILTER function to filter the data for specific text. The SEARCH function can search text for partial or exact matches, so we’ll be able to filter our data for any partial text. Let’s filter the data for the model name that has the term ‘ocd’.

  • Apply the following formula in cell B21 and press the Enter button-

11-Applying IFERROR, ISNUMBER, SEARCH, and FILTER functions to filter data for specific text

Here’s a GIF image to give the approach a better view. Whenever you type a text partially, it will return the matched result.

12-GIF file of applying IFERROR, ISNUMBER, SEARCH, and FILTER functions to filter data for specific text

  • If there happens no match with the criteria, we use the IFERROR function to avoid #CALC! It will return empty instead of #CALC! Error.

13-Using IFERROR function to avoid error while filtering for specific text

Example 3: Filter Data Based on Date

In this example, we’ll use the FILTER function to filter our dataset for a specific date.

  • Use the following formula in cell B21 to filter the data for the date 19-May-21:
=FILTER(B6:G16,F6:F16=C18,"No data")

14-Applying FILTER function to filter for a specific date

  • If the date doesn’t match with any date of our dataset, the FILTER function will return “No Data”.

15-FILTER function returning ‘No Data’ while getting no match with the date

Example 4: Dynamic Filter with Drop-Down List

In example 2, we used the SEARCH function with the FILTER function to filter data based on cell value with partial match. Here we’ll use the SEARCH function for complete text with a dynamic drop-down list created by the Data Validation tool.

  • Insert the following formula in cell B21 to filter the data for ‘Desktop’-

16-Applying ISNUMBER, SEARCH, and FILTER functions to filter data for an exact match

17-Inserting a drop-down list to filter data dynamically for an exact match

Example 5: Filter Out Rows with Blank Cells

Here, we’ll filter out the rows from our dataset that contain blank cells.  For that, we modified our dataset by keeping some blank cells in some rows as shown in the image below.

18-Dataset with some blank cells in different rows

  • Now insert the following formula in cell B19 and press Enter to filter out the rows with blank cells:
=FILTER(B6:G16,(C6:C16<>"")*(D6:D16<>""),"No Result")

19-Applying FILTER function to filter out rows with blank cells

Example 6: Filter for Case Sensitive Values

Now, we’ll use the EXACT function with the FILTER function to filter data by matching the exact case. Because the EXACT function is used to check if two or more than two text strings or values are exactly equal.

Have a look at our modified dataset, in the Origin column, there are two types of cases for the same origin- ‘USA’ and ‘usa’.

20-Dataset with some case-sensitive values in a column

  • Apply the following formula in cell B21 to filter the data for ‘usa’-

21-Applying EXACT and FILTER functions to filter for case-sensitive match

Here’s a better view, according to your typed case, the formula will return the result.

22-GIF file of the case-sensitive filter operation

4. VBA Code to Filter Data Based on Cell Value

In our last method, we’ll use VBA to filter based on cell value. We’ll show two useful cases.

Case 1: Filter for Top N Values

First, we’ll apply a VBA code to filter the data for top N values from the Price column.

  • Insert the following code after opening a new module-
Sub Filter_for_top_N()
Dim TopN As Variant
TopN = InputBox("Insert the value of N", "Filter for Top N Values")
ActiveSheet.Range("B5:G16").AutoFilter Field:=6, Criteria1:=TopN, Operator:=xlTop10Items
End Sub
  • Then run the code by clicking on the Run icon or by pressing F5.

23-VBA code to filter top N values of a column

  • An input box will open up to insert the value of N. We inserted 3.

24-Inseting the value of N to filter data

  • Soon after, the dataset will be filtered based on the top 3 values of the Price column.

25-Top 3 filtered price after applying VBA

Case 2: Filter with Drop-Down List

Now, we’ll use a VBA code with a drop-down list to filter the data based on the device name. We’ll create the drop-down list in cell B19.

26-Dataset to filter with a drop-down list

  • Remember, We’ll have to keep this code on the sheet, not in the module. For that, right-click your mouse on the sheet name.
  • Then select View Code from the context menu.

27-Opening Sheet in VBA to insert code

  • Keep the following code in the opened sheet-
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = Range("B19").Address Then
Range("B5:G16").CurrentRegion.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Range("B18:B19")
End If
End Sub

28-Inserting VBA code to filter for an exact match

  • Now, if we change the value in cell B19, the VBA code will automatically filter the data range according to that value.

29-Filtered result after applying VBA code

  • Finally, we added a drop-down list in cell B19 to filter by using easy selection.

30-Adding drop-down list after applying VBA code

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This article has shown 4 useful methods with some practical examples and cases to filter data based on cell value in Excel. We showed a VBA method and used drop-down lists to perform the filtering operation more dynamically. Filtering data based on cell values is especially valuable while performing data cleaning, identifying and isolating specific data points, and generating customized reports. Thanks for reading and please give your valuable feedback in the comment section.

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Md. Abdullah Al Murad
Md. Abdullah Al Murad

Md. Abdullah Al Murad is a computer engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. Programming, to him, is a time-saving tool for efficiently managing data, files, and internet tasks. He is proficient in C, C++, Python, JavaScript, HTML, SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Office, and VBA and goes beyond the basics. He holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from American International University-Bangladesh. He has transitioned into the role of a content developer. Beyond his work, find... Read Full Bio

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